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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 hour ago, Blade Runner said:

I cant wait for the next "booster vax"

Every time I have had a jab my erections have got bigger and much harder.

I have not got an ornament left in the whole house, go figure.............

It’s a pity you moved. There’s a shop down in Castletown that’s desperate to see you.  

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2 hours ago, Blade Runner said:

I cant wait for the next "booster vax"

Every time I have had a jab my erections have got bigger and much harder.

I have not got an ornament left in the whole house, go figure.............

Neither use nor ornament then. 

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6 hours ago, Black Mirror said:

You are one of those stupids deaf to logic according to Bonhoeffer's definition. With the repellent leftwing ideology on top. In your world, two plus two equal five, or whatever other number your communist organ grinder tells you to believe.

There has not been a sole study, including the original Pfizer double blind trial, showing net advantage (what they call "endpoint") from the so called Covid "vaccines".

For the simple reason that one always observed more deaths in the vaccinated group than in the placebo control group.

That is why, when the actual results of that trial (the one claiming 95% efficacy against Covid) were finally disclosed (following a law suit in US courts; Pfizer and the corrupt CDC had tried to keep that embarrassing information "confidential" for 75 years) most executives at Pfizer refused to be boosted.

There was never a booster policy at Pfizer and all other US corporations that initially had vaccine mandates; following disclosure of those results.

As for the BBC and the UK ONS (Office of National Statistic); there is hardly a figure from them that is not biased or out of context in regard to Covid.

Unlike you, I believe in numbers and only in numbers.

What a load of total nonsense. Especially the "deaf to logic" and "leftwing ideology" when I've always made it very obvious that I am a centrist wholly due to a pragmatic outlook.

I challenged you to dispute the simple and unassailable fact that prior to vaccination programs a lot of folks died and after vaccination programs the number of fatalities dropped like a stone.

The load of complete and utter incomprehensible verbiage you have posted just confirms that you haven't a single fact that denies the efficacy of the vaccines.

Just vague allusions and allegations with no proven stats to back up your wild claims.

I did warn you not to confuse opinions with facts but it would appear that all you have are unfounded opinions that aren't fooling anyone but yourself - and you really should take that on board. After all, the day you start believing your own bollox propoganda is definitely the day you should give up on it....

Happy To Help!

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12 hours ago, Black Mirror said:


Like The BMJ, published by the British Medical Association.

Google forgot to censor it! Tell them. It is not me the one who appears foolish. See Google search below.


Yer flogging a dead horse with that arogant AC prick. And the rest of the pro vax loonies . Dont bring facts into this ,us anti vax people who all think were being microchipped by bill gates and the lizard people are crazy. Must be all the magnetic 5g in the air..  dont argue with mindless idiots like him on the internet ,they drag you down to ther level and beat you with experience. 1 thing the vax has done , is turned most of its users into ignorant ,intollerable arsholes. Who do resuuurch And know more than any medical professionals.  The fact that more medical professionals than the state funded ones opposed the vax ,and more studies are backing the theory that the vax does more harm than good to most of the population has no place in here with the MF crabs

Edited by potiron
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25 minutes ago, potiron said:

Dont bring facts into this

Can you explain the process of peer review?

26 minutes ago, potiron said:

And know more than any medical professionals

The medical professionals who created the vaccine?

28 minutes ago, potiron said:

and more studies are backing the theory that the vax does more harm than good

Which studies? The ones that aren’t peer reviewed, the ones that are written by the bloke who doesn’t believe in any vaccines, or? Are there more?

26 minutes ago, potiron said:

Yer flogging a dead horse with that arogant AC prick

You’re the one calling names on a forum, and can’t actually back up any of your points. You’re then getting yourself so worked up over it. 

The only difference between you and black mirror is that black mirror can spell and post screenshots.

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Itl be a cold day in hell wen i need to justify myself to a tinfoil clad nut job like yerself. Your a cyber expert who does resuuurch. Just open your eyes theres plenty of info out ther. Stop being so obsessed with pro vax conspiracy and fake news

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2 minutes ago, potiron said:

Itl be a cold day in hell wen i need to justify myself to a tinfoil clad nut job like yerself. Your a cyber expert who does resuuurch. Just open your eyes theres plenty of info out ther. Stop being so obsessed with pro vax conspiracy and fake news

Aw. And here I was hoping for a dialogue.

I’m gutted. 

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10 hours ago, potiron said:

Itl be a cold day in hell wen i need to justify myself to a tinfoil clad nut job like yerself. Your a cyber expert who does resuuurch. Just open your eyes theres plenty of info out ther. Stop being so obsessed with pro vax conspiracy and fake news

And we should believe a semi-literate ranter because?

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11 hours ago, potiron said:

Itl be a cold day in hell wen i need to justify myself to a tinfoil clad nut job like yerself. Your a cyber expert who does resuuurch. Just open your eyes theres plenty of info out ther. Stop being so obsessed with pro vax conspiracy and fake news

You and Black Mirror are wasting your time trying to convince the brainwashed that there can be anything other than THEIR truth. You know, the truth that governments proactively enforced with lockdowns and legislation. The truth Big Pharma could provide a vaccine in record time WITH NO RISK to the public, only the perceived benefit of….. well….I don’t know…..not really sure. 

The reality is that, in the case of the U.K., many thousands needlessly died due to hospitals being emptied into care  homes without testing. Completely pathetic! Over 300,000 died in total having tested positive for Covid up to 28 days prior to death, regardless of how they died or what they died of. All are included. The U.K. economy suffered a trillion pound deficit to pay for it. World wide, Covid has been and still is the biggest transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich in history. Ever! It is literally legalised theft! 

