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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 hour ago, Banker said:

Maybe for some but not all and not all teachers have been working, no requirement for half term they should be helping kids catch up.

Indeed, my teacher neighbor has spent the last few weeks replacing all their fencing just need another lockdown now to get it all painted!

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The wearing of a tag seems such a small sacrifice for the benefit of the many. Overlooking tagging's association with criminality would be a start, we need to be thinking outside of the box. It's hardly a time to be moaning about the infringement of personal freedoms. 

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12 minutes ago, quilp said:

The wearing of a tag seems such a small sacrifice for the benefit of the many. Overlooking tagging's association with criminality would be a start, we need to be thinking outside of the box. It's hardly a time to be moaning about the infringement of personal freedoms. 

I disagree Quilp, it is exactly the time to be moaning about the infringement of personal freedoms. Dangerous policies sold to people under the idea of safety are unlikely to be ever given back. There needs to be trust and consent, but the more heavy handed the more these are eroded.

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45 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

Nobody wants tagging. 

It is however the obvious solution to the argument people use to keep the borders closed despite there being a near enough infallible test and isolation routine.  That being that you can't trust people to comply.

Tag them, and you don't have to trust them.

And its optional, people only have to be tagged if the elect to travel here and comply with the testing and isolation.

People.whonare desperate to travel wouldn’t have an issue with it.  Other's needn't worry about it.

Even if they were tagged, how do you stop them meeting local family or friends at their place of isolation?


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4 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

I disagree Quilp, it is exactly the time to be moaning about the infringement of personal freedoms. Dangerous policies sold to people under the idea of safety are unlikely to be ever given back. There needs to be trust and consent, but the more heavy handed the more these are eroded.

So what's your alternative plan?  We just live with no travel for months?

UK, Australia, New Zealand and others all have looked at or are looking at tags as a way to allow people a bit more ability to travel safely

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6 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

So what's your alternative plan?  We just live with no travel for months?

UK, Australia, New Zealand and others all have looked at or are looking at tags as a way to allow people a bit more ability to travel safely

I don't have one, its above my pay grade. 

Tagging innocent people because they might commit a 'crime' that wasn't a crime a year ago is a dark dark path.


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12 minutes ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

Even if they were tagged, how do you stop them meeting local family or friends at their place of isolation?


If people really thought that was a significant concern there are plenty of ways to police it that someone whonwas already isolating and being tracked wouldn't have an issue with 

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Isolation hotels are the only safe option. 

You cry about the personal freedoms of those who choose to travel. What about the personal freedoms of those who don't travel but get locked down when travellers re-import the virus? 

John Wright posted earlier that tags were trialled but the Island's geography made them unreliable. 

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4 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

I don't have one, its above my pay grade. 

Tagging innocent people because they might commit a 'crime' that wasn't a crime a year ago is a dark dark path.


No different to phoning and visiting people to make sure they are home which we have been doing for months.

Do you not agree with that then? Do you think there options should be either trust them to isolate, or just not allow any travel?

Whats your proposal?

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I don't think you are worth my time. You don't argue or converse in good faith.

You can't demand freedom to travel while at the same time argue for authoritarian measures to allow that freedom, while also denying that its the travel that it the problem. Its a bonkers nonsensical approach to thinking.

Edited by TheTeapot
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4 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

I don't think you are worth my time. You don't argue or converse in good faith.

You can't demand freedom to travel while at the same time argue for authoritarian measures to allow that freedom, while also denying that its the travel that it the problem. Its a bonkers nonsensical approach to thinking.

So what's your proposal?

I haven't demanded anything.  I have suggested that as an island we would benefit from the ability for people to safely travel here and suggested ways to facilitate that without risking the population.

I have looked at steps other countries are taking to do the same and suggested they might be worthy of consideration.

You haven't suggested anything or give any actual reasons why other leolles proposals aren't viable.

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8 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

I don't think you are worth my time. You don't argue or converse in good faith.

You can't demand freedom to travel while at the same time argue for authoritarian measures to allow that freedom, while also denying that its the travel that it the problem. Its a bonkers nonsensical approach to thinking.

So whybks tagging different to the checks we have now? You response makes no sense

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This pandemic has seen governmental intrusion on peoples lives barely seen before. There is a risk of really overstepping the mark. I think some of our jailings probably already have. Electronic tagging of people who have done nothing wrong* is over that line too.

Yes. This.👆

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This is what I mean about the good faith bit. I'm not proposing anything, haven't been trying to, I'm raising concerns for the future and long term life about creeping authoritarianism which some people seem happy to go along with.

You asking me to make a proposal is missing the point entirely.

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14 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

I don't think you are worth my time. You don't argue or converse in good faith.

You can't demand freedom to travel while at the same time argue for authoritarian measures to allow that freedom, while also denying that its the travel that it the problem. Its a bonkers nonsensical approach to thinking.

So why is tagging different to the checks we have now? You response makes no sense

Edited by horatiotheturd
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