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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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10 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

I remember reading somewhere, sometime, that testing for arrivals has been stopped.  Can anyone confirm this and if my memory is correct is that why there are no new cases being reported?

(sorry - no graph is available for this question)

Day 1, 6 and 13 tests or  21 days isolation.

Apart from  sdgain key workers who are in and out all the time

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1 hour ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

You always want spare capacity, otherwise, what do you do when there's a nasty accident? Or someone needs surgery?

The ITU beds are free because they've been made a very last resort.

Send them to the UK. Already happens. Nobles can not be 'overwhelmed' as such, we already have our clinical limitations in terms of what can be provided. 

There is no such thing as an ITU bed at the moment.  The ITU is a geographical area - only. More areas are kitted out to provide intensive care as and when needed. Equipment is mobile. So are clinical staff and they can be trained where necessary and transferred.

Operating theatres and recovery areas included. 

Virtual wards have been referenced in the BMJ last year with some patients being given finger oxygen saturation monitors to take home to keep an eye on their levels. Best get used to new ideas and methods like this.

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2 hours ago, Declan said:

Have the closed borders, quarantine of incomers and lockdown meant that there's been fewer flu cases this winter?

Our health statistics over here were always so poorly kept that I'd doubt we'd know and the Covid epidemic in the UK will have mucked their figures up in numerous ways (less testing, fewer doctors' visits and so on).  What we do have, less affected by such things, is ONS death certificate information in England and Wales.  This is the latest graph for 2020:



There are several things to be noted here, which apply to not just to 2020 but to the previous five years use to calculate the green line.

These are the figures for influenza and pneumonia and these are always put together.  In many, probably most, cases there will have been no testing done.  I suspect in a lot of cases it may mean no more that "Also had lung problems".

In particular these deaths are mostly where influenza/pneumonia was only a contributing rather than the main factor.  In this it is very different from Covid-19, where the opposite is true:


Covid-deniers love to claim that people are merely dying 'with' rather than 'from' the disease but those figures, supplied by the thousands of doctors who actually treated the dying show that the reverse is true.  They also love to claim that Covid is 'just like flu', but flu actually is like what they think Covid is - at least in the death statistics they use.  Most people at most die with it from something else- or 'pneumonia' is being used on the death certificate just to indicate lung trouble.

To get back to the flu graph, the interesting thing about it is that, on the whole, the deaths involving flu/pneumonia haven't really changed much from previous years, despite the effect of measures that should reduce transmission.  This could be because flu is more infectious or because most deaths here actually involve other lung problems and the effect of seasonal flu is over-estimated.

To look at areas where 2020 differs from the average for earlier years, the lower death rate early in the year seems to be because last Winter's strain was less deadly (or the vaccine better) - something that was being commented on even before Covid was heard of.  The same may also explain the Summer figures being down a little.

The increase during the height of the Spring Covid epidemic will mostly be from people who also had lung problems being killed by the new disease to which they would be more vulnerable.  The same will be true with the Autumn/Winter deaths.  But in the Spring there will also be some misdiagnosis of Covid cases before testing was widely available - especially with deaths outside hospital.   

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19 minutes ago, Apple said:

Send them to the UK. Already happens. Nobles can not be 'overwhelmed' as such, we already have our clinical limitations in terms of what can be provided. 

There is no such thing as an ITU bed at the moment.  The ITU is a geographical area - only. More areas are kitted out to provide intensive care as and when needed. Equipment is mobile. So are clinical staff and they can be trained where necessary and transferred.

Operating theatres and recovery areas included. 

Virtual wards have been referenced in the BMJ last year with some patients being given finger oxygen saturation monitors to take home to keep an eye on their levels. Best get used to new ideas and methods like this.

And what if there is no capacity in the UK?

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Like us, they will have to open up all the private hospitals. 

At the end of the day it is down to profiling those most in need.

It's been happening for years in the NHS. This time they have been caught with pants down regarding staff and "beds".

"Hospital without walls" has a been an ideal since the millennium even in Nobles, but there is only so far you can go. As I say, 20 private beds is enough to cope with an emergency incident in non Covid times. And we did pay for it from tax payers money, so it should be available to everyone, on the NHS. We could use it for maybe for reducing waiting lists after the Covid crisis is over?

Could be an election issue. DA banning the general public from the PPU is very undemocratic in my view, if not arrogant as well. I never voted for that, and won't do in future. Need that commitment from MHKs.


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31 minutes ago, Gladys said:

And what if there is no capacity in the UK?

Like now, and most of the last year, for example?

I can think of a few examples of patients we needed to send across who either couldn’t be accommodated or were significantly delayed. 

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47 minutes ago, wrighty said:

Like now, and most of the last year, for example?

Did they open up all the private hospitals then and cancel private practice in UK?  

Has Nobles been overwhelmed then in your opinion?

I remember reading about the NHS giving out large money contracts to private care organisations to open up to their facilities to NHS patients (and then some of them were empty). Need to check that.

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Just for fun information. Even more appointments announced. I can't keep up.

Don't remember the consultation on Candour.

1a. General Bulletin_Toolkit_Jan_HCTP Comms_FINAL.pdf

Everyone seems so excited, but still no indications of performance targets or parameters. We just have to trust them.

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25 minutes ago, Apple said:

Did they open up all the private hospitals then and cancel private practice in UK?  

Has Nobles been overwhelmed then in your opinion?

I remember reading about the NHS giving out large money contracts to private care organisations to open up to their facilities to NHS patients (and then some of them were empty). Need to check that.

Suggest you fire that first question at the boss of the UK NHS or Matt Hancock - I don’t know. 

No, Noble’s has not been overwhelmed. 

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