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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 minute ago, Happier diner said:

Err. Is that the answer to my question? Or a link to a blog?

Ok I’ll have one more crack at it but a slightly smaller version.

Man 1 tests positive, contract tracing ask him where he has been during the week, he says only Tesco’s on 7/1/20 he’s asked what time but he’s thrown away his receipt, he says it was roughly 12-1pm.

Contract tracing in the meantime ask anyone in on that time to be vigilant it’s low risk, another positive case (man 2) comes in a few days later, this one matches the Man 1 profile but Man 2  went into Tesco at 11.30, oh...........

Suddenly the net is tightened, we now have an accurate link between the two, without that contract tracing wasted nearly half a day releasing all of MAN 2s locations from the previous few days when actually Tesco was the last location he visited before testing positive.

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4 hours ago, WTF said:

ah well,  you have 2 questions,  the one you say you will ask at the vetting process and then the real one to ambush them with once you're on air.

Speaking of 2 questions.
Loved the spoof that Manx Radio do. Is it called IM1 or something? At the news briefing, CM say good afternoon Paul ( to PM) .Paul replies, “ good afternoon CM, how are you “

CM says, “ fine thanks and your second question ?. Love it. Some great anti gov jokes in there. All on pod casts.

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3 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

Ok I’ll have one more crack at it but a slightly smaller version.

Man 1 tests positive, contract tracing ask him where he has been during the week, he says only Tesco’s on 7/1/20 he’s asked what time but he’s thrown away his receipt, he says it was roughly 12-1pm.

Contract tracing in the meantime ask anyone in on that time to be vigilant it’s low risk, another positive case (man 2) comes in a few days later, this one matches the Man 1 profile but Man 2  went into Tesco at 11.30, oh...........

Suddenly the net is tightened, we now have an accurate link between the two, without that contract tracing wasted nearly half a day releasing all of MAN 2s locations from the previous few days when actually Tesco was the last location he visited before testing positive.

I get that. I have never disputed or failed to understand the science.

But we wouldn't know this for 48hrs would we? horse bolted?

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19 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

I get that. I have never disputed or failed to understand the science.

But we wouldn't know this for 48hrs would we? horse bolted?

Tightening the net is basically all it is, more accuracy, less margin for error and it would help contract tracing no end because there would be no maybes only definitive answers, it’s hard to argue against scientific data.

Edited by Annoymouse
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1 hour ago, Happier diner said:

And how would that have helped. To be more clear in the question.

Would it have avoided the lockdown?

Would it have saved lives?

Give me tangible, not just words that are not tangible benefits. Real world benefits that we can see

Okay, so we'll put it in super simple terms, with  letters to try and explain things a little bit more.

So, person A is infected with the virus, they've become symptomatic and gets a test.

A is friends with B and C, who as part of contact tracing are identified and put into isolation.

But, at the same time, we have person N who days/weeks later tests positive. N hasn't travelled anywhere, or been in contact with A B or C.

Where did N catch it? We can look at N's sample, and either find that they caught it from A B or C directly, or that someone else is involved. If A B or C passed it on to D, but they forgot they went shook hands and had a natter in the pub, then D could be going around on their merry way not realising they have the virus.

D might pass it onto E onto F etc. But, if N has shows the virus up, and then with testing, you flag up that they are friends with F, you might well be able to follow it back. This helps you find where it's going around F's close contacts, E's close contacts etc. By identifying these close contacts, we can outpace the virus whilst it incubates. 48 hours is a myth, PCR tests are turned around same day here quite often.

You might equally find that N actually caught it from A B or C. Contact tracing can then identify where that happened, and if there's any other likely cases that it was passed on. Again, you can get ahead of the virus with the extra information.

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36 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

Ok I’ll have one more crack at it but a slightly smaller version.

Man 1 tests positive, contract tracing ask him where he has been during the week, he says only Tesco’s on 7/1/20 he’s asked what time but he’s thrown away his receipt, he says it was roughly 12-1pm.

Contract tracing in the meantime ask anyone in on that time to be vigilant it’s low risk, another positive case (man 2) comes in a few days later, this one matches the Man 1 profile but Man 2  went into Tesco at 11.30, oh...........

Suddenly the net is tightened, we now have an accurate link between the two, without that contract tracing wasted nearly half a day releasing all of MAN 2s locations from the previous few days when actually Tesco was the last location he visited before testing positive.

Not really. You don’t know whether Man 1 got from Man 2 or vice versa. And your tracing for both is forward for both from their contact. Genotyping doesn’t help, at all.

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34 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

I get that. I have never disputed or failed to understand the science.

But we wouldn't know this for 48hrs would we? horse bolted?

Where are you getting your 48 hour figure?

Also, the virus has an incubation of up to 14 days. When you're incubating, you don't shed virus and test negative. You test positive when you start being infectious. That's the one advantage we have over it. If someone tests negative, the odds are high they've not started shedding yet, if they are infected.

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