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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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2 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

When someone has cancer and is on palliative care and when the other has a life changing condition, it has little to do with ‘it’s only been 22 days’. Can’t you see how insensitive you have been and are currently being? Did you even read their post?  


Similar situation here. Albeit not palliative

So don't dictate to me

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12 minutes ago, Lilly said:

John, thank you for your sensitive comments and information. In answer to your question we did not receive shielding letters

Contact your husbands consultant here or IOM. He should have had a shielding letter. Tell them you need it for going on Tesco priority delivery list.

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2 hours ago, Lilly said:

I have been following MF for the CV past year it helps me deal with the situation l found myself in. 

My husband was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago, he is now on palliative and life extending drugs, no cure. I have a condition which effects my nervous system. We have always worked and was saving for our travel plans for when we retired .

We are unable to get a internet shopping slot from Tesco,  l have been trying for the past year. One of us has to go once a fortnight and accept the risk. We cannot afford the other delivery options shopping as the food is too expensive.  Our income is less a quarter a month what one of us earned than what we earned previously for both of us, we have to regularly dip into our savings to keep us out the red, the heating bills are the worse as my husband feels the cold.

A week ago we both sat on our sofa and cried together with the situation we find ourselves in. 

We go out in our car every to get fresh air and a walk on a flat area as l cant walk up steps anymore, my husband is often in pain as his cancer effects his walking. 

I don't want your pity,  l just want people to understand how this could effect some people.  We are missing our grandchildren and our children, it's not possible to us to form the new bubble as Iom government suggests. 

Thank you MF


If you live anywhere between Ramsey and Onchan I am more than happy to do your shopping for you when I do my weekly shop (I usually go to CO-op in Ramsey but sometimes I go to Shoprite). I can let you know when I’m going to be shopping and you could send me a list. I’ll drop it off at your house and you can pay me by bank transfer. Please message me if I can help you. 

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1 hour ago, doc.fixit said:

We are on the priority list and try to get a Tesco slot a number of times throughout every 24hrs. We have never achieved more than once a month! This is throughout the entire Covid situation. ( We have not been able to get a place for over three weeks now.)

No bullshit, that's how it is. I just wish we knew the secret of getting a delivery. 

I don't know what the secret is, but our neighbours get a Tesco delivery every single week without fail and they're definitely not on the vulnerable list, there's absolutely nothing wrong with them. (Except that they let their kids run riot up and down the street all day, mixing with all the other neighbourhood kids who can't be doing very much in the way of home schooling. Oh, and one of them's a teacher, if anyone on this thread has any opinions about that? 😉)

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5 minutes ago, Sheldon said:

I don't know what the secret is, but our neighbours get a Tesco delivery every single week without fail and they're definitely not on the vulnerable list, there's absolutely nothing wrong with them. (Except that they let their kids run riot up and down the street all day, mixing with all the other neighbourhood kids who can't be doing very much in the way of home schooling. Oh, and one of them's a teacher, if anyone on this thread has any opinions about that? 😉)

They may have been enrolled for a long time. Theres a waiting list now but 2 years ago you could get straight on. They don't ever kick you off once you are on.

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Isle of Man Public Health and Clinical Advisory Group (Emergency Advisory Group) [GD No 2021/0013];
regrets Government’s decision not to lay this report for debate given Tynwald’s reiterated call for regular and continuing review by Tynwald of the Borders and Stay Responsible policy frameworks and the Government’s approach to living with COVID-19, considering the risks and different scenarios arising from the evolving local and global COVID-19 pandemic situations; 

This motion was approved after much debate. 9 voted against it.

Edited by Apple
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39 minutes ago, Sheldon said:

I don't know what the secret is, but our neighbours get a Tesco delivery every single week without fail and they're definitely not on the vulnerable list, there's absolutely nothing wrong with them. (Except that they let their kids run riot up and down the street all day, mixing with all the other neighbourhood kids who can't be doing very much in the way of home schooling. Oh, and one of them's a teacher, if anyone on this thread has any opinions about that? 😉)

The secret is staying up until silly o clock to get a slot for 3 weeks ahead, load your basket up with your essentials and then come back to it in 2 weeks time to add the stuff you actually want for that week. Equally there is last minute calculations but you’d have to check it every morning, sometimes not practical. They’ve been oversubscribed for years, if they were allowed to expand it would drive Shoprite into the ground.

Speaking of which, If Tesco and Co-op can do deliveries than why can’t Shopshite? All well and good supporting a ‘Manx to the max’ business but where is their support for the Manx public in a pandemic? They’ve missed a trick there, I’m sure they could team up with Robinson’s in order to make it happen.

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3 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

The pressure should be on to get the vaccines in people's arms much quicker and before more civil disobedience turns into more serious breaches. I really don't understand why DHSC are not getting people into both of the big hubs 7 days a week, 08:00 thru 20:00. Deep cleaning can be done in between those times. Yes, we know it's a long day but for sure the professionals will be getting paid for it, it's their job it's what they do. I'm not convinced, from what I'm hearing, that DHSC are making full use of volunteers (retired professionals) either. 

