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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Having been in and out of a number of offices this morning it is obvious that LOADS of people are stuck at home.

The big difference is that thankfully within the offices it’s very much “meh, Dave has the COVID thing and can’t come in”

No one who sat next to Dave last week cares.  No one who shared a meeting room cares.  No one is cleaning everything and no one is getting tested.

Possibly slightly controversial but the majority of office workers don’t seem to care.  All the single Mums on Social media though? They really care and are desperate for as many lfts as they can get their hands on.

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9 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Possibly slightly controversial but the majority of office workers don’t seem to care.  

The majority of office workers get paid sick-leave and personal days, and often have plenty of holidays they can also dip into. Many retail and manual workers don't. 

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Just now, Zarley said:

The majority of office workers get paid sick-leave and personal days, and often have plenty of holidays they can also dip into. Many retail and manual workers don't. 

I am fully aware of that.  My point is they don’t seem (anecdotal evidence only this morning) to be in anyway bothered that colleagues who they were sharing space with last week have tested positive.


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1 minute ago, Ramseyboi said:

I am fully aware of that.  My point is they don’t seem (anecdotal evidence only this morning) to be in anyway bothered that colleagues who they were sharing space with last week have tested positive.


My point is that they have a lot less to lose if they have to take time off work due to covid. Many of them also have the option of working from home, a luxury a shopworker or manual worker doesn't have.

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3 hours ago, Danoo said:

But that's the point. Your health is YOUR responsibility and no-one else's.

We can't exist as a society if we look at everyone else as a walking biohazard, that's a path to destroying any community we have left. The vaccines don't eradicate infection or transmission so we have to make individual choices on how we want to live our life. 

Previously if we had a heavy cold or flu we would naturally stay away from close contact with others, we just need to maintain the same level of caution moving forwards. 

Hopefully this will make people become more responsible for their own level of health as ultimately the functioning of your immune system will be the determining factor in how you fare throughout this. Not how much you avoid other people.  

I made an error, now corrected. My health is indeed my responsibility, not anyone else's unless they are being reckless. 

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2 hours ago, Zarley said:

Well exactly. I don't want to assume everyone is a closet biohazard. That's why people need to be socially responsible and not go out and about when they're quite possibly shedding covid and not telling anyone.

But it's pretty obvious* that there are people who should be testing but won't, or have had a positive LFT with no symptoms so won't book a PCR or isolate, and aren't telling anyone while going on with their lives as normal because "your health isn't my responsibility". It's these people who are being selfish.

*I think it's obvious anyway. I know both first and second hand of people doing these things.

What sort of percentage do you think those people are?

Edited by Andy Onchan
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52 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

MR news.

Differences in new cases and active cases due to “manual tallying” 

“Solutions are currently being investigated”

It’s incredibly simple ffs.  

yesterday + Today - recovered =

Why make it out to need investigation and solutions? Just apologise and say it won’t happen again.

I couldn’t care less by the way, but if you are going to report very simple data at least do it right.

It simply makes no sense as an explanation.  It doesn't surprise me that they have set up a separate system to do the Dashboard rather than plug into an existing one, because making things more complicated is what they do and the Manx NHS never saw a system that it didn't want to pointlessly duplicate.  And anyone looking at the figures in detail was aware that no cross-checking was done even when numbers were low.

But the differences here were always so ridiculously out of line that even the most cursory look at the figures should throw up warning indicators.  Several of us on MF picked this up as long ago as Wednesday, but none of the civil service super-brains   apparently noticed, even when the discrepancy was in three figures.  Either these people are incredibly stupid or they think everyone else is.  Probably both.

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