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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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9 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

No only about 27% have had any including about half that who had both.  And a lot of the one shot people won't have much protection yet.  People should stop hoping that a single jab will instantly turn them into Superman.

There's enough in one shot to reduce the chances of hospitalisation by at least 50%. Anything that keeps folk out of hospital has to be a good thing for those who do require medical intervention.

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11 hours ago, Boris Johnson said:

I can see mask wearing becoming the norm like they do in Japan. 

I can live with that, not a big deal TBH, I really dont get the problem people have with masks or is it a Manx thing like speed limits?

The only problem I have with mask wearing is they fog my glasses. I wear one anyway and remove my glasses instead. Good thing I don't have a car and so don't venture far from home. I could very nearly find my way about blindfolded. 

However, I don't get much skeet. 

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14 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

There's enough in one shot to reduce the chances of hospitalisation by at least 50%. Anything that keeps folk out of hospital has to be a good thing for those who do require medical intervention.


There's some people absolutely shitting themselves about life returning to normal.  

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6 minutes ago, manxst said:


if only MHKs had the bottle to stand up and say this sort of thing some months ago, when the vast majority of the public were saying it...

You obviously don’t listen to Tynwald look at link for January Tynwald



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9 hours ago, Annoymouse said:

They were advertising hot tubs were available on special offer for collection this morning, was that for electricians and plumbers only?

Collecting only so no risk as you’re outside for the collection, used it myself, not for a hot tub!

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3 minutes ago, Julie Edge (Onchan) said:

You obviously don’t listen to Tynwald look at link for January Tynwald



Thanks Julie, this is what many have been saying for months.  But even with a resolution of Tynwald to have local genomics, will it happen or can the will of Tynwald be ignored, like it was ignored in the setting up of a covid advisory group? 

Not only must Tynwald define its will, it must hold Comin accountable. 

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Please can someone send the Chief Minister and the Chief Secretary a Simple Basic English Dictionary with the word ''INDEPENDENT'' highlighted.

NOTHING about this farce is Independent and well they know it. It is so appallingly sick that even president Vladimir Putin would be shocked and George Orwell would turn in his grave if he was alive.


Independent Review of Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Terms of Reference

STEPHEN Hind, the Director of Audit Advisory in the Treasury, has been appointed to conduct the review.

The review will be undertaken completely independently of the Cabinet Office and will be afforded full access to all records held by and personnel employed by the Isle of Man Government and all its agencies.


1. Since the closure of the Isle of Man Borders in March 2020 under statute, a process has existed to allow key workers to travel to and from the United Kingdom, subject to a process of exemptions and documented requirements in terms of self-isolation and any other precautionary measures that may be required.

2. In February 2021, the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Limited (IOMSPCo) confirmed that one of its Isle of Man based keyworkers had tested positive for Covid-19. A cluster of persons positive for Covid-19 subsequently developed which can be traced to the IOMSPCo keyworker.1

3. The Cabinet Office wishes to commission a review by a party independent of those directly involved, on behalf of the Chief Minister into the circumstances under which Direction Notices regarding Self-Isolation and any other requirements have been issued to the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Limited (IOMSPCo).

4. The review is to be undertaken completely independently of the Cabinet Office and it will have entire independence of action and thought. It will also be afforded full access to all records held by and personnel employed by the Isle of Man Government and all its agencies.

5. The reviewer will be able to report their conclusions with complete freedom and entirely unfettered from any obligation to the Cabinet Office.


6. As a minimum, the review should consider and report on the following elements: i. The documentation and advice issued to IOMSPCo by the Isle of Man Government regarding the requirements for its keyworkers since March 2020. To include those issued by: · the Travel Notification Service · Public Health · Department of Infrastructure (who initially provided early exemptions) ii. The processes under which any documentation such as Direction Notices are drawn up, from drafting through to final iteration and issuance as relevant to the IOMSPCo. iii. The risk assessments and mitigations proposed by IOMSPCo to minimise the risk of transmission, and any assurance demonstrated by the company around these risks, and any aspects that have demonstrably changed that may have led to a break down in mitigations. 1 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-isle-of-man-56114136 2 iv. How contact tracing was conducted once the initial positive case was identified in the Isle of Man based IOMSPCo keyworker and the subsequent containment of the cluster. v. Any relevant evidence that is required or supplied, including the IOMSPCo’s review into the infection of its staff member and the Company’s own review of the risk assessments and mitigations that has been performed by the Board independent of the executive. vi. Whether there were any shortcomings in the process, documentation issued, advice given or interaction with IOMSPCo and any recommendations as a result. vii. What learning is required and what improvements in any relevant area; including the Direction Notice and associated proceReposs. viii. What actions can be taken to prevent such an incident occurring in the future. 


