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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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2 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

You don't get anything for nothing. 

FGS we are the Isle of Man. 80,000 souls. Good job you lot are not in charge. You would be worse than our government. 

World leaders in genomics. Get real. 

So. Okay. What does Dr G have to gain here?

Aside from helping the place she also lives in. Let’s be really cynical for a second. 

So, assuming Taxagenomics do it free of charge, as had been offered at points.  Dr Glover could probably get some pretty good papers out of it once the ethics had gone through. 

But wait, won’t that also reference the island? And most likely paint it in a positive light? Looking at how even a small administration can effectively cope and use all the tools at their disposal?

Oh my gosh, the abject horror of that publicity. And who would want to feed knowledge into the scientific community working to better understand virology?

Not me, that’s for sure. Science is for witches and charlatans. Next it’ll be miracle tonics being peddled at us. 

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11 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

So. Okay. What does Dr G have to gain here?

Aside from helping the place she also lives in. Let’s be really cynical for a second. 

So, assuming Taxagenomics do it free of charge, as had been offered at points.  Dr Glover could probably get some pretty good papers out of it once the ethics had gone through. 

But wait, won’t that also reference the island? And most likely paint it in a positive light? Looking at how even a small administration can effectively cope and use all the tools at their disposal?

Oh my gosh, the abject horror of that publicity. And who would want to feed knowledge into the scientific community working to better understand virology?

Not me, that’s for sure. Science is for witches and charlatans. Next it’ll be miracle tonics being peddled at us. 

To be fair it doesn't alter the strategy.  Move on.

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50 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

So. Okay. What does Dr G have to gain here?

Aside from helping the place she also lives in. Let’s be really cynical for a second. 

So, assuming Taxagenomics do it free of charge, as had been offered at points.  Dr Glover could probably get some pretty good papers out of it once the ethics had gone through. 

But wait, won’t that also reference the island? And most likely paint it in a positive light? Looking at how even a small administration can effectively cope and use all the tools at their disposal?

Oh my gosh, the abject horror of that publicity. And who would want to feed knowledge into the scientific community working to better understand virology?

Not me, that’s for sure. Science is for witches and charlatans. Next it’ll be miracle tonics being peddled at us. 

I have nothing what so ever against Dr G and I have nothing to say in that subject. There is a whole separate thread dedicated to that subject. The so called spat. 

FTR though I agreed totally with her views on testing etc. 

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Just now, Happier diner said:

I have nothing what so ever against Dr G and I have nothing to say in that subject. There is a whole separate thread dedicated to that subject. The so called spat. 

FTR though I agreed totally with her views on testing etc. 

I was addressing your remark that “you don’t get anything for nothing”. That’s all. 

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50 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

You don't get anything for nothing. 

FGS we are the Isle of Man. 80,000 souls. Good job you lot are not in charge. You would be worse than our government. 

World leaders in genomics. Get real. 

I wonder how many small towns in the UK also have a genomics expert willing to help at cost price?  Who was instrumental in setting up our "world leading" test facility, when other places were floundering? But, because she was a bit mouthy, was sidelined at a very crucial time.

Meanwhile, the IOMG has been courting exactly that kind of business, as a way of diversifying our economy.  But, no we won't exploit that sector, so what message does that send out?  Yep, we are the place for biomed development, but would we touch it with a barge pole? Nah, too iffy.


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8 minutes ago, TerryFuchwit said:

Genenomics done here or Liverpool really isn't the be all and end all.

It won't alter strategy.  

Agreed. The strategy is test, trace, isolate. 

That strategy won’t change, and nobody is suggesting it should. 

But strategy and implementation of said strategy are two distinct entities.

Currently, we have an effectively untapped data source in our implementation, and the expertise to use it.

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9 minutes ago, Gladys said:

I wonder how many small towns in the UK also have a genomics expert willing to help at cost price?  Who was instrumental in setting up our "world leading" test facility, when other places were floundering? But, because she was a bit mouthy, was sidelined at a very crucial time.

Meanwhile, the IOMG has been courting exactly that kind of business, as a way of diversifying our economy.  But, no we won't exploit that sector, so what message does that send out?  Yep, we are the place for biomed development, but would we touch it with a barge pole? Nah, too iffy.


I suspect there was slightly more to it than being "a bit mouthy".  Although clearly gobbing off on social media isnt going to suddenly get the government falling over themselves to work with her when there are perfectly viable alternatives. 

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A further point. We can operate at a scale very few places can. 

Not many places at all have the small transmission chains, and thus very focused contact tracing we do. It gets used and it does work. 


So, from a scientific perspective, we’re also unique. 

Note that studies are now looking into how this data can be used for exactly what has been proposed in the UK too. 


Edited by AcousticallyChallenged
Missing words
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7 hours ago, Gladys said:

Meanwhile, the IOMG has been courting exactly that kind of business, as a way of diversifying our economy.  But, no we won't exploit that sector, so what message does that send out?  Yep, we are the place for biomed development, but would we touch it with a barge pole? Nah, too iffy.

Wasn’t government using Courtney heading to promote & attract Biomed business?

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8 hours ago, TerryFuchwit said:

I suspect there was slightly more to it than being "a bit mouthy".  Although clearly gobbing off on social media isnt going to suddenly get the government falling over themselves to work with her when there are perfectly viable alternatives. 

Dr. Glover never would have "gobbed off" on social media if Ashford and co had taken her views on testing on board last autumn. Her expert knowledge was ignored. I'll remind you that she was proven right when we had to lockdown in January.

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10 hours ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

So, assuming Taxagenomics do it free of charge, as had been offered at points.

I don't think that Dr Glover has ever offered to do all genomics testing for free. She may want to correct me if I am wrong, but what she tweeted on 15th Jan was

Just watched the briefing. No genome results yet after 2 weeks. If @iomgov @hettyetty get in touch I will sequence all the positive cases to date since NYE for free and link/cluster the transmission chains of those cases FOR FREE within 48 hours. All they have to do is ask.

No mention of providing an ongoing free service, and in fairness why should there be. Taxagenomics is a commercial lab, and has to make money in order to continue trading. I am not saying that is her primary motivation in this situation, but presumably there would be some commercial gain for her company.


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