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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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19 minutes ago, reptar said:

However, if anyone is looking for specific reasons why there are far more people out and about this time than previously, and loads of people not bothering with the rules, then there are three specific, useless, incompetent, amateur fuckwits of reasons with starring roles in almost all of the clips in that video.

That's bogus and dumb.

The reality is people selfishly not taking it seriously. Many of them the sorts of people who post misinformation here - downplaying the seriousness of this disease in its various strains. Often supporting their views with short term economic arguments.

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35 minutes ago, Gladys said:

I see the police are posting about yoofs congregating in Noble's Park.  I see quite a few groups out and about as I go about my essential business.  Given that kids make up the largest group of infectees,  this really does need to be addressed. 

Police have attended and taken action against a number who were from different households , presumably a warning 

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As others have posted - cba to trawl back to quote - I think the elimination strategy is now toast. Too many cases for T&T to keep on top of. And as others have posted, my observation is that this lockdown is nowhere near the first in terms of severity and/or observance of the rules. I’m currently in isolation (trip over yesterday, no contacts here, doing it properly so nobody need fret if they saw me in clinic a fortnight ago - and I’m vaccinated) but on my short drive to the grandstand today for my brain swab I thought the traffic was about normal. Been the same for the last couple of weeks too as far as I can tell. 

I still don’t like masks particularly, although can accept the evidence. I see people not wearing them properly (ie below the nose, handling them etc) and seemingly thinking they’re invincible because of them such that social distancing goes out of the window. I think we did better last time when very few wore them but kept away from everyone else. 

I think we’re going to mirror the UK coming out of this with a gradual relaxation over the coming weeks. Hope I can get back to replacing a few hips soon enough. 

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2 hours ago, Roxanne said:

And a thousand people a day are travelling to enclosed spaces meeting with vaccinators who are meeting with others and then going home to their families. That alone is concerning. 

I was in and out PDQ but there was not a lot of social distancing going on. 

I saw people being passed pens to fill out form and did not see any disinfecting of said pens.

As I said I was in and out, I had pre filled the form but I did think it a bit lax.......

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43 minutes ago, rachomics said:

The science is actually pointing towards a longer infection, rather than longer incubation period. Which results in the same thing as a longer incubation period and a normal infection time. It's interesting stuff. 

Dr Glover, please tell us if you are helping or are setting up the Genomics thing in Guernsey? 😀 We know you have been away..

Fingers crossed.........................

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The unfortunate thing is until the vaccinations drastically reduce the numbers worldwide (20,758,753 active cases) there is a greater risk of new variants leap frogging the vaccines. I suspect in the long term 'living with it' will involve an annual  Covid jab along with the standard flu one for hose over 50 or vulnerable.

The trick will be figuring out which variant is the one to protect against far enough in advance to mass produce and distirubut it in time. Although the speed at which the Covid vaccines were developed gives some hope.

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Just now, CallMeCurious said:

The unfortunate thing is until the vaccinations drastically reduce the numbers worldwide (20,758,753 active cases) there is a greater risk of new variants leap frogging the vaccines. I suspect in the long term 'living with it' will involve an annual  Covid jab along with the standard flu one for hose over 50 or vulnerable.

The trick will be figuring out which variant is the one to protect against far enough in advance to mass produce and distirubut it in time. Although the speed at which the Covid vaccines were developed gives some hope.

I think that's a given, we will need jabs for this for ever.

I can see mask wearing becoming the norm like they do in Japan. 

I can live with that, not a big deal TBH, I really dont get the problem people have with masks or is it a Manx thing like speed limits?

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1 minute ago, Roxanne said:

Where can you pre fill the forms? Are they online? I’m not certain I want to touch a pen that’s been touched by two hundred other vulnerables, thank you very much.

The risk may be small but I’m not sure it’s worth taking. 

Or bring your own pen?

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This is very worrying,

They seemed to have told Dr Allison as he knew about the two cases at Bemahague, but not his department.


https://www.tynwald.org.im/business/hansard/20002020/t210316 Early Written Answers.pdf

TYNWALD MARCH 2021 FOR WRITTEN ANSWER The Hon. Member for Onchan (Ms Edge) to ask the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture– How many cases of Covid have been identified to his Department, broken down by school, since the identification of a case associated with the Steam Packet Company?

ANSWER The Department of Education, Sport and Culture is not notified of the number of positive cases of COVID-19 identified among school age children and young people by the contact trace team.



Edited by Holte End
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