7. The report into the review will be to a professional standard suitable for publication. If necessary, technical detail can be appended or provided in separate documents as the report itself must be written so as to be readily understood by the lay person. If required personal data may be redacted prior to publication to ensure that data protection legislation is complied with.


8. The review will be sponsored by the Chief Minister. Your officer contact for the review will be Kirsty Hemsley, who is able to act under the authorisation of the Chief Secretary.

9. The aim of the report is to inform the Chief Minister and Council of Ministers as to the timeline of events and root causes that led to creation of the recent IOMSPCo ‘cluster’, to identify lessons to be subsequently learned, and to identify any further mitigations now required to manage the risks of a reoccurrence.


Edited by Cassie2
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18 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Thanks Julie, this is what many have been saying for months.  But even with a resolution of Tynwald to have local genomics, will it happen or can the will of Tynwald be ignored, like it was ignored in the setting up of a covid advisory group? 

Not only must Tynwald define its will, it must hold Comin accountable. 

I did say that in debate I used Mr Hoopers favourite saying to me “it’s a nothing motion with no date” etc  what was said yesterday was all said in January when Kent variant first known/arrived and they chose to ignore it then....... 

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It’s clear that the vaccinations roll out is causing cases & deaths in uk to plummet as some European countries have stricter lockdowns & cases rising 

UK cases and deaths continue to fall

Meanwhile, the UK continues to see promising declines in both deaths and cases.

A total of 110 more coronavirus deaths and 5,294 new infections were reported yesterday, both representing week-on-week falls.

Crucially, the figure for daily reported deaths is the lowest figure for five months, excluding days when the number is artificially low due to a lag in reporting over weekends.

The last time it was lower was 9 October, when there were 87.

A first vaccine dose has now been administered to 24,839,906 people, while 1,663,646 have had both jabs.


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5 minutes ago, Cassie2 said:


Please can someone send the Chief Minister and the Chief Secretary a Simple Basic English Dictionary with the word ''INDEPENDENT'' highlighted.

NOTHING about this farce is Independent and well they know it. It is so appallingly sick that even president Vladimir Putin would be shocked and George Orwell would turn in his grave if he was alive.


STEPHEN Hind, the Director of Audit Advisory in the Treasury, has been appointed to conduct the review.

The review will be undertaken completely independently of the Cabinet Office and will be afforded full access to all records held by and personnel employed by the Isle of Man Government and all its agencies.

Independent Review of Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Terms of Reference Background 1. Since the closure of the Isle of Man Borders in March 2020 under statute, a process has existed to allow key workers to travel to and from the United Kingdom, subject to a process of exemptions and documented requirements in terms of self-isolation and any other precautionary measures that may be required.

2. In February 2021, the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Limited (IOMSPCo) confirmed that one of its Isle of Man based keyworkers had tested positive for Covid-19. A cluster of persons positive for Covid-19 subsequently developed which can be traced to the IOMSPCo keyworker.1

3. The Cabinet Office wishes to commission a review by a party independent of those directly involved, on behalf of the Chief Minister into the circumstances under which Direction Notices regarding Self-Isolation and any other requirements have been issued to the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Limited (IOMSPCo).

4. The review is to be undertaken completely independently of the Cabinet Office and it will have entire independence of action and thought. It will also be afforded full access to all records held by and personnel employed by the Isle of Man Government and all its agencies.

5. The reviewer will be able to report their conclusions with complete freedom and entirely unfettered from any obligation to the Cabinet Office.