Ignoring the fact that "If you don't vaccinate us, we'll all go out and catch Covid"  might not be the most sensible position to take, they may well have problems with supply coming up.  The stock figure has reappeared on the dashboard (though with no better update schedule) and shows 12,862, lower than previously and NHS England has just issued a warning that supplies will be low next month and they will be concentrating on second doses. 

So it's unsurprising that the same will apply in the Island.  You can't vaccinate if you've got no vaccine and there's a danger that those who have already had the first jab will lose what immunity they have without a booster.  The faster you use vaccines up on first shots for the less vulnerable, the more likely this will happen and you could end up with a situation where there is a reduction in protection overall by the Summer..

It's true though that there has been an unwillingness to use outside help - something that is a chronic problem with the Manx civil service over recent years.. They'd rather screw something up than ask Manx people for help (non-Manx are acceptable providing they are paying a lot of money for them).  The real problem here is less about the vaccination process falling behind[1] because of this than about NHS and other government staff being diverted from other Covid-related work such as testing and contact tracing.


[1]  Which let's face it is actually a fairly easy thing to organise - look how many flu vaccines get given each year without all this fuss.


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2 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

Speaking of which, If Tesco and Co-op can do deliveries than why can’t Shopshite? All well and good supporting a ‘Manx to the max’ business but where is their support for the Manx public in a pandemic? They’ve missed a trick there, I’m sure they could team up with Robinson’s in order to make it happen.

Down here Sainsbury's and ASDA managed to greatly increase their delivery capacity at quite short notice; extra staff (lots of students) and more vans from somewhere. All oldies and vulnerable people get at least one delivery a week.

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4 hours ago, Roxanne said:

I do a dip. Especially in the winter. And you’d be surprised how many people go down there for sun rise even in winter. I drive there, go in, get my head wet, bob around for a bit and straight back in the car and home for a shower. It’s low risk I can I assure you. In summer I swim. There’s at least three of us every morning. I do it for my well being. There are beaches everywhere where you can do it alone, without a fuss. Or at least, there were. 

Not much risk in taking a dip admittedly, were they dippers or swimmers in Laxey? If it’s well-being type setup than I expect it was more water aerobics than swimming.

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1 minute ago, Roger Mexico said:

Ignoring the fact that "If you don't vaccinate us, we'll all go out and catch Covid"  might not be the most sensible position to take, they may well have problems with supply coming up.  The stock figure has reappeared on the dashboard (though with no better update schedule) and shows 12,862, lower than previously and NHS England has just issued a warning that supplies will be low next month and they will be concentrating on second doses. 

So it's unsurprising that the same will apply in the Island.  You can't vaccinate if you've got no vaccine and there's a danger that those who have already had the first jab will lose what immunity they have without a booster.  The faster you use vaccines up on first shots for the less vulnerable, the more likely this will happen and you could end up with a situation where there is a reduction in protection overall by the Summer..

It's true though that there has been an unwillingness to use outside help - something that is a chronic problem with the Manx civil service over recent years.. They'd rather screw something up than ask Manx people for help (non-Manx are acceptable providing they are paying a lot of money for them).  The real problem here is less about the vaccination process falling behind[1] because of this than about NHS and other government staff being diverted from other Covid-related work such as testing and contact tracing.


[1]  Which let's face it is actually a fairly easy thing to organise - look how many flu vaccines get given each year without all this fuss.


It’s just a pity we ignored what UK, Jersey and Guernsey were doing in spreading out the doses due to Ashie sticking stubbornly to 3/4 weeks intervals.

Instead of giving 2 doses to all health/care workers including many In offices we could have given all priority groups at least one dose by now

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6 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Ignoring the fact that "If you don't vaccinate us, we'll all go out and catch Covid"  might not be the most sensible position to take, they may well have problems with supply coming up.  The stock figure has reappeared on the dashboard (though with no better update schedule) and shows 12,862, lower than previously and NHS England has just issued a warning that supplies will be low next month and they will be concentrating on second doses. 

So it's unsurprising that the same will apply in the Island.  You can't vaccinate if you've got no vaccine and there's a danger that those who have already had the first jab will lose what immunity they have without a booster.  The faster you use vaccines up on first shots for the less vulnerable, the more likely this will happen and you could end up with a situation where there is a reduction in protection overall by the Summer..

It's true though that there has been an unwillingness to use outside help - something that is a chronic problem with the Manx civil service over recent years.. They'd rather screw something up than ask Manx people for help (non-Manx are acceptable providing they are paying a lot of money for them).  The real problem here is less about the vaccination process falling behind[1] because of this than about NHS and other government staff being diverted from other Covid-related work such as testing and contact tracing.


[1]  Which let's face it is actually a fairly easy thing to organise - look how many flu vaccines get given each year without all this fuss.


Notwithstanding the reduction in quantity we will still get our share. So the supplies won't dry up completely.

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3 minutes ago, GD4ELI said:

Down here Sainsbury's and ASDA managed to greatly increase their delivery capacity at quite short notice; extra staff (lots of students) and more vans from somewhere. All oldies and vulnerable people get at least one delivery a week.

It’s a bit different in the UK, stores there actively compete for market share,    Tesco would expand (they have tried) but aren’t allowed.

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