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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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And as subsequently released information proved, our elected certainly made sure that they didn't suffer too much business pain as they freely availed themselves of all the financial support that was available to them whilst still drawing their political salaries as well.

I wonder how many other businesses or even individuals didn't actually know of any entitlement available to them and thus didn't claim at all?

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8 hours ago, CrazyDave said:

Having lost a business which was just getting started at the end of 2019 and a significant chunk of life savings when told we couldn’t trade but still had to pay rent etc with NO financial support either personally or for the business I actually wouldn’t mind a few months off on full pay like so many enjoyed now I am employed.

It was an absolute disgrace the way different people were treated, with many paid to do nothing and others left (by goverment, and society in general) to lose everything.

Lots of hospitality/small businesses suffered despite some of the ill informed gossip doing the rounds. Hotels and accommodation did very well out of it. Government published what businesses received and it was grossly unfair the way "support" was distributed. 

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9 hours ago, CrazyDave said:

You might be right, but not many stepped forward and tried to help those who lost everything.  The vast majority were happy to just sit at home watching their money come in with not a thought for those who still had bills to pay and ZERO money coming in.

Most just closed their eyes and  ears and refused to accept that it was happening.  I got serious abuse on social media for trying to explain to people that we and lots of others were in dire straights.  Most refused to even believe me and just said we must have been behind on NI contributions to be being left out to dry.  We weren’t.

It was shameful and I know plenty of people who are still repaying debts they built up while most office workers, goverment staff etc had a free holiday.

You’re absolutely correct and lots of government workers except for frontline medical,police etc treated it as extra holidays at beach, painting, gardening etc. Some of the sums handed out to holiday home owners including the CM was appalling. Worse in UK were £bn of grants, loans etcare being written off every week .

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18 minutes ago, Banker said:

You’re absolutely correct and lots of government workers except for frontline medical, police etc treated it as extra holidays at beach, painting, gardening etc. Some of the sums handed out to holiday home owners including the CM was appalling. Worse in UK were £bn of grants, loans ectara being written off every week .

The UK had their pants pulled down and lots did make a lot of money from fraud, they are being chased like some IOM businesses'.

But the rock did not do a Furlough scheme and paid businesses a pittance relatively, If your business had a decent turnover.

For example a business with a yearly turnover of say £1million got the same £1.5k pay-out at the start and the same £0.5K pay-out and the same was it £1k pay-out, near the end, (Might of been the first pay-out?).

One of my daughters hairdressers told her she had never been so well off during the lock downs.

The Island should also remember the OTT reaction of the Police and you should hang your heads in shame that you did not have the balls to stand up to a police state at the time.

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56 minutes ago, Blade Runner said:

If your business had a decent turnover.

There it is.

People in new businesses who had taken a punt on a new startup were absolutely screwed.

You can’t do anything with the new equipment you have invested in, you can’t use the building you are renting, it’s entirely down to you to pay the new staff you have employed but you can’t generate any business and we won’t give you ANY support personal or business at all.

People lost homes, and others sat at home and made more money than usual 

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On 9/15/2023 at 7:22 PM, John Wright said:

Of course the antivaxers have learned nothing. Neither have mask sceptics. It’s a sensible precaution as is the autumn booster campaign for older and at risk groups.


On 9/16/2023 at 1:30 AM, Utah 01 said:

I really don't effing believe it!  Have they learnt nothing?  The hysteria merchants are ramping it based on the same myths and legends as the great COVID catastrophe we've just endured.


On 9/16/2023 at 10:03 AM, WTF said:

lockdown didn't combat spread , it just delayed it, the spread still happened.


Dr. McCullough, a renowned academic with 1,000 plus journal publications to his name, delivered a speech to the European Union Parliament on September 13th in a session dedicated to the World Health Organization and Pandemic response.

Here is the video of McCullough’s speech at the European Parliament:


Dr. McCullough speaks to denounce three false narratives. The first false narrative was the virus is unassailable, we have to stay in lockdown and be fearful. The second false narrative is take a vaccine, it’s safe and effective. We are now seeing a third false narrative. The third false narrative is: it’s not the vaccine causing these problems, it’s covid.

