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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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The fact that a couple of hours ago they couldn’t see where they were in Tynwald, look at what they still had to cover, and anticipate that it would be at least 5:30 before they could do a briefing makes me realise what a bunch of whoppers we are dealing with.

Loads of times I have been in meeting where it became apparent and hour or so before another commitment that we weren’t going to be done in time.

You look at where you are at and clearly communicate to those waiting what you think is a realistic timeline.

That would normally be making sure I didn’t waste 10-15 peoples time.  Not making several radio stations mess about with their programming and with thousands of people waiting to tune in.

Embarrassing.  What on earth were they thinking telling people 4:30?  

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1 minute ago, Banker said:

At least 6pm now , Baker still waffling on landlords bill!!

Is it completely beyond the realms of possibility that having announced a pretty important briefing at 4, they (what is there, like 40 people involved?) could have knocked of for a couple of hours to let it go ahead or even come back tomorrow?

No private business would ever run like this.  I get there are legalities around the way tynwald meet but seriously.

Boris runs a proper country.  Has he ever had to delay a briefing?  This must be the fourth or fifth time these cockwombles have.


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4 minutes ago, trmpton said:

Is it completely beyond the realms of possibility that having announced a pretty important briefing at 4, they (what is there, like 40 people involved?) could have knocked of for a couple of hours to let it go ahead or even come back tomorrow?

No private business would ever run like this.  I get there are legalities around the way tynwald meet but seriously.

Boris runs a proper country.  Has he ever had to delay a briefing?  This must be the fourth or fifth time these cockwombles have.


Not sure that Boris runs anything except a string of mistresses, and he's doing his best to ensure UK is no longer a proper country. HoK should have suspended for an hour and worked this evening, instead of demonstrating contempt for everyone outside their horrid club


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2 hours ago, trmpton said:

Hopes and dreams for 16:00

No more cases - all restrictions gone from Monday.  We can visit friends and family in their home’s from tomorrow.

A clear explanation of the planned route forward and explain to people that if a few cases get in the current level of vaccination makes it manageable.

Announce today that if there is no major disaster over the next two weeks then borders open May 1st with a test on arrival from UK and no isolation if it is negative.  A further test a few days later like CI.

Very clearly publish a figure that the UK needs to stay below before that is reviewed, and what that review would look like.  It should be a percentage of tests returned positive.  Not a “case” per head of population figure which is variable dependant of levels of testing.

Announce mass surveillance testing on island and exactly what it will look like.  Incorporate rapid tests and flow tests.  Publish exactly what levels in the population are acceptable and then exactly what measures come in at preset detection rates.  These should be on a sliding scale as the levels of protection from vaccines ramp up.

Explain EXACTLY what would need to occur for any further lockdown to be implemented so we are all forewarned.

Announce the new dashboard which will incorporate all the info above and which went live at 16:00 today.

How much of that will happen? Probably none.  We will be none the wiser by 17:00 other than knowing that in their tiny little minds the perceived risk which means we still can’t go to work, visit family, have to wear a mask to go to Spar will magically disappear at 23:59 on Sunday evening.

Weeks and months they have had to prepare.  Let’s see what they are made of.

Post of the Year award right there.

Weeks and months to prepare.....................................................................................

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8 hours ago, floors4u said:

Straight from the Daily Mail.



On 4/14/2021 at 2:49 PM, Debbie said:

Can you mention a sole country where you can't go because of Brexit specifically?

The kind of "free movement" wanted (or condoned) by supporters of the European Union is the free movement of scroungers: those who, having never lived in any of the British isles, they turn out one day, and from day one they claim all the rights enjoyed by the British born or long time residents.

The free movement of those who pay their way hasn't been disallowed by Brexit.


You attempt to discredit what I said on the basis that it may be the opinion of certain journalists or editors (though, they are my words; I did not copy them from anywhere).

Is there any part of my statement which is not factual?

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