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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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23 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

Controversial !

I agree, but still Controversial. 

Its not politically correct to say that overweight people might have made better life choices.

Maybe if we simply just tell people 'oh you should make better choices', that'll let the pounds melt off them. You've solved the obesity crisis in one fell swoop. Your MBE is on the way.

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7 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

What filthy habits are those? You come across very combative.

You could argue that if you want to live as part of a society, you have to have some form of social responsibility and have to live within the rules of that, unless you can find yourself another Sealand or go full Alexander Supertramp and live in a bus in Alaska. Infection control measures fall under that, and are explicitly mentioned in the UN and EU human rights.

Layers experts on human rights legislation have concluded that imposing hotel quarantine on travelers indiscriminately and without proof that they are being infectious explicitly violates the EU human rights charter. That is precisely why some European countries have excluded adopting that policy.

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Just now, Marion Costel said:

Layers experts on human rights legislation have concluded that imposing hotel quarantine on travelers indiscriminately and without proof that they are being infectious explicitly violates the EU human rights charter. That is precisely why some European countries have excluded adopting that policy.

Can you prove they aren't infectious?

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4 hours ago, horatiotheturd said:

3.8m cases?

Isn't this the use of terminology which leads to misinterpretation and was debated at length months ago?  Calling positive tests 'cases' implies that they are symptomatic, but we have been told many times that there is a high percentage of those positives who actually suffer no symptoms which is why it spreads and why total lockdowns are effective.  

So if we were given complete information, the stats that Zarley quoted would apply to those displaying symptoms would they not? Ie a percentage of a percentage of 3.8 million cases, or have I missed the point?




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