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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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32 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

No they don't.  That was the point.

The risk is being killed by Isle of Man creameries brie falling out of your fridge is ...........


Never mind

Ha! Sorry missed the first post in the series :)

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So do you not think if the people who came to check on you needed, or even might possibly need,  ppe they would have been provided with it? What on earth do you think the risk is?

There is some cross infection risk or else you wouldn't otherwise need to self isolate in the first place.

The risk to the householder depends on many factors including any pre-disposing conditions they may have to the severe form of Covid and whether the inspectors chose to enter their gardens etc which is increased if the inspectors have just visited other arrivals from the last 14 days who are clearly a higher risk per se.

It is entirely possible that the householder may also have been a hospital inpatient and received immunocompromising treatment whilst away and the inspectors have no way of knowing this.

Any risk is negated if they do not enter your garden and, say, phone you to ask you to come to the window if the type of property allows. I think that is all that needs to be changed to further protect all concerned. 

It is a minor modification of an otherwise good system if it is believed that home visits really are required. I think they aren't essential unless there is reasonable suspicion that an offence under the regulations has been committed and/or other methods have failed. 

You clearly think there is some risk too or why else would you have said "How long are you isolating for, because to get the risk to the rest of us down to zero you need to at least quadruple it"

Edited by ballaughbiker
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Where would you imagine has a border policy that balances risk/reward better than we do?

If you care to look back, I started this by fully supporting a good system that is clearly working and I agree with the harsh penalties for those who choose to risk others by not adhering to the rules. 'Chapeau' to those who thought it out and apply it. We owe them a lot.

However that does not mean that the good and effective system cannot be improved. If it has been decided that unannounced home visits are the only way to ensure compliance (I think they are other effective ways) then it is essential that these are done without any risk at all, especially those who may be medically at higher risk. 

The whole point of all this is just to suggest a minor modification in policy. Nothing else.

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13 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

So with the benefit of hindsight.

Was the lockdown necessary and di they handle it correctly?

Personly I would have gone sooner for a few days while they figured out what was going on.  I would have used tech to track and trace people, and I would have reopened everything last Monday


Much as I hate to say it, this lockdown was necessary due to being caught on the hop. If it the virus got out in a big way it would have been hard to deal with if it had been delayed, and we could have all have all been banged up well into the spring. I too would have ended this lockdown, or at least eased a lot of the restrictions a week earlier. Let us hope with the advent of vaccines and the border lessons 'learnt', this should be the last one. 

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1 hour ago, horatiotheturd said:

So with the benefit of hindsight.

Was the lockdown necessary and di they handle it correctly?

Personly I would have gone sooner for a few days while they figured out what was going on.  I would have used tech to track and trace people, and I would have reopened everything last Monday


I think, as evidenced by Guernsey, we needed some way to work out how much it had spread, and who it had spread to. Whilst acting to limit that spread just in case.

I think that equally, we got incredibly lucky, with a fairly small group of people actually catching it and passing it on.

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15 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

 think that equally, we got incredibly lucky, with a fairly small group of people actually catching it and passing it on.

Yep. For the majority of our outbreak a lot of people were off work for xmas holidays and schools closed. It could easily have been very different.

Anyway. What time does the Nags Head open?

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Was it ever officially announced  that the 3 wk 'Circuit Break' was being extended to tomorrow?

Did it just murf into this through verbals of 14 days clear required?

Did Comin approve the extension behind closed doors? Could they do so again?

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