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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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38 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

You don’t understand why they make these decisions because you are not part of the decision making process where the pros and cons of each potential location is discussed and the best option chosen.

There is a bit more to it than just saying “ Hey there’s an empty industrial estate unit over there with cheap rental let’s use that” 

But the rest of the world reuse buildings and put tables in them.

Explain more because I really don't.get it?

Parking, disability access, bus route, way in and way out, toilets, roof.

That's it

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17 minutes ago, AlanShimmin said:

At least Australia isn't afraid to be open and honest with their population. 

Their Chief Medical Officer has openly said it is very unlikely their borders will be 'open before 2022... even after the majority of the population get the jab. 



It's not fair giving desperate people false hope that the borders are going to magically open. 


Why do some MHKs think we have some magic power to be able to let people in and not be put straight back in lockdown? 

What.  Like we did all last year and like loads of other countries do?

Delighted to hear hq deviate from eradicate to live with.  There is hope that common sense might prevail 

Edited by horatiotheturd
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28 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

What difference would it have made?:whistling:

I mean tangible difference. Something we could see, feel ot hear

So why are the government bothering with genomics at all, and also bothering to ‘chase results up’? They must obviously think it’s worth doing, unlike yourself. If it’s worth doing according to the government, and we can get it done in 36 hours rather than weeks later, PLUS keep the work on the Island, I don’t get why you’re being so precious about this topic? 

Edited by manxst
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40 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

I’ve already said that if you’re  not part of the decision making process and don’t have access to the merits or otherwise of each location you can’t determine the ‘best’ location’ You need access to all the relevant information.

So I’m afraid I can’t tell you why that this is the ‘best’ location.

But I’d be interested to know how you have come to the conclusion that the airport is not the best location,given your work in  logistics 

God forbid that anyone should feel accountable or feel that an explanation may be due to those who are paying for this. 

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2 hours ago, slinkydevil said:

There must be loads of empty industrial estate units on the Island. This location just seems so stupid, I really don't understand why they make these decisions. Plans, 3D mockups, timber framed walls and plasterboard, probably electrics. Insane. 

Skirting boards FFS

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3 hours ago, Barlow said:

It's not the  location. This has happened to me for about 2 weeks.

Same as you, once signed in all ok.

Interesting posts Filippo. Your making a good time of it. I might shuffle down the shops for a pint of milk and a loaf of bread later, the highlight of my week.

Is there any plan to fix the server connection problem? I lost touch with the forum because of that, lately. I have various devices, and can't keep all them logged in to MF all time. I am in London at the moment; I had thought that my own location was the problem.

Who is responsible for these issues?

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3 minutes ago, Debbie said:

Is there any plan to fix the server connection problem? I lost touch with the forum because of that, lately. I have various devices, and can't keep all them logged in to MF all time. I am in London at the moment; I had thought that my own location was the problem.

Who is responsible for these issues?

Howard.  Definitely Howard 

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46 minutes ago, manxst said:

So why are the government bothering with genomics at all, and also bothering to ‘chase results up’? They must obviously think it’s worth doing, unlike yourself. If it’s worth doing according to the government, and we can get it done in 36 hours rather than weeks later, PLUS keep the work on the Island, I don’t get why you’re being so precious about this topic? 

I'm not. With all due respect you keep bringing it up again. All I have done is re ask the question as, I have to be totally honest, I don't know the answer to

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5 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

I'm not. With all due respect you keep bringing it up again. All I have done is re ask the question as, I have to be totally honest, I don't know the answer to

I bring it up because I’m asking the question MHKs and journalists should be doing, and also because it was in the news/at the briefing today so is relevantly current.  You keep constantly responding negatively to it for some unknown reason. I’m no scientist, but as I’ve stated, if the government are doing it, then presumably it’s worth doing in this instance. Yet again though, why use a Liverpool company and wait weeks for results when we have the expertise on island. I’d rather not keep hearing you say that you don’t know all the time- the repetition is boring and unproductive. Either discuss why we’re not using Dr Glover (I appreciate that you don’t know) or stop responding in your inane way, as you’re providing nothing. 

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27 minutes ago, Debbie said:

Is there any plan to fix the server connection problem? I lost touch with the forum because of that, lately. I have various devices, and can't keep all them logged in to MF all time. I am in London at the moment; I had thought that my own location was the problem.

Who is responsible for these issues?

you must be new,  its the isle of man so no one is responsible.

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