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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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40 minutes ago, manxst said:

But they would help in tracing the unknown source cases. Which is what you’ve been repeatedly told. 

And how would that have helped. To be more clear in the question.

Would it have avoided the lockdown?

Would it have saved lives?

Give me tangible, not just words that are not tangible benefits. Real world benefits that we can see

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10 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

Fair point. They were all the same strain. Obviously we only know that now and hindsight is a wonderful thing. I am not gloating on that as they could have been different strains. 

What I genuinely cant see though is that we could have done anything different than isolate all those that tested positive and also any other close contacts. Correct me of I am wrong but the minimal total time is 2 days for a genomic profile. That's 24hrs to get the pct result and then a further 2r hrs to get the profile. So how would it help?

If Dr Glover’s posts don’t explain it well enough then I’ve got no chance. It’s basically like a dna footprint, with that you can develop a pattern, we knkw it can help track and trace, we also benefit from knowing exactly how it is spreading in our community and it would help truly determine what is actually low/high risk, I think Rachel even said it can help stop people lying about their whereabouts, because the link between cases will be so precise.

Put it this way say someone in Truth tested positive, but they didn’t tell contract tracing they spent 2 hours in another pub that night whether on purpose or not (too pissed to remember) someone from that other pub tests positive but hasn’t been in Truth or any of the other named locations, he is the random sporadic case that needs identifying, the genomic testing will show its origins and now everyone in the pub will also be tested/monitored, but without this testing nobody would have known the original positive case visited this pub.

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While the King Bills co-isolation is being triumphed as an ideal case of 'containment', it has failed in that it didn't protect the individual Kids.

There are now 7 Kids infected, that's 7 Kids who.

Could become ILL.

Very ill.

or with unfortunate co-morbidity...Die?

I don't see that as anything to celebrate!

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1 minute ago, Kopek said:

While the King Bills co-isolation is being triumphed as an ideal case of 'containment', it has failed in that it didn't protect the individual Kids.

There are now 7 Kids infected, that's 7 Kids who.

Could become ILL.

Very ill.

or with unfortunate co-morbidity...Die?

I don't see that as anything to celebrate!

At 16/17 they are responsible for their own choices, they may well be young adults still learning the world but they aren’t kids, old enough to work, old enough to drive and old enough to have their own kids.

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3 minutes ago, Gladys said:

I was sure there was just one in hospital yesterday, but now there are 2. Am I misremembering?  If I am right, that means 3 people have suffered severe issues with this outbreak, about 10%, is that a higher figure than before? 

Probably the same person, returning patient transfer 

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3 minutes ago, Gladys said:

I was sure there was just one in hospital yesterday, but now there are 2. Am I misremembering?  If I am right, that means 3 people have suffered severe issues with this outbreak, about 10%, is that a higher figure than before? 

Could be people travelling for medical reasons who would have been coming back to Nobles anyway who tested positive.

Not necessarily meaning they are in nobles because of covid

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5 minutes ago, Gladys said:

I was sure there was just one in hospital yesterday, but now there are 2. Am I misremembering?  If I am right, that means 3 people have suffered severe issues with this outbreak, about 10%, is that a higher figure than before? 

I thought there were three

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7 minutes ago, Gladys said:

I was sure there was just one in hospital yesterday, but now there are 2. Am I misremembering?  If I am right, that means 3 people have suffered severe issues with this outbreak, about 10%, is that a higher figure than before? 

Yeah it was one, went upto 2, back down to 1 and back upto 2. I guess that’s potentially 4 people affected, but equally it could be the same 2 people returning, not that it makes it much better.

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2 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

Yeah it was one, went upto 2, back down to 1 and back upto 2. I guess that’s potentially 4 people affected, but equally it could be the same 2 people returning, not that it makes it much better.

Possibly relapses? There've been a few elsewhere. Maybe it's a future question, especially after the roll-outs of the various vaccines. 

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Just now, quilp said:

Possibly relapses? There've been a few elsewhere. Maybe it's a future question, especially after the roll-outs of the various vaccines. 

There's more than a few according to an article in yesterdays Telegraph. Some really quite mad numbers in people younger than 70 who'd been initially hospitalised. That it was in that paper, which has consistently downplayed the virus means it is probably worth further investigation for those interested. 

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1 hour ago, The Chief said:

so as i expected no actual announcements today just an announcement to say there might be an announcement on Thursday possibly announcing a change in lockdown provide no more community spread announcements.

I guess the dandara chiefs want their boys back on site like last time. 

Some of them have never been off site!

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