6. As a minimum, the review should consider and report on the following elements: i. The documentation and advice issued to IOMSPCo by the Isle of Man Government regarding the requirements for its keyworkers since March 2020. To include those issued by: · the Travel Notification Service · Public Health · Department of Infrastructure (who initially provided early exemptions) ii. The processes under which any documentation such as Direction Notices are drawn up, from drafting through to final iteration and issuance as relevant to the IOMSPCo. iii. The risk assessments and mitigations proposed by IOMSPCo to minimise the risk of transmission, and any assurance demonstrated by the company around these risks, and any aspects that have demonstrably changed that may have led to a break down in mitigations. 1 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-isle-of-man-56114136 2 iv. How contact tracing was conducted once the initial positive case was identified in the Isle of Man based IOMSPCo keyworker and the subsequent containment of the cluster. v. Any relevant evidence that is required or supplied, including the IOMSPCo’s review into the infection of its staff member and the Company’s own review of the risk assessments and mitigations that has been performed by the Board independent of the executive. vi. Whether there were any shortcomings in the process, documentation issued, advice given or interaction with IOMSPCo and any recommendations as a result. vii. What learning is required and what improvements in any relevant area; including the Direction Notice and associated process. viii. What actions can be taken to prevent such an incident occurring in the future. Report

7. The report into the review will be to a professional standard suitable for publication. If necessary, technical detail can be appended or provided in separate documents as the report itself must be written so as to be readily understood by the lay person. If required personal data may be redacted prior to publication to ensure that data protection legislation is complied with. Governance

8. The review will be sponsored by the Chief Minister. Your officer contact for the review will be Kirsty Hemsley, who is able to act under the authorisation of the Chief Secretary.

9. The aim of the report is to inform the Chief Minister and Council of Ministers as to the timeline of events and root causes that led to creation of the recent IOMSPCo ‘cluster’, to identify lessons to be subsequently learned, and to identify any further mitigations now required to manage the risks of a reoccurrence.


I said that to Chief Minister yesterday during debate, his understanding of Independent is different to mine! 


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7 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

There are several possible problems:

  • Vaccination doesn't provide 100% protection so some people will still get it and fall ill etc.
  • It's clear that none of these current vaccines stop people catching Covid completely, so the virus will continue to circulate, even at a reduced level
  • Younger groups aren't vaccinated (remember no vaccine has been approved for under 16s) and so will continue to spread among them.  The dangers aren't just that they may infect older people who may in turn be badly affected, it's that the virus may evolve to infect younger people more easily and become more dangerous to them.
  • More generally the virus can evolve so that existing vaccines become less effective, both at preventing transmission and stopping serious illness.

Now none of these things are impossible to deal with, but they can't be ignored and there may well be other 'unknown unknowns' that will be problematic.

The truth is that we ought to work by the Gramascian saying "Pessimism of the intellect; optimism of the will".  In other words we should look to see the worst that can happen, but work from that to prevent it.  Unfortunately there's been too much of the reverse: optimism of the intellect when those in charge assume that they will get lucky every time, and pessimism of the will where faced with the results of their shortsightedness they think they can't anything about it - especially anything new.

All the evidence so far suggests that the vaccine will be about as good as it gets. I would expect that COVID will be ticking over and bubbling up from time to time. But I don’t think global elimination is viable. 

I do wonder how many people will refuse the vaccine though, and what impact that will have.

Even with a first dose, the vaccine massively reduces your chances of getting seriously ill, and thus your risk of death too. Asymptomatic infection also decreases, thus transmission that way  

The Scottish data suggests hospitalisation is reduced by anything up to 94% with the vaccine after both doses  

I agree re: children, but there will be approval for a vaccine for them at some point, for obvious reasons, it takes longer. 

Re: mutations, they’ll probably come back from countries where the virus can still readily circulate and there’s a selective pressure to be more resistant to antibodies, like with the South African strains. 


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10 hours ago, Banker said:

B&Q & builders merchants are only open to the trade not general public. Gardeners are working outside on their own so minimal risk & you forgot windows cleaners !

It's a dilemma. The retailers are not breaking the rules by being open but you would be breaking the rules by visiting them as it's not defined as an essential journey. The exception would be if it was an emergency e.g you had a leak or you need a screw to hold your house up.

Wrt. Hot tubs. A trader could collect one if he had a job to do outside that involved fitting a hot tub. An individual could not though as this, again, would not be an essential journey. 

Crazy times. Crazy rules.

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