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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 minute ago, Lost Login said:

I don't think I am. I want to stop the outbreak as soon as possible. The best way to do that is the test trace and isolate. I may have missed it, and for that I apologise, but it appears that the rapid genome testing is not going to make the slightest bit of difference to that, so giving it such a high profile to make it seem vitally important I think is misleading. I appreciate that not all do 

Is it not obvious?

Test trace and isolate is only enhanced with genomics. It gives you real time feedback as to how well you're doing with each of those processes. It makes coming out of lockdown safer, and less likely to cause us to come back round to community transmission.

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6 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

@Lost LoginIt has been explained to you numerous times in pretty clear terms that the genomics would be a valuable tool to aid the shoe leather work of the contact tracing team. You seem to be purposefully ignoring this point. Would you care to explain why?

Honestly? I can't help but think that @Lost Login thinks Dr Glover is just an uppity woman who wants to make a name and money for herself, when in reality she is an intelligent, down-to-earth, altruistic woman who is a leader in her field and who speaks her mind.

Heaven forbid she wants to help her fellow Manx citizens. It would seem that LL cannot conceive of such selfless behaviour.


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19 minutes ago, Gladys said:

It's not an aside, it is a deliberate denigration of her status and is very petty of you.  She has a title  and it is not Mrs, just as it is not Mr or Lady.  This is not just a chat down the pub, it is about the very thing in which she holds a doctorate so it is entirely appropriate to use her correct title, whether you are averted to it or not. 


If you refer back to the “spat” thread on the 21st November Dr Glover said that (apart from myself) everyone could call her Rachel.

So she is not so precious about the use of her title as some of her supporters who seem to want to be offended on her behalf.

Edited by The Voice of Reason
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1 minute ago, Zarley said:

Honestly? I can't help but think that @Lost Login thinks Dr Glover is just an uppity woman who wants to make a name and money for herself, when in reality she is an intelligent, down-to-earth, altruistic woman who is a leader in her field and who speaks her mind.

Heaven forbid she wants to help her fellow Manx citizens. It would seem that LL cannot conceive of such selfless behaviour.


Not only that, but when employed (despite DA's lack of clarity as to her status) she was on bank rates rather than commercial rates and provided the reagents at cost. 

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1 minute ago, The Voice of Reason said:

If you refer back to the “spat” thread on the 21st November Dr Glover said that (apart from myself) everyone could call her Rachel.

So she is not so precious about the use of her title as some of her supporters who seem to want to be offended on her behalf.

I have called her Rachel in threads, and that is fine.  But if you are going to formally address her, get it right. 

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1 minute ago, The Voice of Reason said:

If you refer back to the “spat” thread on the 21st November Dr Glover said that (apart from myself) everyone could call her Rachel.

So she is not so precious about the use of her title as some of her supporters who seem to want to be offended on her behalf.

I call her Doctor out of respect for her position. I don’t know her personally, but if I did, I would still use her accredited term on this forum rather than Ms or Mrs which some use in a way to belittle her education, knowledge and expertise. 

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10 minutes ago, Zarley said:

Sorry, but you are being extremely rude, dismissive and disrespectful. By insisting on referring to DOCTOR Glover as Mrs or Ms, you are implying that she's just another person with an opinion, rather than an expert in her field. 

And funny how you use JW as an example of not using a person's title, when he is another one who insists on using Ms rather than Dr.  

Your refusal to use Dr Glover's proper title makes you look like a petulant child with an axe to grind, a child who doesn't care - or doesn't care to understand - how offensive you're being. 

Also, your petulant refusal to use Dr Glover's proper title makes you sound petty and, for me, renders much of your opinion worthless.  

But calling the director of Public Health Hetty or similar rather than Dr Henrietta Ewart in posts is fine. I look forward to all future reference to HQ or DA as being The Hon.......

I refer to virtually all as Mr, Mrs, Miss, Mr or by their names except when dealing with them professionally. You may not like it but I try not to pick and choose who I think deserve to be given their full title and who don't.

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1 minute ago, Gladys said:

Not only that, but when employed (despite DA's lack of clarity as to her status) she was on bank rates rather than commercial rates and provided the reagents at cost. 

Absolutely. She's never been in it for the money, hence my reference to her altruism.

3 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

If you refer back to the “spat” thread on the 21st November Dr Glover said that (apart from myself) everyone could call her Rachel.

So she is not so precious about the use of her title as some of her supporters who seem to want to be offended on her behalf.

Guilty as charged; I am VERY offended on her behalf. As Gladys just said so well...


2 minutes ago, Gladys said:

I have called her Rachel in threads, and that is fine.  But if you are going to formally address her, get it right. 


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13 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

I don't think I am. I want to stop the outbreak as soon as possible. The best way to do that is the test trace and isolate. I may have missed it, and for that I apologise, but it appears that the rapid genome testing is not going to make the slightest bit of difference to that, so giving it such a high profile to make it seem vitally important I think is misleading. I appreciate that not all do 

See, no one is saying genomics are the solution to our problem, they are saying that it is an additional and useful tool to add to the test trae and isolate thing.

Look at the information given out about 'low risk' locations and times. They're put out to help the contact tracing team, give them some help. Or like the 15 minute contact thing, that's is only to make the chances of success in contact tracing higher, its not because you can't get the virus with shorter contact times. Genomics is another helpful guide.

It's not really about this lockdown, that's done and there is nothing we can do about that other than stay in and wait for our political 'leaders' to get their shit together. It's about how we get on with things in the future.

Your absolute refusal to understand this is mental. 

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3 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

But calling the director of Public Health Hetty or similar rather than Dr Henrietta Ewart in posts is fine. I look forward to all future reference to HQ or DA as being The Hon.......

I refer to virtually all as Mr, Mrs, Miss, Mr or by their names except when dealing with them professionally. You may not like it but I try not to pick and choose who I think deserve to be given their full title and who don't.

Considering we are discussing Dr Glover's professional opinions and recommendations regarding all aspects of covid testing, I'd say this situation qualifies, as per your criteria.

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12 minutes ago, piebaps said:

Surely Saint Rachel is most appropriate. Or perhaps Mother Therachel?

Or we could just call her Doctor, or Rachel if she prefers, and let her get on with doing the job for the Island which she clearly wants to do, and where years of education, experience, and skill have led her. 
I really can’t fathom what all the debate is about, either in her professionalism or on the semantics of her title. Just let her get on with what she’s good at, for the good of the country. It’s not hard. The ONLY reason why this is not happening, is because it would identify failures and deficiencies in our government.

Edited by manxst
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Just now, piebaps said:

Surely Saint Rachel is most appropriate. Or perhaps Mother Therachel?

But neither is her name. It's Rachel or Dr Glover.  Just have a look at any form you complete - the options for title are Mr, Mrs, Ms or Dr, ie they are mutually exclusive in most people's view. 

I confess I did once refer to her as St Rachel, but that was more with the intent to leg-pull rather than denigrate. 

Aversion to recognising credentials puts me in mind of the uneducated exclamation when being told something unpalatable by an expert "what do they know!".  Often uttered by those who recognise the expertise but are resentful of it.

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Lost Login has been attempting to debate around the issue of how would her involvement assist ending lockdown earlier. It appears that nobody has been able to answer that and the thread has turned against him/her because of the refusal to say Doc/Rachel/ or whatever.

It appears that regardless of the merits of the discussion, the failure to use the correct title is more important. 

Its pretty usual MF stuff tbh, but I'm surprised that more of the regulars can't see this.

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