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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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18 minutes ago, Beelzebub3 said:

Post something that proves what you say and then I will respond as you clearly have factual information according to your post's, I am basing my response on your comment's regarding all the subjects you mentioned this week regarding Vaccines Banks and now Relocation.

Er ....yeh.  whatever:whatever:

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1 hour ago, TerryFuchwit said:

Your example sounds more to me about a life decision made on the fact the kids have grown up and it seems a reasonable time to move.

I know of no one who has left specific because the borders are restricted.   I do know someone who left (not because of anything covid relayed) and deeply regrets it at the moment.

People come. People go.  Your sweeping generalised comments are just that.  They bear no resemblance to reality.


Obviously having known the guy since before he moved here and speaking to him regularly and helping him out yesterday and a zoom call this morning, I am much less ofae with his reasons for leaving which we have discussed in great depth since about June than you are.

A random bloke who to my knowledge has never met any of the family I was using as a specific example.

Sounds like you mix exclusively with locals with all their family here.

I am not doubting you own anecdotal evidence that in your circle.nlt many are leaving.  I am simply saying that of people I know a lot are.

Edited by horatiotheturd
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15 hours ago, horatiotheturd said:

Well if people can read those situations there and the lengths people are prepared to go to (to minimise risk to way below that of a key worker coming in) and are happy that those people are being refused permission by our government then we live on a crappy selfish island.

I dare say if some of you were in those situations and there was zero logic to the decisions you would feel somewhat differently. 

Stop everyone coming in and people wouldn't feel it was so unjust.  When there are guys coming in to work on the prom and build houses for Dander then rightly people who are being refused on compassionate grounds who have offered to do everything required of them and more start to wonder what the reasoning is.

You said the magic word - Dander.    They're 'special' 

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59 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

I was making the point that noone talks about those leaving, and there are lots. 

Many won't show on official figures yet as they have simply gone to UK and stayed until their houses sell they are still technically resident here - they just have no intention of ever coming back.

The border restrictions suit some and case real issues for others.

Sooooo... when are you and the family putting your house on the market and moving across? I think it's safe to say MF would be happy to supply volunteers to help you pack. We could even stretch to a whip-round to help with moving expenses.

I'm kidding. I think. 

1 hour ago, horatiotheturd said:

From what I can see (here, and face to face with people) those who like the restrictions aren't prepared to look at the other argument and simply tell people to "suck it up"

Those who want a bit more travel tend to see the argument against and put forward perfectly workable and viable compromises only for the close the border looneys to refuse to even look at them without just exclaiming that we will all die.

Plenty people who like the restrictions are also inconvenienced or hurt in some way by them and wish we didn't need them. I'm one and I see them as a necessary - but temporary - evil. I can certainly see both sides because my family is also affected negatively by the restrictions. 

Everyone here has read what you have to say on the subject and have offered the most obvious solution, but it is you  who doesn't want to listen. You just don't like the idea of hanging on for a few more months now that we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. 

I've not heard one person here or off-line ever say anything to the effect of "keep the borders closed or we're all gonna die!" (I can't vouch for FB as I generally avoid that cesspit.)

What I DO hear people say is that we should keep the borders as they are - for now - so we can continue to enjoy the freedoms that we have without closing businesses, shuttering a large portion of our health service, closing schools, and as taxpayers, having to foot the bill for large portions of the population being furloughed or out of work solely due to having another lockdown.

You seem to think the isolate and test system is infallible. It's not, just look at Guernsey. Over 300 active cases last I heard earlier today. The more people we let in, the higher the risk of something going wrong. 

You claim there wouldn't be huge numbers coming over if restrictions were eased for family but that is plainly untrue. I can only think of a handful of people out of the hundreds I know who don't have family across who want to visit. You're not special in this regard whatsoever. 

We were lucky this last time but our luck can run out and we'd have an expensive disaster on our hands regardless of fatalities. And all for the sake of not hanging on for a few more months.

Apologies for being so long-winded. 

End of rant. 

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On 2/3/2021 at 12:40 PM, John Wright said:

Your interpretation is completely 100% wrong. But you’re entitled to espouse a wrong view. 

So, do you think the eleventh hour trade deal signed in December would have happened if the uk had started messing around closing borders, disrupting deliveries and preventing European travel? No chance. 

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4 minutes ago, Cambon said:

So, do you think the eleventh hour trade deal signed in December would have happened if the uk had started messing around closing borders, disrupting deliveries and preventing European travel? No chance. 

There’s a difference between having the power and the right, either in the EU, in transition or when completely out ( you claimed UK didn’t have it in the first two - it did ) and deciding whether or not to exercise the power you have when you weigh all the options.

Youre raising a different point now. And if UK had imposed different entry requirements in September/October when things started going down hill, who knows.

We all knew that the situation would be different once UK was a third nation. It works both ways. Kent variant sped it up 10 days.

Some European countries are allowing UK passport holders in with PCR not detected certificates now. Others aren’t. Spain you have to have residencia to get in on a UK passport, eg.

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39 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

Yeah good work.  That's nearly as many as they have sitting in the cupboard at this precise moment .

As I type just under 10k administered, just over 13k in the cupboard ffs

Seems sensible.

There's only so many jabs a day that can be done.  And all of those need 2nd ones whilst more first jabs are being done.

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18 minutes ago, Capt_Mainwaring said:

Jesus Christ. Someone else who can't listen or understand the figures, despite it being explained umpteen times to people who clearly don't pay attention.

Understand completely thanks.

They say its so they have the second vaccines on island before they adminstering the first (which is stupid, and an excuse for being slow) and even that doesn't add up 

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