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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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24 minutes ago, TerryFuchwit said:

We have more than 6 ventilation beds if needed.

Which we didn't need when when we had decent numbers of people with covid first time round.

The "if needed" beds mean a mass reduction/stop to other procedures at Nobles. That has a massive reduction in quality of life for those who are on waiting lists.  They're available purely as a worst case contingency. They shouldn't be relied upon to accommodate covid patients on a daily basis.


Covid vastly reduces the ability of Nobles, despite the best efforts of the staff.

Edited by AlanShimmin
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1 hour ago, Boris Johnson said:

It may do, the Costas ended the IOM tourist industry, Covid with a bigger hospital may be its re birth.

The opening of expensive mediocre coffee shops wasn't the main factor. The Manx Tourist industry was dead way before then.

You are Laurence Skelly and I claim my £5. 

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7 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

I’m calling absolute horse shit on this.

You have seen copious numbers of ITU staff being interviewed on television right? Telling us how overwhelmed they have been. It may be a small number of folks who end up in ITU relative to the population, but would you really want people suffocating in their own pneumonia at home, with no intubation and a distraught relative holding their hand ?

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24 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

You clearly believe that the reaction was proportionate to the fear projected, I don’t.

I’m just posting the facts so people can form their own opinions on where the world is at with this.

But those 'facts' don't have any context or meaning on their own. 

I'm intrigued as to why there are so many seemingly normal people who have come to the conclusion that they are right and all the health professionals who advise governments across the world are wrong.

Once it's all over and enquiries are done it'll come out everywhere that politicians who followed economists over epidemiologists actually caused more damage to the economy by trying to keep things going.

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1 hour ago, Nom de plume said:

C19 Infection fatality rate for under 40s - 0.1%

Over 80s - 5%

And they closed down the whole country for a year.

Not even a thought or discussion regarding the consequences.

2021 people.

It never seems to occur to you that those rates are where they are because we (pretty much the world) locked down. If we'd all carried on as normal death rates would have been higher in all age groups. 

I could go on but I'm wasting my time and I know it.

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7 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Once it's all over and enquiries are done it'll come out everywhere that politicians who followed economists over epidemiologists actually caused more damage to the economy by trying to keep things going.

That's precisely what happened with the 1918 flu pandemic.

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Just now, AlanShimmin said:

It's not. They've told people like you that it is in an effort to pacify you (and it would seem to be working!). But nothing changes until we reach high levels of vaccination.

No.   The current borders framework is being revisited (i know that is the case, not drawn from what has been publicly said).  With a view to changing it to work more in line with what is transpiring with the virus and vaccination programme etc.

I suppose you could argue about what constitutes a "high level" of vaccination but it'll certainly be before September when we see material changes to border policy.

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19 minutes ago, TerryFuchwit said:

No.   The current borders framework is being revisited (i know that is the case, not drawn from what has been publicly said).  With a view to changing it to work more in line with what is transpiring with the virus and vaccination programme etc.

I suppose you could argue about what constitutes a "high level" of vaccination but it'll certainly be before September when we see material changes to border policy.

This is absolutely the case, with the usual caveats...

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32 minutes ago, Out of the blue said:

This is absolutely the case, with the usual caveats...

The "usual caveats" presumably being something along the lines of...

Let's give these borders a good coat of looking at before we revisit the pub for a liqiud working lunch. Then we can decide how tell the great unwashed that it still isn't the time. David, remind us again about your cautious nature yessir.

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1 hour ago, AlanShimmin said:

No it's not, and it won't be until we're at 85 - 95% vaccination levels. Come back in September with the same statement and you'll be more factually accurate.

Why 85-95% ? Where are those numbers from?

If as seems likely vaccination prevents/reduces transmission, then we’re looking at about 60% being enough to bring R down to 1. The transmission is however the key. We have around 30000 adults aged 18-50 over here. If vaccination doesn’t prevent transmission and covid spreads amongst them without any controls, even @Nom de plume’s figures suggest we’d have 30 deaths in that group - which sounds much worse than ‘only 0.1%’

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15 minutes ago, wrighty said:

Why 85-95% ? Where are those numbers from?

If as seems likely vaccination prevents/reduces transmission, then we’re looking at about 60% being enough to bring R down to 1. The transmission is however the key. We have around 30000 adults aged 18-50 over here. If vaccination doesn’t prevent transmission and covid spreads amongst them without any controls, even @Nom de plume’s figures suggest we’d have 30 deaths in that group - which sounds much worse than ‘only 0.1%’

Always more than happy to defer to your informed figures. 


85 - 95 is a figure that was given to me last week. There's the idea of 60% reducing R etc, but also doubts over the impact against new variants and all the rest of it.

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