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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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But this is totally down to the government advice re: face coverings, who say that something is better than nothing. Which obviously isn’t the case with regards to a virus, but the vast majority believe them. Plus it’s not even mandatory to cover your face, only advisory. Whole thing is a shambles. 

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1 minute ago, Gladys said:

Yes, and once you put the mask on leave it be until you get back home.  Don't adjust it, slide it under your chin or put it in your pocket to whip out when next in close contact. 

Indeed Gladys, you see that a lot also. People messing with, putting in their pocket, if it was contaminated the virus is then all over their hands. When I get home it's mask off, the paper one goes in the bin, the N95 is good for half a dozen hot washes with detergent before it falls apart then it's unwrap another one. Just as important as washing ones hands is also washing ones face. How this advice isn't generally touted is beyond me, it stands to reason as far as I'm concerned. In the beginning I drove Mrs Q mad with my "pernickety-ness" as she called it but now she gets the point. 

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4 hours ago, piebaps said:

They didn't slinky. Roger is misrepresenting what happened. 

The motion being debated was;

32. COVID-19 policy framework review The Hon. Member for Douglas Central (Mr Thomas) to move – That Tynwald receives the documents Isle of Man Borders Framework 2020 [NN No 2020/0047] and Stay Responsible: the Isle of Man Government’s long term framework for COVID-19 [NN No 2020/0048]; notes the Council of Ministers’ intention to bring forward regulations under the Public Health Act 1990 to put in place entry restrictions when the current Emergency Powers (Coronavirus) (Entry Restrictions) Regulations cease to have effect; and welcomes regular and continuing review of the Borders and Stay Responsible policy frameworks and the Government’s approach to living with COVID-19, considering the risks and different scenarios arising from the evolving local and global COVID19 pandemic situations.


Bill Shimmins then tabled an amendment which read 

"Tynwald is of the opinion that further urgent consideration should be given for all arrivals to be tested for COVID-19 with additional testing to take place at intervals after arrival within the 14-day isolation period to enable exploration of additional options to manage infection risks and other considerations;"


The original motion was passed as was Shimmins' amendment.

The problem here however is that it doesn't make anybody do anything. Its piffle of the highest order. If Tynwald was to do testing all he had to do was change his wording to "Tynwald instructs DHSC to test all arrivals etc etc". He didn't do that and Tynwald agreed to nothing more than give further urgent consideration to something. I'm sure someone can easily say yup, we did that and decided against it.

I guess that's what happens when you let outsiders into your national Parliament.:D

I wasn't misrepresenting anything.  I said that CoMin "were actually ignoring the will of Tynwald as well".  It's quite clear from Shimmins amendment (which I gave in full in an earlier comment) what the will of Tynwald is.  Parliamentary language is always ultra-polite in what is allowed in motions and "further urgent consideration" is about as strong as you can get in such a motion to the Government.

But clearly they haven't given even that consideration, otherwise they would have at least produced a report saying why it couldn't be done.  Similarly they haven't set up the Emergency Advisory Group that the second part of the amendment advised, which is why Chris Thomas is pressing on that.

And of course it now means that for the rest of the year all the MHKs and candidates will be pointing to CoMin and co and saying "You voted against testing and it meant that we had to lockdown again".

Edited by Roger Mexico
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10 hours ago, pongo said:

Why don't you stop trying to stir up trouble at every opportunity?

They need to do the care homes and essential front line staff first. Before the regular over-80s.

And it's obviously an organisational nightmare. Just imagine the practicalities of trying to do this. If you had any sense you'd realise that.

Why is it a nightmare. Everyone else seems to be managing. Challenge yes agreed, but then they are things that people get paid to overcome and if Ashford and his team can't cope then why not be honest and say it.

It's a time when the population is desperate for good news and strong confident leadership. Mumbling excuses and mediocrity is not the order of the day

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23 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

Why is it a nightmare. Everyone else seems to be managing. Challenge yes agreed, but then they are things that people get paid to overcome and if Ashford and his team can't cope then why not be honest and say it.

It's a time when the population is desperate for good news and strong confident leadership. Mumbling excuses and mediocrity is not the order of the day

I watched a news item last night where pretty much ever EU member state were complaining that they can't get vaccines quickly enough.  We have them sat in fridges.

We are also a county where residents are having to turn to things like the Manx Solidarity Fund and the food bank in alarming numbers because even with the hindsight of one lockdown we don't have a meaningful support package in place for lots of people.

I appreciate the majority on here seem to be office based and/or government employees so won't understand what its like to have all your income removed and be running week to week.

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13 hours ago, dreamon said:

Checked by whom??? Sounds an ideal opportunity for the spread of the virus. But, a good business opportunity for holiday cottage owners. Depends which is more important.

Are all the key workers isolating for 14days or do they just go to work ? and keep away from people here ?

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Borders just moved from 5B to 5A. If you leave now you may not be allowed to return. They haven’t yet said what the controlled way of controlling return of residents will consist of. But expect limited numbers. Possible Comis colditz?

Not sure of justification with day 1, 6/7 and 13 testing. Perhaps it’s policing?

When I returned in October I got one visit. When we returned in December we had 3 visits and two phone calls

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6 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Borders just moved from 5B to 5A. If you leave now you may not be allowed to return. They haven’t yet said what the controlled way of controlling return of residents will consist of. But expect limited numbers. Possible Comis colditz?

Not sure of justification with day 1, 6/7 and 13 testing. Perhaps it’s policing?

When I returned in October I got one visit. When we returned in December we had 3 visits and two phone calls

They're probably fed up with all these day 1 and 7 positives ruining the figures.

Edited by jaymann
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