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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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18 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

Wrong on both counts.

What is thenacgual.risk of travel here at the moment? That someone might have to isolate in their accommodation for longer than 14 days or in an extremely rare case might need medical attention?

You second point.  Are you suggesting there are no commercial flights, ferries or trains out of the UK at all at the moment because people arent allowed to travel to terminals to leave the country?

If people in the uk followed their rules, rather than make it up as they go along, they should only leave home for essential travel only. They are not allowed to leave their home area except for essential reasons. Going on holiday is not essential. So, regardless planes, trains and ferries, they are currently stuffed! 

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11 minutes ago, Cambon said:

If people in the uk followed their rules, rather than make it up as they go along, they should only leave home for essential travel only. They are not allowed to leave their home area except for essential reasons. Going on holiday is not essential. So, regardless planes, trains and ferries, they are currently stuffed! 

Big generalisation accepted but

UK approach - Well here is the new rule. Now how can I get round it?

IOM approach- Well here is the new rule. How can I make sure I comply with it?

The result of the difference is clear.apologies for those who live in the UK as this does not apply to everyone, but knowing plenty of folks there, including family, there is clearly a different culture.

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14 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

Big generalisation accepted but

UK approach - Well here is the new rule. Now how can I get round it?

IOM approach- Well here is the new rule. How can I make sure I comply with it?

The result of the difference is clear.apologies for those who live in the UK as this does not apply to everyone, but knowing plenty of folks there, including family, there is clearly a different culture.

I think the tides are shifting here too. Just look at the vocal lot after the police said you probably shouldn't be going out to buy that wardrobe on Facebook buy and sell groups.

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5 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

I think the tides are shifting here too. Just look at the vocal lot after the police said you probably shouldn't be going out to buy that wardrobe on Facebook buy and sell groups.

It is.  A couple I shopped for in the first lockdown were very pragmatic and stoical, despite having to isolate from each other in their own home, twice, during that time.

Now, they are saying things like "when they let us out", so perhaps even they are feeling imprisoned rather than protected. 

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8 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

I think the tides are shifting here too. Just look at the vocal lot after the police said you probably shouldn't be going out to buy that wardrobe on Facebook buy and sell groups.

I guess the good behaviour will start to wane as the lockdown continues. 

However I took the dog for a walk at lunchtime and people avoided me like I had the plague.  Crossing the road etc. Masks everywhere. Hardly any traffic. Then I watched BBC news and there was an article filmed in a UK park. Folks everywhere, sat together on benches, hardly any masks, kids mixing. The article wasnt even focusing on that, it was just going on on the background as if it was life as normal. 

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3 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

Then I watched BBC news and there was an article filmed in a UK park. Folks everywhere, sat together on benches, hardly any masks, kids mixing. The article wasnt even focusing on that, it was just going on on the background as if it was life as normal. 

And the virus rolls on......

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22 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

Big generalisation accepted but

UK approach - Well here is the new rule. Now how can I get round it?

IOM approach- Well here is the new rule. How can I make sure I comply with it?

The result of the difference is clear.apologies for those who live in the UK as this does not apply to everyone, but knowing plenty of folks there, including family, there is clearly a different culture.

That's not the culture, it's about the government and authorities here failing to recognise that lockdown is difficult and people are doing their best to comply.

We have been asked to curtail our freedoms for the greater good and we are, but there's no recognition of that. No respect for the general public. Look at the hysterical Police Social Media troll account. Or the courts imprisoning people for minor Covid breaches - how can we ever trust these institutions after this?

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8 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

I guess the good behaviour will start to wane as the lockdown continues. 

However I took the dog for a walk at lunchtime and people avoided me like I had the plague.  Crossing the road etc. Masks everywhere. Hardly any traffic. Then I watched BBC news and there was an article filmed in a UK park. Folks everywhere, sat together on benches, hardly any masks, kids mixing. The article wasnt even focusing on that, it was just going on on the background as if it was life as normal. 

Easy to put up with it for a few weeks.

They've had months.

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3 minutes ago, Declan said:

Easy to put up with it for a few weeks.

They've had months.

They've had months of 'this is definitely the last time, we're coming out of it now, we're getting back to normal' etc.

But actually, it's back to normal despite lockdown in a way that just makes things a bit shit. You're still going to work etc. You just can't see anyone you like, or do anything you like.

Plenty of places in the UK still making people go into the office as well as they don't trust WFH.

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It will be interesting in a few weeks time when someone who has been vaccinated with enough time for it to be effective travels to the U.K, returns to IOM and then tests positive having been infected on their travels.

Vaccination is not protection from infection or transmission. No credit was ever given for someone coming back having had COVID.

So what will will be the requirements- self isolation?


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4 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Plenty of places in the UK still making people go into the office as well as they don't trust WFH.

Well if it’s like here where there’s loads out walking, cycling and gardening when they’re supposed to be WFH I don’t blame them!

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8 minutes ago, Gladys said:

It is.  A couple I shopped for in the first lockdown were very pragmatic and stoical, despite having to isolate from each other in their own home, twice, during that time.

Now, they are saying things like "when they let us out", so perhaps even they are feeling imprisoned rather than protected. 

As far as I can tell most people will comply if they feel the rules are fair and logical and that their is a realist end point. We will wait and see what Comin do to change that position, but if restrictions are extended beyond for no obviously good reason, or if restrictions become open ended, just watch the mood change.

Personally I have found this lockdown different and harder in many ways, foul weather being probably the most obvious, but also other things such as it isn't a new virus/threat anymore, and I feel I have a better grasp of what Covid is, and the threat it presents to the health and wealth of the island. 

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8 minutes ago, Banker said:

Well if it’s like here where there’s loads out walking, cycling and gardening when they’re supposed to be WFH I don’t blame them!

So glad I don't have neighbours nearby spying on me like the Stasi Neighbourhood Watch. Peeping out from behind their net curtains and taking notes.

Is there much to do in the garden at this time of year?

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2 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

As interesting as your comments are, why would you ever want to come back to IOM?

I can recommend a good removal company! :cool:


It is true, I have got homes in three different jurisdictions, and could easily add a fourth one, Switzerland, as I have been planning to do for a while. Life is mostly normal here. People can come and go, meet whom they want to meet. Unthinkable to throw someone in jail for stepping out of his home. The government is aflush with funds because every time there is a crisis the franc tends to appreciate and the central bank prints a lot of money to keep it down and invests the proceeds into things like US stocks, which has worked out wonderfully.

The long term consequences of bad policy decisions will be borne by the likes of you, not by me.

I am not giving up on the island for the time being, but plans are on hold. I wanted to buy a bigger place there, and had thought about rental property as well: all on hold. We (me and my business partners) had also though about an office in the island in alternative or in addition to the one in London: unthinkable now, it is so difficult to even travel there and there are obviously concerns about the long term viability of the island as an independent, liberal and prosperous jurisdiction. It has sealed itself from the outside world, thrown into jail for Covid violations more people than the crassest authoritarian regimes of the world, and it is in complete denial about the long term consequences.

By the way, I am getting a server configuration error accessing this forum from where I am (but I don’t think the location is the issue). It happens with all threads, not just this one. The problem goes away if one has an account and is signed in. Even this forum is shunning outsiders now. You are all going native.


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