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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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10 minutes ago, Johnny F said:

Mate, you took your daugh

ter on a holiday gambling that she'd test negative and be allowed to go about her holiday. I think that was a stupid choice. Sorry, no sympathy here.

It's a reasonable gamble. People take it all the time.

What he didn't expect was the testing system straining under sudden pressure.

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2 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

It's a reasonable gamble. People take it all the time.

What he didn't expect was the testing system straining under sudden pressure.

The testing issue should have been foreseen and needs to be sorted ASAP.

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29 minutes ago, Pieman said:

Nope, his threat is because he  thinks I have to isolate as well, and he is flat out wrong. 
As for safeguarding, don’t make me fuckin laugh! We’re stuck in a room that had had to have curtains drawn shut all day to keep sun out, a windows that only opens an inch at the top and is covered by a curtain, and it is currently 29 degrees in here. 
They won’t even send us up a fuckin pen ‘because of Covid’ apparently! 

as for my kid, well at home she does at least half the cooking for us all, in lockdown she wa doing us all three meals a day. And not just heating stuff up, proper cooking, makes fresh pasta, bakes, loads of low carb recipes all from scratch. She’s more than capable to be left on her own for half an hour whilst I pop to the Spar 


the reason he’s threatened the bizzies, is that he’s a dickhead that doesn’t knew his arse from his elbow and who doesn’t care because I’ve had to prepay 650 quid to stay here.  

oh and , of course I spent the sum total of 27 quid on phone calls to the hotel to set this trip up, as they messed up the reservation twice which necessitated international calls. So they knew exactly what we were doing and planning. 

Genuine question.

Does the hotel take isolating victors and did you check beforehand? Because a lot of them don’t.

I want loads of visitors, but not all the hotels are geared up my for it

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PCR testing prior to arrival would possibly be a helpful option for @Pieman and other visitors if it were permitted (as an alternative to arrival testing). Perhaps worthwhile considering for the powers that be. Especially since this is predominantly kids who are isolating upon arrival

Edited by snowman
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1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

That'll be why there aren't any new cases then.

Come on Roger, herd immunity does not imply no new cases. 

We almost certainly have achieved herd immunity in the cohorts where it matters, i.e. the elderly, vulnerable, and those that care for them. Not yet in 20-somethings and younger, hence it spreading through them.  

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2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Probably not until children are vaccinated as well.  You probably need to get the vaccination percentage into the 90s to be certain and you can't do that without vaccinating children. 

And you certainly can't rely on 'natural' immunity from those who have already contracted the disease doing the same job as vaccines can.  It's not as long lasting, hit and miss whether it has an effect and not much good at coping with new variants.  Scientists design their vaccines to be as flexible as possible to changes in the vaccine response and of course everyone gets the same product with a particular brand.  Nature can come up with wonderful solutions but takes a lot longer to get there and makes a lot of mistakes.

On the subject of the numbers the cases dashboard seem to have fallen apart as far as analysis goes (with regard to age, sex, symptoms, locations and so on).  This makes it very difficult to assess what characterises the latest cases.  Age-wise most do seem to be in the 15-30 bracket, but rather worryingly there are several over 70.


That'll be why there aren't any new cases then.

I am going to give you credit and assume that was a typo, because herd immunity equating to no new cases is obviously a bit stupid 

Edited by Ramseyboi
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1 hour ago, wrighty said:

Come on Roger, herd immunity does not imply no new cases. 

We almost certainly have achieved herd immunity in the cohorts where it matters, i.e. the elderly, vulnerable, and those that care for them. Not yet in 20-somethings and younger, hence it spreading through them.  

Herd immunity may not imply no new cases, but it certainly doesn't fit in with the highest daily figure ever and numbers rising faster than ever before.  With herd immunity you should see sporadic outbreaks,started from outside, dying out quickly because there is no one much around left to infect.  This isn't what is happening here is it?

And you can't have herd immunity in a cohort unless they are epidemiologically separated  from the rest of the population.  It's either a herd or it isn't.  While it might feel like teenagers live a completely different life of their own, they dwell amongst us and use the same houses, shops, facilities and air as the rest of us.  So it's no use everyone over 40 or whatever being vaccinated if the virus circulates in the rest of the population and those over 40 are constantly exposed.

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7 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

Pieman - has your daughter received her test result yet or not?

Nope, nothing as yet. 

The whole testing thing makes me nervous, in fact the whole process does. 
when we booked landing cards we got the notifications. I got in queue to book test with 111, we were ‘number 1’ in the queue for half an hour, then suddenly got a message from the computer voice saying the line was now shut, 1958pm! 
next morning, 0800, I’m number 19 in the queue. 30 mins in, I am there and have my landing card ref number, ‘oh, I don’t need that’, next thing I’m doing all the same landing card info, dob, postcodes email etc, except this time verbally, and the person was making lots of mistakes! 
but I got the email confirming, no text though. But when we turned up for the test, they didn’t ask for the reference number, took no details apart from DOB from my daughter…

im just worried it won’t be tied together and we won’t hear or the result will be delayed unduly because the systems don’t seem to be talking to each other. 

For those that had results emailed recently, how long have they taken to come through? 

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1 hour ago, Pieman said:

Nope, nothing as yet. 

The whole testing thing makes me nervous, in fact the whole process does. 
when we booked landing cards we got the notifications. I got in queue to book test with 111, we were ‘number 1’ in the queue for half an hour, then suddenly got a message from the computer voice saying the line was now shut, 1958pm! 
next morning, 0800, I’m number 19 in the queue. 30 mins in, I am there and have my landing card ref number, ‘oh, I don’t need that’, next thing I’m doing all the same landing card info, dob, postcodes email etc, except this time verbally, and the person was making lots of mistakes! 
but I got the email confirming, no text though. But when we turned up for the test, they didn’t ask for the reference number, took no details apart from DOB from my daughter…

im just worried it won’t be tied together and we won’t hear or the result will be delayed unduly because the systems don’t seem to be talking to each other. 

For those that had results emailed recently, how long have they taken to come through? 

Ours came through the same day but that was before all this palava 

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4 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

And you can't have herd immunity in a cohort unless they are epidemiologically separated  from the rest of the population.  It's either a herd or it isn't. 

I think you’re wrong with your binary definition of a herd.  Your view implies a homogeneous population where any person is equally likely to encounter any another in the group.  It isn’t like that. There is of course some mixing between groups, but it’s far less than within a group - consider a class in a school, they’ll each have about 30 potential contacts in the group, but only two or three outside of it.  The concept of community immunity applied to humankind is more complex than when applied to cattle, and having cohorts of people who don’t mix a whole lot with outsiders, with sufficient levels of vaccination to be at ‘herd immunity’, is a useful concept.

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It seems with this pandemic all sensibilities have gone out the window.

if you are sick stay at home whether it be flu, sniffles cough or COVID and if you have symptoms get a test

everyone else crack on like normal….


it’s really down to people taking responsibility.

 I just don’t understand the mass hysteria 


take the year that winter vomiting bug went around a school.  The kids that were ill stayed at home and the other kids went to another school while there’s was cleaned.  Its that simple


people need to stop looking at this like getting COVID is a badge of honour or something.  It isn’t it makes you ill and then vast majority get better



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