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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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37 minutes ago, CowMan said:

He was actually a GP. 

He qualified as a Dr after intercalcating  his physiology  PhD into his medical degrees. He then started to train as a psychiatrist. Did about 15 months ( didn’t complete his training ) and then moved into tax.

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3 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Yes, but we aren’t at that stage yet.

True, but it is certainly mathematically possible for the number of active cases to drop whilst new cases are still appearing. In fact it is inevitable at some point past the peak of the current outbreak.

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5 minutes ago, Newbie said:

I don't quite follow the logic of that. If there are more cases who are deemed recovered than new cases on any particular day, then surely the number of active cases must drop that day?

Yes but we're talking about a situation where the number of new cases we are getting on a daily basis (65 yesterday) is higher than the number of possible recoveries there could be over the next six days (49 or so).  Everyone is forgetting that we've only had these very high numbers of new cases for a week.  New cases would have to drop to near zero for active cases to start going down in the next week.

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2 hours ago, Two-lane said:

A professional lifetime working on the design and development of military and avionics system - all safety critical systems. If a broad experience counts, I have worked in England, Germany and Italy - and have noted significant differences in cultural approach to problems in all three countries.

Ewart qualified as a medical doctor years ago. I assume, I hope, that her licence to practice has expired. I am not impressed by people who wave around titles that are no longer meaningful. I would have no regard for someone who claims to be an airline pilot but who last flew a Vickers Viscount - and such a person would not be allowed to fly anyway, as their licence would have expired - no currency.

There are people who do that. Malcolm Couch qualified as a phycologist and worked for maybe 6 months, and then worked for 27 years in finance and tax - but still insisted on being addressed as Doctor. He now works in the tourist industry. But some people are nevertheless impressed by such things.

In my time I have worked with people with PhDs, but all had an education relevant to the industry. Their combination of natural-born ability, experience and relevant education made them valuable to the company. Someone going to a engineering company and saying "Hey, I've got a PhD in History, I can run your radar systems division" would be laughable.

I have no wish to start yet another Internet flame-war, but your question "What qualifications do you have?" is both foolish and arrogant. The implication is that I need qualifications before I can make a criticism of someone else - that's nonsense.

Ewart made a stupid statement to the press. I pointed that out. Ewart has qualifications that are irrelevant to the job she is doing. I also pointed that out. I believe it was not unreasonable for me to do that.

If the covid problem was being handled adequately, there would be no comment from me. From my personal experience, let alone the comments on the forum, there is a great deal of incompetence being thrown around. The people at the top, including Ewart, are responsible.

Having worked exclusively on safety critical projects, I assure you that having good ideas is not enough. Never-ending attention to the dull boring details is essential. You can't have an aircraft half-way over the Atlantic and the blue screen of death comes up. That attention to detail is just not happening here.

So yes, my lifetime experience designing complex systems and solving problems qualifies me to make a comment about Ewart's abilities. And sarcastic comments about her PhD (History) are definitely on-topic. By the way, Magson has a degree in music.

[And, in spite of its length, this is not another blog from Rob Callister]


I think you have a case of false equivalency here.

Dr Ewart has been working as a public health professional as a number of years, and whilst doing that, also sought out her MA and PhD in an unrelated field.

That doesn't alter the years of experience she has in the medical field. It's not like she took a sabbatical for 30 years. You wouldn't disparage a radar expert, who'd happened to do a PhD in something that interested them, whilst continuing to work on cutting edge radar.

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1 minute ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

Probably lots of day 6 & 13 tests at this point.

Very possibly. I only know its busy cos a friend has just been, after feeling crappy and booking a test yesterday. They don't give you an 'I've been tested' sticker or a lollipop apparently.

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6 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

I think you have a case of false equivalency here.

Dr Ewart has been working as a public health professional as a number of years, and whilst doing that, also sought out her MA and PhD in an unrelated field.

That doesn't alter the years of experience she has in the medical field. It's not like she took a sabbatical for 30 years. You wouldn't disparage a radar expert, who'd happened to do a PhD in something that interested them, whilst continuing to work on cutting edge radar.

That's the key point and the bit lots don't get. You study in a field and that gets you on the first step. It's foundation knowledge. It's the experience you get in your lifetime that counts more than what you learned at university. 

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5 minutes ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

Probably lots of day 6 & 13 tests at this point.

Do we know if they are offering people day 6 tests?  Obviously some will have them because you might develop symptoms around then, but they only seem to have mentioned day 13 tests before now and I'm not sure they are even being offered those isolating with a case.

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1 minute ago, Roger Mexico said:

Do we know if they are offering people day 6 tests?  Obviously some will have them because you might develop symptoms around then, but they only seem to have mentioned day 13 tests before now and I'm not sure they are even being offered those isolating with a case.

I hope they are otherwise they've learnt nothing from the previous cock-ups.

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14 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

It’s all gone a bit, ‘Dr Couch Top Trumps’ now.

Did either of them resign of their own accord...that might say more than the qualifications.

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15 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Strange that they never mention the other characteristic that increases likelihood of death  from Covid - being male.


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