The reality is that nearly two years of lockdowns have caused so many illnesses to be undiagnosed that it could cause over 1,000,000 premature deaths. On top of that, long Covid is finally being accepted. And, although most brainwashed will not believe it, some vaccines are causing life changing issues, similar to long Covid. 

All this happened for fear of a bad cold! 

All this for a bad cold! 

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19 minutes ago, Cambon said:

The truth Big Pharma could provide a vaccine in record time WITH NO RISK to the public, only the perceived benefit of….. well….I don’t know…..not really sure. 

Turns out when you have the technology sat on the shelf, designed for being able to be rapidly turned around for a new pathogen, it...works.

mRNA was first trialled in humans in 2007. They'd been trying it in mice since the 90s.

21 minutes ago, Cambon said:

Over 300,000 died in total having tested positive for Covid up to 28 days prior to death, regardless of how they died or what they died of.

You are aware of how excess death figures work, right? And how the 28 day figure was used? It takes a while to get the paperwork for all deaths collated. The 28 day data was used to inform on a rapidly moving situation. You can find all the analyses of excess deaths etc. over the prior 5 year periods, as well as all the deaths with COVID on the death certificate.

But what are facts to get in the way?

22 minutes ago, Cambon said:

On top of that, long Covid is finally being accepted. And, although most brainwashed will not believe it, some vaccines are causing life changing issues, similar to long Covid. 

You neglect that the risk from the vaccines is much lower than the risks from contracting COVID. Have you ever read the side effects list from any medicine you take? All of them have incredibly nasty side effects if you're an unlucky person. Even Calpol can send you into anaphylaxis.

Much like crossing the road has a chance of killing you, everyone assesses risk on a daily basis.

23 minutes ago, Cambon said:

biggest transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich in history

That's just what 10+ years of a Tory government that can't be held to account does. See Brexit as an example. How is that independence going?

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12 hours ago, Cambon said:

You and Black Mirror are wasting your time trying to convince the brainwashed that there can be anything other than THEIR truth. You know, the truth that governments proactively enforced with lockdowns and legislation. The truth Big Pharma could provide a vaccine in record time WITH NO RISK to the public, only the perceived benefit of….. well….I don’t know…..not really sure. 

The reality is that, in the case of the U.K., many thousands needlessly died due to hospitals being emptied into care  homes without testing. Completely pathetic! Over 300,000 died in total having tested positive for Covid up to 28 days prior to death, regardless of how they died or what they died of. All are included. The U.K. economy suffered a trillion pound deficit to pay for it. World wide, Covid has been and still is the biggest transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich in history. Ever! It is literally legalised theft! 

The reality is that nearly two years of lockdowns have caused so many illnesses to be undiagnosed that it could cause over 1,000,000 premature deaths. On top of that, long Covid is finally being accepted. And, although most brainwashed will not believe it, some vaccines are causing life changing issues, similar to long Covid. 

All this happened for fear of a bad cold! 

All this for a bad cold! 

Lots of people died from bad colds resulting in pneumonia and other serious respiratory conditions well before CV, see ONS stats. And you're suggesting that CV was/is just a bad cold? The symptoms might be flu-like but the rate of transmission was staggering. Sorry, I don't buy that.

The one good thing that's come out of this is that vaccines work.

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22 hours ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Turns out when you have the technology sat on the shelf, designed for being able to be rapidly turned around for a new pathogen, it...works.

mRNA was first trialled in humans in 2007. They'd been trying it in mice since the 90s.

You are aware of how excess death figures work, right? And how the 28 day figure was used? It takes a while to get the paperwork for all deaths collated. The 28 day data was used to inform on a rapidly moving situation. You can find all the analyses of excess deaths etc. over the prior 5 year periods, as well as all the deaths with COVID on the death certificate.

But what are facts to get in the way?

You neglect that the risk from the vaccines is much lower than the risks from contracting COVID. Have you ever read the side effects list from any medicine you take? All of them have incredibly nasty side effects if you're an unlucky person. Even Calpol can send you into anaphylaxis.

Much like crossing the road has a chance of killing you, everyone assesses risk on a daily basis.

That's just what 10+ years of a Tory government that can't be held to account does. See Brexit as an example. How is that independence going?

Some interesting points, but mainly condescending crap. You are obviously one of those who bought every word that Boris, Donald and even Howard said. And, of course Main Street media. More people are dying, world wide, of undiagnosed cancers, pulmonary and cardiovascular issues caused by lockdown than Covid will ever kill. Lockdowns were wrong. Vaccines a waste of time. We should have protected the vulnerable and let it rip. Lockdowns were nothing more than governments experimenting with control, and using it to transfer wealth. Some of them are even admitting it now! 

As for brexit, it is actually going very well. You are just one of the many who refuse to see the positive when there is negative to be exaggerated. 

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11 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

Lots of people died from bad colds resulting in pneumonia and other serious respiratory conditions well before CV, see ONS stats. And you're suggesting that CV was/is just a bad cold? The symptoms might be flu-like but the rate of transmission was staggering. Sorry, I don't buy that.

The one good thing that's come out of this is that vaccines work.

You are correct about the ONS stats re bad colds and flu, and yes the transmission rate became high later on when Omicron was airborne. However, what do you expect when everyone was isolated, not giving the human race the chance to form any immunity? 
Covid 19 is a coronavirus. Coronavirus is one of the cold viruses we have been told for decades that antibiotics will not work, and cannot be vaccinated against. Has that really changed? 

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