Don’t fall for those false narrative, Dr. McCullough says. The medical literature at this point in time is compelling. The Bradford-Hill criteria for causality have been fulfilled. The covid injectables have been causing this enormous wave of illness.

I have seen by myself many, many journal publications supporting the above position. But evidence does not matter to the taliban covidians… My suggestion is that you covidian fuckheads keep taking the covidian injectables until you succumb to hearth inflammation or vasculitis or some other serious immune dysfunction caused by those injectables.

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17 minutes ago, kevster said:

The factcheckers are leftist organisations.

I could post tens of scientific papers demolishing the official covid narrative maintained by the politically correct mainstream media. Showing, for instance, that the clinical trials conducted Pfizer and Moderna were intentionally designed to grossly misrepresent vaccine efficacy; a fraud basically. The covid injectables have no efficacy whatsoever.

No avail. You are not evidence driven and don't have the intellectual ability to work out which position is correct.

People are stupid and ignorant. If you had been born in Russia, you would be Putin's happy foot soldiers; until losing an arm or leg of course. You deserve to be screwed.

Your only luck is that the government of this island is relatively benign in respect to Russia and a lot of other places of the world. Still incredibly ineffectual and hypocrite and relying on the populace to be too stupid and ignorant to do something about it; like any other government.





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1 hour ago, NoTail said:

Given the opportunity I would get a booster. The vaccine is known to be effective. 


21 hours ago, Escape Artist said:

The factcheckers are leftist organisations.

I could post tens of scientific papers demolishing the official covid narrative maintained by the politically correct mainstream media. Showing, for instance, that the clinical trials conducted Pfizer and Moderna were intentionally designed to grossly misrepresent vaccine efficacy; a fraud basically. The covid injectables have no efficacy whatsoever.

No avail. You are not evidence driven and don't have the intellectual ability to work out which position is correct.

People are stupid and ignorant. If you had been born in Russia, you would be Putin's happy foot soldiers; until losing an arm or leg of course. You deserve to be screwed.

Your only luck is that the government of this island is relatively benign in respect to Russia and a lot of other places of the world. Still incredibly ineffectual and hypocrite and relying on the populace to be too stupid and ignorant to do something about it; like any other government.





Your refreshing, and welcome - from me at least - post will fall mostly on deaf ears (see above). This forums’ self appointed experts on everything are blessed with the gift of, er, knowing everything, it seems. Hopefully though, a few readers will research the knowledgeable Dr McCullough, and perhaps heed some of his advice.

For the rest, yes of course, the ‘vaccines’ are “safe and effective”. Like all vaccines in history before them - if one gets one’s info from the mainstream that is..

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22 hours ago, Escape Artist said:

The factcheckers are leftist organisations.

I could post tens of scientific papers demolishing the official covid narrative maintained by the politically correct mainstream media. Showing, for instance, that the clinical trials conducted Pfizer and Moderna were intentionally designed to grossly misrepresent vaccine efficacy; a fraud basically. The covid injectables have no efficacy whatsoever.

No avail. You are not evidence driven and don't have the intellectual ability to work out which position is correct.

People are stupid and ignorant. If you had been born in Russia, you would be Putin's happy foot soldiers; until losing an arm or leg of course. You deserve to be screwed.

Your only luck is that the government of this island is relatively benign in respect to Russia and a lot of other places of the world. Still incredibly ineffectual and hypocrite and relying on the populace to be too stupid and ignorant to do something about it; like any other government.





Did you have the jab when it was first offered?

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22 hours ago, Escape Artist said:

No avail. You are not evidence driven and don't have the intellectual ability to work out which position is correct.

People are stupid and ignorant. If you had been born in Russia, you would be Putin's happy foot soldiers; until losing an arm or leg of course. You deserve to be screwed.

Your only luck is that the government of this island is relatively benign in respect to Russia and a lot of other places of the world. Still incredibly ineffectual and hypocrite and relying on the populace to be too stupid and ignorant to do something about it; like any other government.

If you’re trying to change hearts and minds, do you think that berating people in this way will be effective?

If others have come to a different conclusion to you, why would you care?  Are they not entitled to their own view, as indeed you are?

If “people are stupid and ignorant”, what was it that made you exceptional (assuming that you fall under the definition of people)?

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