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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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17 minutes ago, Tricky said:

Ahem - there is one notable difference here. I'm not making claims or suggesting I could do a better job than the Government. My stance is very simple, and absolutely clear. I trust their judgement, and will do exactly what they ask of me - I have no criticisms to make of the government, and that includes accepting the fact that they have made mistakes along the way - I can get over that, whilst you, on the other hand, seemingly can't as you expect perfection, but readily admit you are unable to deliver such. In saying that, I will answer your question - I can justify the vaccination centres by valuing my health and my life, that of my family, and my fellow iom residents (even you) over a few extra quid on my tax bill.

I don't think anyone in the past 1165 pages has said they will not comply or that they do not value their own or everyone else's health.

People are questioning some odd decisions and directions taken.  I will not recount them, but the net effect, for me at least, has been to wonder on what basis have these decisions been made.  They are not trivial decisions with relatively trivial impact (mainly financial) but pretty fundamental to everyone's way of life and seem to be either made on the hoof or contradictory to previously stated positions.   

Some would say that it is not just the perogative of the electorate to question what their government is doing, but an obligation.   That is what a free democracy is.

Edited by Gladys
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Just now, pongo said:

Not one single viable or useful business with plans to perhaps move here has changed their plan.

No serious or viable business would plan so short term. Any that say they have would not be worth worrying about.

The only way you would know that would be if you worked for the doe.

Which would make you a civil servant. Which would explain a lot

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7 minutes ago, pongo said:

You're normally very smart and I've got a lot of respect.

But even you seem to now be falling for a rather predictable but non specific criticism of things in general. And I'm definitely ancient enough to be from an era when we rather pointlessly criticized all governments by default*. Today I am grown up enough to understand that government must be a hugely difficult responsibility which must inevitably be hard to always get right.

Like many here, maybe you've been free-associating too long. You're all picking out the minutiae of minor differences. Perhaps failing to notice that in general we are doing rather ok here.

* though for my generation the big issues were, frankly, bigger.

We’re a soft old bunch these days. Talk to anyone who grew up during the war, you weren’t allowed off the island without special dispensation, you wouldn’t see your family for potentially years and you simply had to make do. The guest house owners who were turfed out for a pittance to a house stripped bare was an eye opener on Manx Nostalgia. 

Now, you’ve got people spitting on policemen for being told to keep your distance. Though, the UK has become a very strange place. 

By and large, we’ve been very lucky in the way the Island has been since June, and I think the Manx public have gone a long way to enabling that. 

I think, what we lack now, is a light at the end of a tunnel, that is manifesting itself as a generalised frustration. Whilst we have it comparatively easy, many of us wonder about the implications on family, relationships, jobs and the broader future of the island. 

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1 minute ago, horatiotheturd said:

The only way you would know that would be if you worked for the doe.

Which would make you a civil servant. Which would explain a lot

No. That's bollocks. And very obviously.

It's very simply that no serious business makes such big decisions based on such a short term analysis. The virus is over soon - perhaps a few months, perhaps a year. That kind of timescale is not going to affect where a company registers etc.

Don't be basic.

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6 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

I’m not suggesting I personally would a better job. I never once have. Nor have I requested perfection. 

However, as part of a modern government, I’d argue that there should be transparency within the decisions made and how they are reached. Rather than Manx Whispers, an old boys club and publicly denouncing businesses. You lose legitimacy in the eyes of your people. 

As a rule of thumb, people are far more understanding if they know why things are being done. Unfortunately, despite the situation in the UK, no Mann is an island.

We lack even a vague exit strategy, when it’s likely Covid will be in circulation for a long time yet. Long term, local eradication isn’t viable, and we must be best equipped for the times it does return  

The fatigue of restrictions is getting to a lot of people, and that will only worsen with time. Look at the kick-offs on buy and sell groups on Facebook, then the back and forth with the IOM Police media page on the back of that. 

Vaccination centres are important, I agree, but, how can one justify refurbishing a dilapidated old supermarket? When actually, the majority of the world aren’t refitting vaccine deluxe centres. Including our nearest parallel in Guernsey.

You happily pick the Government apart, which infers that you seem to think you know better. You don't know better, you admit that you don't know better (I don't know better either, nor does anyone else on here), so as I have said before, your opinion offers no value or solution to the challenge presented - not a criticism, just a fact.

Manx Whispers - well perhaps if the 'Manx Whisperers' put their superiority complex to one side, there wouldn't be any Manx Whispers to muddy the waters in the first place.

Exit strategy - the best that ANY country can do atm is be reliant on vaccinations, which are now underway... and you are complaining about the locations. Come on lad, give your head a wobble ffs.

