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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Just now, Zarley said:

Oh dear.

Now, where did I put my tinfoil hat? Never to hand when it's needed. 😕

I was thinking to add the below, given this forum's expertise in 'gaslighting' anyone who puts forward a view that differs from the mainstream, or forum, consensus. Thank you for the prompt Zarley.

One of the references in the WCH link above is from the book "Vax-Unvax, Let the science speak" authored by Robert F Kennedy (lawyer and US Presidential candidate) and Brian Hooker PhD which highlights the failure of the regulatory agencies to either research the claims, or regulate the activities of the Pharma Co's. One of the comments about that book said"

"Millions of people-myself included-initially believed the Covid-19 vaccine disaster to be a one-off, the result of a novel, rapidly evolving virus combined with a rushed therapeutic packaged in an experimental delivery system. Today I laugh at such naivete. In Vax-Unvax, Kennedy and Hooker shine a blinding light on the appalling lack of research and blatant propaganda behind the entire inflated and ever-expanding childhood vaccine schedule. The authors' painstaking investigation and rigorous analyses are rivaled only by their bravery in exposing the depth and breadth of the lies we've been told. As a physician who never dreamed of questioning the safety and efficacy claims of routine immunizations and who believed he was protecting his patients and his own children by endorsing them, I am humbled and enraged. Our government, the media, and the powerful and rapacious pharmaceutical industrial complex have deceived, endangered, and gaslit the public for far too long. I hope this explosive and important book finds a worldwide audience and becomes a staple in every pediatrician's and parent's library."
-Dr. Pierre Kory, author of The War on Ivermectin, cofounder of the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, cofounder of the Leading Edge Tele-Health Clinic

Rather than any of us donning 'tin foil hats' perhaps we might do better to do a little research of our own. Especially those who are thinking of 'boosters'. Or worse, shots for your children or grandchildren..


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19 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Only an idealogue would make the leap you just made. You asked for my opinion on long COVID causes and have managed to extrapolate that to something entirely different. 


Anyone wishing for facts and actual evidence about the vaccine subject could do worse than the excellent book linked below. It's research is impeccable and arguments hard to fault:



Meanwhile, one of the key UK govt advisors - on our nightly news telling us all to get vaccinated - joins one of the vaccine makers. Who would have thought it?


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58 minutes ago, ManxMum said:

World Council for Health. Sounds great, official. But it’s nothing other than discredited conspiracy theorists pushing wholly un researched and non peer reviews propaganda and misinformation that take in the uncritical. You only have to look at the names involved.

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7 minutes ago, ManxMum said:

Anyone wishing for facts and actual evidence about the vaccine subject could do worse than the excellent book linked below. It's research is impeccable and arguments hard to fault:


It’s Robert F Kennedy Jr’s organisation. No research, no peer review, misinformation. Nothing else.


8 minutes ago, ManxMum said:

Meanwhile, one of the key UK govt advisors - on our nightly news telling us all to get vaccinated - joins one of the vaccine makers. Who would have thought it?


Whilst I’m against public servants moving into related fields at retirement I don’t think you can draw your conclusions about vaccine danger. There is literally no evidence for that.

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17 minutes ago, John Wright said:

World Council for Health. Sounds great, official. But it’s nothing other than discredited conspiracy theorists pushing wholly un researched and non peer reviews propaganda and misinformation that take in the uncritical. You only have to look at the names involved.

As if by magic..

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15 minutes ago, John Wright said:

It’s Robert F Kennedy Jr’s organisation. No research, no peer review, misinformation. Nothing else.


Whilst I’m against public servants moving into related fields at retirement I don’t think you can draw your conclusions about vaccine danger. There is literally no evidence for that.

Whether Jonathon Van Tam's views were influenced by the high paying job he was almost inevitably going to walk into at a vaccine manufacturers we will almost certainly never know. But his choice does not inspire trust. Especially since we know that those advising public health policy in future are likely to take a similar route.

However, I defy any thinking person not to be concerned by the facts. These are available to anyone sufficiently interested. The book "Vax-Unvax" that I cited is actually based on a 100 peer-reviewed studies. Few who read it will subsequently line-up for any vaccine shot.

It is also a fact that qualified people who challenge the mainstream are usually subsequently vilified by the media. That is not because they or their evidence are wrong, but because of huge vested interests that do not want uncomfortable facts exposed. Stanford Prof Jay Bhattacharya wrote eloquently about this phenomena after he and 2 other impeccably qualified medical professors - plus numerous others - were ridiculed in the media after their support of the well-proven and Nobel prize-winning drug Ivermectin, which is effective in the treatment of covid. But people like Jonathon Van Tam, and many others, did not want us all taking a cheap and well-proven drug, they wanted us all lining-up for a very un-proven vaccine. The side effects of which are only now coming to light..

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3 hours ago, Zarley said:

From what I understand, long covid is in a different league to post-viral fatigue syndrome. Long covid can manifest in many different symptoms that ordinary post-viral fatigue doesn't. 

For what it's worth this article includes some interesting references (but there are no cast-iron guarantees): 


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41 minutes ago, ManxMum said:

Whether Jonathon Van Tam's views were influenced by the high paying job he was almost inevitably going to walk into at a vaccine manufacturers we will almost certainly never know. But his choice does not inspire trust. Especially since we know that those advising public health policy in future are likely to take a similar route.

However, I defy any thinking person not to be concerned by the facts. These are available to anyone sufficiently interested. The book "Vax-Unvax" that I cited is actually based on a 100 peer-reviewed studies. Few who read it will subsequently line-up for any vaccine shot.

It is also a fact that qualified people who challenge the mainstream are usually subsequently vilified by the media. That is not because they or their evidence are wrong, but because of huge vested interests that do not want uncomfortable facts exposed. Stanford Prof Jay Bhattacharya wrote eloquently about this phenomena after he and 2 other impeccably qualified medical professors - plus numerous others - were ridiculed in the media after their support of the well-proven and Nobel prize-winning drug Ivermectin, which is effective in the treatment of covid. But people like Jonathon Van Tam, and many others, did not want us all taking a cheap and well-proven drug, they wanted us all lining-up for a very un-proven vaccine. The side effects of which are only now coming to light..

Since you're quoting wikiwotsit try looking at JVT's page and see where his experience comes from..... that's right, big pharmaceuticals. He walked away from pharma and went back into the NHS.

You don't get to know about vaccinology, epidemiology and stuff like influenza and respiratory viruses just by reading a text book and being on University Challenge.

We all know that big pharma has an image problem due to the amount of money involved but I really do think you've picked on the wrong man to try and prove a point.

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27 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

Nobel prize-winning drug Ivermectin

For avoidance of doubt: the scientists who discovered avermectin (the molecule was subsequently modified to ivermectin) were awarded the Nobel prize because of the effect of the new drug on parasitic roundworm infections worldwide, including river blindness in many poorer regions of the world.

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