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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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5 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

They would be doing DIY but most of those me got a complete makeover last year.  At least they have their garden rooms and bars to sit in while they are “sick”

This is it. Nearly all teachers are double jabbed. Most students are not jabbed at all. Any teacher contracting Covid will get a very mild dose. Probably asymptotic. They test positive and are sent home. 

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43 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

How many of these secondary school children that have tested positive from LFTs are asymptomatic? Is Public Health keeping such records? Any records, in fact? 

I doubt that many as the ones I know all have symptoms. Generally they have found out using LFTs having noticed a symptom or regularly testing having been a close contact. Symptoms vary but none that I know are truly asymptomatic. At very best cold like symptoms.  

If you test positive on LFT there is no requirement to report or get a PCR so I expect many do not. PCR is not pleasant so the only real reason I can see for getting if you test positive on LFT is if you feel that it is a false positive. Probably unlikely compared to false negatives. 

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6 minutes ago, Cambon said:

This is it. Nearly all teachers are double jabbed. Most students are not jabbed at all. Any teacher contracting Covid will get a very mild dose. Probably asymptotic. They test positive and are sent home. 

I'm not a teacher but I am a person who is double-jabbed and has recently had covid. There is absolutely no way that I would've been able to work from home or sit in the sunshine while suffering with symptoms. It really did knock me for six and I would encourage anyone who's not had covid (whether vaccinated or not) to take whatever precautions possible to avoid the illness. 

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2 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

If you test positive on LFT there is no requirement to report or get a PCR so I expect many do not. PCR is not pleasant so the only real reason I can see for getting if you test positive on LFT is if you feel that it is a false positive. Probably unlikely compared to false negatives. 

If they are symptomatic then they are obliged to get a PCR.

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14 minutes ago, Cambon said:

Nearly all teachers are double jabbed.

Are they? How d'you know? 

14 minutes ago, Cambon said:

Most students are not jabbed at all.

Aren't they? How d'you know?

14 minutes ago, Cambon said:

Any teacher contracting Covid will get a very mild dose.

Will they? How d'you know?

14 minutes ago, Cambon said:

Probably asymptotic.


14 minutes ago, Cambon said:

They test positive and are sent home. 

You're amazing...

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57 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

How many of these secondary school children that have tested positive from LFTs are asymptomatic? Is Public Health keeping such records? Any records, in fact? 

It appears on the daily dashboard.  The vast majority are symptomatic:


The vast majority will be of school age based on the most recent weekly survey:


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Just now, Andy Onchan said:

If they are symptomatic then they are obliged to get a PCR.

No you are not. The rules were changed a little while back. It is now purely recommended. 

If you test +ve on an LFT and then have a +ve PCR day 0 of your 10 day isolation is the day you tested +ve on the LFT. No further testing. If you only have an LFT I believe you are meant to isolate for 10 days but as you don't have to report you will not get an isolation notice.  I have not found if this the 10 days isolation after +ve LFT is the law. If test -ve on PCR then no need to isolate.

Logical position is if testing +ve with LFT then isolate and if start feeling better and have -LFT then go for PCR as -ve PCR gets you out of isolation and if still +ve via a PCR you 10 days are still from when you first tested +ve via LFT. 

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8 minutes ago, quilp said:

Are they? How d'you know? 

Aren't they? How d'you know?

Will they? How d'you know?


You're amazing...

Teachers jabbed? Around 90% of all adults are double jabbed. Unless teachers took a stand against it, that would include them

Kids not double jabbed? The plan at the moment is to single jab the under 16s.

Teachers mild case? Absolutely. That is what the jabs do.

Most Asymptomatic? Absolutely. That's what the jabs do.

You're amazing. I know. 


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17 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

No you are not. The rules were changed a little while back. It is now purely recommended. 

If you test +ve on an LFT and then have a +ve PCR day 0 of your 10 day isolation is the day you tested +ve on the LFT. No further testing. If you only have an LFT I believe you are meant to isolate for 10 days but as you don't have to report you will not get an isolation notice.  I have not found if this the 10 days isolation after +ve LFT is the law. If test -ve on PCR then no need to isolate.

Logical position is if testing +ve with LFT then isolate and if start feeling better and have -LFT then go for PCR as -ve PCR gets you out of isolation and if still +ve via a PCR you 10 days are still from when you first tested +ve via LFT. 


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5 minutes ago, Cambon said:

Kids not double jabbed? The plan at the moment is to single jab the under 16s.

Teachers mild case? Absolutely. That is what the jabs do.

Most Asymptomatic? Absolutely. That's what the jabs do.

You're amazing. I know. 


The vaccination of the kids seems to be very slow. By the time most get jabbed they will have had Covid

Teachers may have mild cases from being double jabbed but the present Covid rules require you to isolate for 10 days if you test +ve no matter how you feel

Your logic seems a bit out. Which is is that  "what the jabs do"? Make you Asymptomatic or have a mild case or does the vaccine have a different effect on teachers? 

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19 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

It appears on the daily dashboard.  The vast majority are symptomatic:


The vast majority will be of school age based on the most recent weekly survey:


That's interesting because my anecdotal evidence suggests that there are some scallywags who are feigning symptoms.   

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1 hour ago, Cambon said:

And, you call me I'll informed? These teachers at home are not necessarily sick. They have tested positive for Covid 19. That does not mean they are in ICU. Most are probably sat out in the lovely October sun right now. 

Where is your information. 'Most', ' not neessarily' and 'probably' are wild speculations of a bitter and ill informed person.  You don't even realise what you are writing. 

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