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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

I can't stand cats as it happens. 

Have any of you gung-ho travellers actually asked Ashford why the delay to Level Two?

Mock all you like but to claim it's not killing people is a nonsense. Which is why the UK are throwing everything at it to try and stem it's advance.

I mean, do you think they're doing mass testing and pop-up vaccination centres for anyone over 18 for a laugh or something?

As I posted previously you are free to come and go as you please pretty much so just get on with it...

Sorry PK. It wasnt meant to be serious. 

I often understand your view.

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13 minutes ago, AlanShimmin said:

They're not overly fond of you either and they want to know why you're denying them their border freedom 

As I posted twice previously today they can come and go as they please. Preferably go.

At least try and keep up...

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1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

Except that isn't true:


And those are the figures only up to 12 April, so this has never been a problem except in the minds of the racist media that will do anything except blame the people running the country.

Current cases Roger, current cases in areas where the variant kicked off.

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6 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

Current cases Roger, current cases in areas where the variant kicked off.

this was Mid May
There is however a major concern about the uptake of vaccines in Blackburn.

Almost 18% of those who are eligible for it haven't yet had their first dose and it's predominantly down to people in the town's deprived and ethnically diverse communities who remain sceptical.

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Boris is opening up on the 21st, he's said so, Hancock is currently being set up as the fall guy and is as dumb as soup so can't see it. His way out is localised lockdowns like it was last year, so he keeps up his national lockdowns off promise whilst abandoning some towns and cities to the local authorities to sort out.

In the meantime, our gov will shit the bed anytime anyone in the press says 'variant' and we will wonder why we bothered with getting a jab when we can't come and go without it being a pain in the arse.

It's shambolic, it was shambolic at the start, shambolic during and its still a shambles now and anyone know where they buried Hetty because she seems to have disappeared.

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7 minutes ago, snowman said:

Ireland opening up announced this evening

Good luck to them! I will be giving it a swerve for he foreseeable. Situation has been horrendous over there since March last year. If they are fully open by Christmas I would be surprised! 

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1 minute ago, Cambon said:

Good luck to them! I will be giving it a swerve for he foreseeable. Situation has been horrendous over there since March last year. If they are fully open by Christmas I would be surprised! 

Why worry , you’ll have moved to your bunker by then. Plenty time to get it nicely furnished.

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1 minute ago, Anyone said:

Why worry , you’ll have moved to your bunker by then. Plenty time to get it nicely furnished.

Oh dear! At some point, some of you will remember that I thought locking down in the first place was stupid.  I Admit I was wrong. My idea was shield and protect the elderly and vulnerable, and let the rest get in with it.   Unfortunately, as the virus spread like wildfire through the masses it would have two consequences. Firstly, those protected elderly and vulnerable would end up getting it anyway through visits, and secondly (possibly most importantly), if too many people became infected to let the economy continue, it could close down completely. That could not be allowed. So we locked down, and ended up where we are. Up until a Christmas, our government did a brilliant job. Not so much since, much of which was when it really counted, like right now. 

I am not in a bunker. Stupid. Try being realistic. There is more to life than travel. I miss it terribly. Family. Adventure. But life is more important. Not necessarily ones own! 

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For me it’s not about travel or border restrictions. It’s a simple case of removing a looming threat that hangs over us in terms of another lockdown/circuit breaker.

Unless there is an exponential rise in serious hospital admissions due to Covid, I would properly struggle with further restrictions coming in again.

Its hard to describe, I am not a tinfoil hat chap or anything like that but my anxiety levels have been through the roof for the past year and traditionally, I’m your run towards stuff type in terms of fight/flight/freeze/fornicate.

Maybe it’s the lack of perceived control or freedom but I am banking on the end of June to help lift me out of this state of mind.

Edited by immortalpuppet
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