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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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18 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

This thread is just one big government hate fest!

Like we’ve had it so bad compared with other jurisdictions over the last COVID-19 year. ( Nothing to do with the way the Government has acted and handled the situation of course. Just luck I guess)

You're certainly right about luck, they rode it, but its now run out and requires leadership !

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39 minutes ago, rachomics said:

At this point, if they swallowed their pride and sent me an email, I'd sequence and analyse all the cases to date for free. 

Serious, Dr Glover why don’t you swallow your own pride and do all that? 
That would show you were the bigger person and help us all out






Edited by The Voice of Reason
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2 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Serious, Dr Glover why don’t you show that you are the bigger person and swallow your own pride and do all that?

That would earn you a lot of respect and hopefully put paid to this feuding on MF, Facebook, Twitter etc and hopefully put all this to bed

Wow, some take.

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35 minutes ago, rachomics said:

At this point, if they swallowed their pride and sent me an email, I'd sequence and analyse all the cases to date for free. 

Regardless of personalities this small island is unbelievably fortunate to have expertise and assets like this with the speed it brings in testing and tracking transmission. I couldn't believe that Govt. ineptitude had wasted this asset in the first place because they couldn't manage the relationship but there was no community problem then and they were too busy slapping each other on the back to think about "planning for the worst".

In the current circumstances, if Quayle doesn't recognise his duty to the population to ensure this offer is taken up, someone may well die unnecessarily. If they are a member of my family I will be straight to the lawyers. 

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3 minutes ago, Lewis said:

Regardless of personalities this small island is unbelievably fortunate to have expertise and assets like this with the speed it brings in testing and tracking transmission. I couldn't believe that Govt. ineptitude had wasted this asset in the first place because they couldn't manage the relationship but there was no community problem then and they were too busy slapping each other on the back to think about "planning for the worst".

In the current circumstances, if Quayle doesn't recognise his duty to the population to ensure this offer is taken up, someone may well die unnecessarily. If they are a member of my family I will be straight to the lawyers. 

Stupid. You on FB by any chance ? Stand in front of mirror and read out that post.

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44 minutes ago, jaymann said:

I recently emailed the same people offering to fully fund a contact tracing app (aware they'd refused a similar offer for a tracing app last year), they didn't reply.

I can see how aggregated 'contact tracing' might provide a statistical advantage on average across a large population of many millions. But if you think about how statistics work - it's difficult to see how much of an advantage such an app would offer a specific small local sample. About half the population here probably pass each other in traffic every day - or pass by their houses. In no time we'd all be in isolation.

Surely it would be just as likely to be a distraction. And you've also got to factor in the reality of software development. This thing will be over before the testing is done. And then there are all of the issues around compliance.

It doesn't seem like a serious prospect here. Can you see a way in which it could produce useful data?

ETA: also - I doubt that the cost is an issue. Paying for it just seems like grandstanding. The issue is whether a sensible and scientifically justified proposal was attached - together with a proposal and schedule around actually building it. Paying is the easiest part.

Edited by pongo
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8 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Serious, Dr Glover why don’t you swallow your own pride and do all that? 
That would show you were the bigger person and help us all out. 

So your take is that Dr. Glover's "pride" is an obstacle to our collective health? 

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41 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Or pick up the phone to Henrietta quickly followed by an open email to DA and her, cc the CM?

Nobody serious communicates by 'open' letter ever. Or CCs people in for effect. That's always about taking a stance.

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7 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Serious, Dr Glover why don’t you swallow your own pride and do all that? 
That would show you were the bigger person and help us all out






The Chief Minister is the one who's primary duty is the safety of the population.  

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