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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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7 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

You seem to have missed income received out of the equation.

Steam Packet make yearly around 10 million profit I believe. Not this year !!! And as stated above they have paid alot of money for the privilege. Ohh the landing stage is for sure going to cost alot more 

Edited by Numbnuts
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Can I put members right on Dr Ewart's nickname?  It isn't Henny, it's Hettyetty (as evidenced by her Twitter handle).

I have been watching her Twitter output for a while, and notice that since she became a media star she has spring cleaned her account.  It used to be populated with weird catholic religious guff of the 'pray for Susan' type: but now it's all soft environmentalism and COVID.

The limelight changes the type of makeup you wear, and all that.

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Darn, watched the briefing. Then, just when PM launches his salvo, family turned up.  Waiting for the briefing to be posted so I can catch those last death throes.

Is the advisory committee functioning?  Remember, the one that was promised last year?  To be fair to all involved it would help them and ease the pressure.  I feel for them at times, but there have been some daft decisions and a wider pool of input may well have shored up the decision making  process.  At the moment we have the triumvirate passing the buck between themselves and that is not making for edifying viewing. 

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9 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

Re the SP. Regardless of whether it's 'fair' that staff should isolate or not, they are working in close proximity to travellers coming from the UK with the highest transmission rate of C19 in the world and they're getting off the boat and going where ever they like, mixing with their families and friends.  Jesus - this is a huge loophole - huge - I cannot believe none of the 'higher ups' have given it any thought while they're standing there telling us to take our own precautions 'if we feel like it'.

mv Arrow doesn’t carry passengers, therefore I think she should be chartered for our freight.

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5 hours ago, Banker said:

Howie already said they’re meeting in morning to consider testing results and see if any action required 

It would be interesting and clinically helpful to know just which variant it is doing the rounds also. But now we have to wait 3-4 days to find out, do we not? Knowledge is power when dealing with eventualities.

Edited by quilp
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13 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

One of the biggest takeaways for me about the latest public media shambles is that it's not just PM asking awkward questions, they were all at it tonight, even 'Gef' got a bit too close for comfort.  And PM dropping that SP info was like throwing a lighted roman candle into the room. Like us, they're getting sick of the shambles and it seems that bit by bit they're gathering more courage.

Re the SP. Regardless of whether it's 'fair' that staff should isolate or not, they are working in close proximity to travellers coming from the UK with the highest transmission rate of C19 in the world and they're getting off the boat and going where ever they like, mixing with their families and friends.  Jesus - this is a huge loophole - huge - I cannot believe none of the 'higher ups' have given it any thought while they're standing there telling us to take our own precautions 'if we feel like it'.

And PM's question about releasing tracing information sooner was a good one despite Howard's bluster. If they know who has it then they know where they've been.  If one of them was in Tescos, for example, then I'd be staying home for the next few days to see what happens. Let's just say, I've picked it up there.  Tomorrow I'm off to the farmers' market and Conrods and Shaktiman and, well, Bob's your uncle and Fanny is your aunt. I could be one of them superspreaders.



You're right you could be. Cant be putting life on hold every time a few cases pop up

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15 minutes ago, TerryFuchwit said:

You're an idiot.  In all your guises.

So how was the purchase of £125m  funded plus the terminal and new boats certainly not from cash reserves, it came from government reserves you idiot 

plus they’re making losses at present funded by ??

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