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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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I think you (and all of us) are probably overthinking this. Nobody, anywhere in the world has a definitive date for normality or any idea what that might look like. Its therefore no surprise that COMIN here are reluctant to put a date on anything. I don't think there's that much electioneering either. Sure some of the back benchers are grandstanding, but Howard Quayle isn't standing for re-election.

Yes, some jurisdictions are relaxing their lockdown rules as their specific circumstances change, but equally some are re-tightening as the virus starts up again.

I don't however see why you would consider wearing a face mask in a shop part of the trade off though. Surely you could do that at any time. Its actually quite commonplace in other parts of the world and even in bigger UK towns and cities. That doesn't have to be part of any trade off and could just become a new normal behaviour. There's currently no law which requires a mask to be worn (other than on public transport or if subject to a direction notice).

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1 minute ago, piebaps said:

I think you (and all of us) are probably overthinking this. Nobody, anywhere in the world has a definitive date for normality or any idea what that might look like. Its therefore no surprise that COMIN here are reluctant to put a date on anything. I don't think there's that much electioneering either. Sure some of the back benchers are grandstanding, but Howard Quayle isn't standing for re-election.

Yes, some jurisdictions are relaxing their lockdown rules as their specific circumstances change, but equally some are re-tightening as the virus starts up again.

I don't however see why you would consider wearing a face mask in a shop part of the trade off though. Surely you could do that at any time. Its actually quite commonplace in other parts of the world and even in bigger UK towns and cities. That doesn't have to be part of any trade off and could just become a new normal behaviour. There's currently no law which requires a mask to be worn (other than on public transport or if subject to a direction notice).

There’s no definite dates as you say but all UK & CI have clear exit strategy with dates which will be achieved if data shows X and travel will be allowed to A& B as infections are Y.

All everyone wants is a proper plan like everyone else instead of the shit document that was released and roundly criticized by most. 

If the data says you have to test negative and do 1,7 or 10 days then people will know exactly what is required.

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1 hour ago, Utah 01 said:

..............a plague on modern society.

Sir Francis Drake: 'Ma'am, I going to sail around the world'.

Queen Elizabeth I: (sharp intake of breath) 'Are you sure you want to go ahead with this? We've not got any vaccinations ready yet, GPS isn't going to be up and running for another 500 years and you're going to rely on a sextant and dead-reckoning? You know, of course, that after 10 days you will almost certainly fall off the edge of the world? Have your ships done roll-over testing and I want to know that the crews will comply with all our diversity requirements.  And what about your Twitter feed? How will we find out............anything?  No, sorry Franky, without a full risk-assessment and clearance from H&SE, you're not going anywhere!'

Rinse, repeat and, thank ghod, never applied! 

Can you imagine risk-aversity applied to any of our feats of discovery and exploration over the past 500 years?  Livingstone, Burton, Curie, Scott, supersonic flight testing, the moon-shots: we'd still be living in caves and even the invention of the wheel would probably have been scrapped: 'the committee has decided that the wheel, if developed to its full potential, will lead to man traveling at speeds greater than walking pace thereby leading to potential injury and death'.



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8 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Of all the many lessons to be learned from a pandemic, I'd have thought that opening things up too fast leads to bad things happening would be the one that would stick the best. 

But no.


Different scenario now.  It is almost pointless vaccinating people if the result is that we carry on exactly as we have for the past 12 months locking down when covid arises.  

Also, what exactly are "bad things"?

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5 minutes ago, TerryFuchwit said:

Different scenario now.  It is almost pointless vaccinating people if the result is that we carry on exactly as we have for the past 12 months locking down when covid arises.  

Also, what exactly are "bad things"?

I know it's a different scenario now, but it isn't ready yet, and peoples impatience is the thing that is most likely to fuck things up further.

Lockdowns are bad things. 

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3 minutes ago, snowman said:

Then what.

Either let us travel without restriction or tell us: isolation will be in place until the pandemic ends

I didn't think I would need to spell that out.... otherwise what would be the point in vaccinating people?

Of course it would mean unrestricted travel after the "selected population" (16+) has been vaccinated.

We're all in danger of being scared of our own shadow otherwise.

150K vaccines would do all the 16+ on the Island. That's not a huge number in the big scheme of things.

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35 minutes ago, Banker said:

Ashford interview for those interested, covering those who died of COVID & with COVID, probably 90% of deaths across UK are with. Also promenade as apparently Baker refusing to answer questions 


That's a very scary picture! Wouldn't be out of place on a Hammer Horror Movie Poster.

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1 hour ago, TheTeapot said:

I know it's a different scenario now, but it isn't ready yet, and peoples impatience is the thing that is most likely to fuck things up further.

Lockdowns are bad things. 

Which is why they should stop.   Covid isn't stopping.   Lockdowms are no longer justified.  Who's benefitting?

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1 minute ago, TerryFuchwit said:

Which is why they should stop.   Covid isn't stopping.   Lockdowms are no longer justified.  Who's benefitting?


That makes very little sense to me. I'm saying that doing what you're saying is asking for trouble, but if you just 'hold the line' a bit longer, get more protection into society then you can do it. The UK has battered out its vaccines, good, batter out some more.



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