Fatigue of restrictions? It's been 2 friggin weeks for crying out loud. There are far, far worse places to be... like the rest of the world! Buy and sell on FB, police media? How's about stop being such a snowflake, take in on the chin. be a team player by doing as the gov ask, and we can resume day to day life in a week. Again, wobble your head.

Vaccination centres? Okay, we'll go and do them in a shitty public toilet and reuse needles found on the floor shall we?

That magic word 'perspective' applies, again.

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7 minutes ago, pongo said:

Not one single viable or useful business with plans to perhaps move here has changed their plan.

So how on earth can't  you say that?

I speak to loads of people who were coming here but now aren't.

My Mrs had an exceptionally good job offer that fell through because the business decided against coming here because they couldn't fill posts because of the borders.

Plan was 90 staff end of 2020 growing to 375 in 18 months.  They couldn't get staff or any reassurance of future border strategy so they pulled out.

That's fact.  I can forward the emails if you need evidence 

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1 minute ago, Tricky said:

You happily pick the Government apart, which infers that you seem to think you know better. You don't know better, you admit that you don't know better (I don't know better either, nor does anyone else on here), so as I have said before, your opinion offers no value or solution to the challenge presented - not a criticism, just a fact.

Manx Whispers - well perhaps if the 'Manx Whisperers' put their superiority complex to one side, there wouldn't be any Manx Whispers to muddy the waters in the first place.

Exit strategy - the best that ANY country can do atm is be reliant on vaccinations, which are now underway... and you are complaining about the locations. Come on lad, give your head a wobble ffs.

Fatigue of restrictions? It's been 2 friggin weeks for crying out loud. There are far, far worse places to be... like the rest of the world! Buy and sell on FB, police media? How's about stop being such a snowflake, take in on the chin. be a team player by doing as the gov ask, and we can resume day to day life in a week. Again, wobble your head.

Vaccination centres? Okay, we'll go and do them in a shitty public toilet and reuse needles found on the floor shall we?

That magic word 'perspective' applies, again.

Go to bed Howard.  Breifing on Monday and yiu need to rehearse 

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3 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

Go to bed Howard.  Breifing on Monday and yiu need to rehearse 

I really do love how you suggest that anyone has an opinion that differs from yours is some way involved within Government. That's a few times I have noted you doing that now. Actually sums you up perfectly. Weak, very weak.

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1 minute ago, TheTeapot said:

Tricky is rivaling The Voice of Reason here for blind love of government. It's really quite something.

Teaboy over here is rivalling the voice of Donald Trump in the running for dimwit of the year, which really is something. True story.

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1 minute ago, Tricky said:

You happily pick the Government apart, which infers that you seem to think you know better. You don't know better, you admit that you don't know better (I don't know better either, nor does anyone else on here), so as I have said before, your opinion offers no value or solution to the challenge presented - not a criticism, just a fact.

Manx Whispers - well perhaps if the 'Manx Whisperers' put their superiority complex to one side, there wouldn't be any Manx Whispers to muddy the waters in the first place.

Exit strategy - the best that ANY country can do atm is be reliant on vaccinations, which are now underway... and you are complaining about the locations. Come on lad, give your head a wobble ffs.

Fatigue of restrictions? It's been 2 friggin weeks for crying out loud. There are far, far worse places to be... like the rest of the world! Buy and sell on FB, police media? How's about stop being such a snowflake, take in on the chin. be a team player by doing as the gov ask, and we can resume day to day life in a week. Again, wobble your head.

Vaccination centres? Okay, we'll go and do them in a shitty public toilet and reuse needles found on the floor shall we?

That magic word 'perspective' applies, again.

I completely understand why you feel we’re actually doing everything right. From your perspective, we’re safe, most of us are employed, and we’re essentially free. 

I’ve pointed out, it is not a Minister’s job to know all the answers, but it is their job to assemble the people and information to form them. 

I think you’re naive if you think that Manx Whispers are purely a side effect of this current situation. Realistically, all it has done is brought into the spotlight the decision making and processes within the government. Oversight is no bad thing. In some press conferences, earlier in the month, HQ had been coming across far better than he had in quite a long time. 

Numerous scientists have agreed that actually, the vaccination is more likely to be a damper than a magic cure. The Manx public must be ready for that being a reality. 

Well, there are grandparents who haven’t seen their newborn grandchildren, there are posters here who have been separated from their children for months through no fault of their own. 

Even two weeks of lockdown can be a long time if you’re living paycheck to paycheck. For those who would otherwise be able to continue working safely, this has led them into a difficult situation. 

Perspective is a wonderful thing, and we are in a fortunate position. The biggest tragedy would be to lose it through complacency.  

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