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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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3 hours ago, Manx Yeller said:

It really doesn't make much sense, there's no urgency at all.

It does make sense. 

The race is on to vaccinate before there are new variants that do not react as effectively to what we have now.

Pandemics don't just stop suddenly, they phase themselves out , becoming weaker with the occasional hotspot flaring up but always remaining in the background. 

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3 hours ago, John Wright said:

This morning I received my 3rd invitation to register from Mrs Magson within 6 days.

You two got a thing going then.....?

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55 minutes ago, Peter Layman said:

Isn't that exactly what you stated? My 10% wasn't an accurate figure as there is more than 80,000 on the island. Basically we are keeping up with the UK re vaccinations, unless I have missed something

The problem is we haven't, because last week was the the first time we even got close to 1k per day for a full 7 day week. So the UK is now jabbing the over 50s and we haven't even finished the over 70s yet. If we were just 5k jabs further on the 70s and 65s would now be complete. 5k more and we would be well into the vulnerable under 64s group and still sat on nearly 8k stock. 

The momentum now needs to be kept up. Stocks are not the problem and the Hubs showed last week what they can do. If the back office can keep it moving we can very quickly catch this up, get all the vulnerable out of danger and start getting back to normal.

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

It says “ If you have already been vaccinated....ignore this letter “ 

First paragraph, sentence 3.

Doesn't say don't contact us again if you are still waiting for your first jab though.

That is where people are getting confused, they are thinking they need to phone again because there is some sort of issue with their booking

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1 hour ago, Zarley said:

To be fair, many of us have been shocked, particularly with the way it's spread through the children. After all, we've been repeatedly told that children are less susceptible.

During the first wave last year, I knew only three people who had it. This time I know personally nearly a dozen and it won't surprise me if it's more by week's end. 

Even though we all pretty much knew in our heads that a return was inevitable, I think it's still been a sucker-punch of a shock to many, myself included. 

People who are clinically vulnerable and still unvaccinated, as well as people who have loved ones who are clinically vulnerable and still unvaccinated, have every right to be concerned.

My heavily pregnant, school teacher daughter who was at work on March first (thankfully sent straight home March second) has friends who have covid, in one case this includes a month old infant.

Another family has a year seven who just tested positive yesterday, school linked. Another friend is also heavily pregnant and tested positive the other day. Covid in late pregnancy is dangerous for both mother and baby, by the way. Pregnant women cannot be vaccinated. 

The infant, year seven, and pregnant woman are all quite unwell. Not hospitalised so far, but it's a very real worry. 

So far so good for my daughter, and she's been staying put in the house. She hasn't had much time to do otherwise anyway as she's providing online lessons and despite what some of the anti-teacher brigade on MF think, it's a lot of work to do it properly.

Yesterday was the first time she was able to take the full day off since 28 February. When she was sent home on 2 March, she was tasked with setting up the online lessons and she's been hard at it ever since.  I'm very proud of how hard she's worked through this despite it being a worrying time for her. The last month or so of pregnancy can be stressful at the best of times, never mind when there's a high covid infection rate lurking outside your door. 

tl;dr   Isle of Man in "People are Shocked" shocker, update at 4pm.  


How many children do yku think had it last time if they had tested hundreds of them?

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1 minute ago, TerryFuchwit said:

Some people don't like good news.  Especially on here.

Shouldn't be long before the usual suspects are along to put a negative slant on it with usual patronising guff about lies etc.

Has to be said though, the stats have been problematic and inconsistent.  

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