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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 hour ago, Cassie2 said:

Hello again. ''Ashie said all over 50s by May'' - means first doses. It will be nearer July for the over 50s to have had both doses and then there is time needed for antibodies to reach fullest effectiveness.

If you were part of my close family I would be asking you to just be patient please for a bit longer. After almost 12 months now we are starting into the home stretch now. Impatience, any too rapid easing (see Italy) and any growing non-compliance now will only just set us all back for goodness knows how long. 

Some more patience is crucial right now - especially from the younger cohorts! Please, for your own sake if not everyone else's. 

Thanks for reading this.

Can I ask if you are financially impacted by lockdowns and/border restrictions?

It tends to be much easier to be patient about something when you aren't watching your livelihoods disappear.

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5 minutes ago, Banker said:

The ones who are in isolation with no positive in household do , which is the ones I was referring to , think there’s about 15/1600 of those .

Hang on, need to clear this up in my own mind.

I’m referring to three separate families where their kids have been in close contact with a positive case and were asked to test.

Each child were tested on Day 1 and Day 7. All tests were negative and they were then released from their SI.

Are you suggesting that is incorrect because that is what has happened.

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1 hour ago, Cassie2 said:

Hello again. ''Ashie said all over 50s by May'' - means first doses. It will be nearer July for the over 50s to have had both doses and then there is time needed for antibodies to reach fullest effectiveness.

If you were part of my close family I would be asking you to just be patient please for a bit longer. After almost 12 months now we are starting into the home stretch now. Impatience, any too rapid easing (see Italy) and any growing non-compliance now will only just set us all back for goodness knows how long. 

Some more patience is crucial right now - especially from the younger cohorts! Please, for your own sake if not everyone else's. 

Thanks for reading this.

Yes Mum.

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10 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

Hang on, need to clear this up in my own mind.

I’m referring to three separate families where their kids have been in close contact with a positive case and were asked to test.

Each child were tested on Day 1 and Day 7. All tests were negative and they were then released from their SI.

Are you suggesting that is incorrect because that is what has happened.

Don’t know, I thought they needed 3 but maybe it’s only 2 for some? Only know I read a few posts on Facebook from some saying they were negative on day 1&7 tests and hoping day 13 was so they were released, said they’d been at Hydro gig


theres also some posting today on 3fm page saying due second tests from 2 weeks isolation tomorrow connected with schools outbreak 

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43 minutes ago, Nellie said:

I've been watching the figures closely over the last couple of days. If you aspire to do 1000 jabs each day, you have to send 1000 letters each day, register 1000 customers, and book 1000 appointments - it's simple process and pipeline management. 

Yesterday, they booked 460 new appointment, and today (so far) 360. So unless they massively pick up the pace tomorrow, they will run out of people to jab, early next week.

There are lots of positive comments around about the people doing the jabs, but there's a definite impression that the people running the back office haven't got a grip on things, at all.


But that ignores that they book both appointments at once.  Those numbers are people. Each person is 2 appointments.

So, we have a carry forward next week of second doses and 1st doses. Ramping up isn’t straightforward if you want constant throughput. If you do a week of 1000 a day 1st doses at short interval then you’ve issues with new first doses when they come up for their second doses. 

10-12 week intervals are easier from admin point of view. If you have the supply.

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2 hours ago, Cassie2 said:

If you were part of my close family I would be asking you to just be patient please for a bit longer. After almost 12 months now we are starting into the home stretch now. 

First it was Father Christmas, then the Tooth Fairy and now you tell us this....

Edited by Barlow
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7 minutes ago, TerryFuchwit said:

Glen Helen car park was packed.  If there something on there?

Just a half arsed manx lockdown where people can't work perfectly safely, but people on full pay jolly round the island to somewhere that is only a couple of narrow paths, and all order food and drink and eat it together on picnic tables.


Anyone who even thought about going to a narrow Glen path today is a whopper.

Anyone who then parked in an already full carpark is a bigger whopper.

What is the point in some of us doing as we are asked if others are so bloody selfish.

Edited by horatiotheturd
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52 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

Hang on, need to clear this up in my own mind.

I’m referring to three separate families where their kids have been in close contact with a positive case and were asked to test.

Each child were tested on Day 1 and Day 7. All tests were negative and they were then released from their SI.

Are you suggesting that is incorrect because that is what has happened.

No. This is correct. Day 13 test only if positive.

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47 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

Can I ask if you are financially impacted by lockdowns and/border restrictions?

It tends to be much easier to be patient about something when you aren't watching your livelihoods disappear.

To answer your two points Horatio: 1. Yes but not to the extent of poverty or I would likely be passing around a begging bowl rather than writing this. 2. You are right of course and if anyone is in real financial need and is not receiving the support to which they are entitled from the various IOMG schemes / DHSC then he or she needs to get hold of the relevant MHK, Minister and Citizens Advice and demand action.

We are now very clearly in a race between Covid19 and the vaccinations and it can be won if our DHSC and we all do what it takes. The DHSC has not covered itself in glory with the absurdly late starting (5 Jan vs 8 December) and an almost endless parade of inexcusable delays, opaqueness, stupidity, glitches and errors. We should be furious with them for all of that and we should all demand a fully independent inquiry and reckoning later. But in the here and now all the key aspects needed for a successful mass vaccination scheme are at last in place and vaccinations are ramping up. 

It could be much worse for the island and by extension for us - including economically for the longer term  - if we do not do what it takes for a while longer. I am a frequent very harsh critic of the IOMG and like so many of us I am convinced that the situation that we are in right now is entirely down to them. But it has happened and with this lockdown they are doing the best thing out of a set of only unhappy options. Across the globe that is what every significant country would do too no matter its political make-up.

Let's hope that everyone behaves as they have been asked to do so as to minimise the extent of this lockdown and hopefully we can all possibly be out of this by mid April. 

I am adding my pennyworth not to start or join an argument but only to try and help to unite us. IOMG gets away with so much unacceptable and extreme incompetence (the Prom for just one of endless examples) because we the people are divided. Let's try and unite for our own sakes and sod the bad guys!


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Many people seem to have come up with genuinely innovative alternatives to their normal ways of working. 

For many of us work is never going to be quite the same again after this.

Edited by pongo
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8 minutes ago, Barlow said:

Daylight dogging?

Just Covid dogging, not any sex, just take away food!!!

It was reported on here earlier in the Day about Glen Helen doing great food, probably a feed from Face book. Hmmmm, I wonder who posted that???

Reading of that, not any wonder that a flurry followed out to there?

I don't think that many who flooded the car park were there for the Glen walks?

One has to wonder what  the attraction of a take away at a damp picnic table is?

Let's hope that there aren't any more Fires!

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28 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

No. This is correct. Day 13 test only if positive.

My daughter was in close contact with a positive case and is having a day 13 test tomorrow. But that's probably because it took till day 8 for track and trace to call us to arrange a test on day 9 which was negative.

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