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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Plenty on Facebook saying we knew it was in community, should have locked down last week etc etc.

What a lot don’t appreciate is that a lot suffer with lockdown eg loads of hospital appointments cancelled making backlog worse, kids lose more education, mental health issues increase, financial issues for those in need worsen, demand for food banks rockets etc etc.

Howie & co need to hold nerve & not lockdown unless absolutely no choice, introduce face masks & SD & seated hospitality for a while if necessary but keep schools & business open 

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7 hours ago, Numbnuts said:

No possibility of a dormant stage before detection ?? 

No. The virus is just a bit of RNA surrounded by protein. The PCR test detects this RNA. It doesn’t lie dormant waiting to start up. There is a delay between getting infected and getting ill (because it takes time for the virus to multiply and for your immune system to mount a response which is why you feel ill). My point was that if you’re not shedding enough virus to be detected by PCR, then at that point in time you’re not going to be shedding enough virus to infect others. 

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52 minutes ago, Nomadic Raptor said:

When is this insane madness going to end....


so two people have unexplained COVID so whole island is advised to stay home everything is cancelled.


we have vaccinated the most vulnerable didn’t they quote 20k?

come may or June when borders open there will be unexplained cases it will happen in general life.  We cannot close everything down every time somebody gets something.   

In my opinion we just have to get on with now keep vaccinating but life really has to go on, if your ill self isolate but it’s insane all of this 

The end is in sight. That end is when we’ve vaccinated the vulnerable and elderly. The vaccination program will continue beyond that, reducing risks even further. 

But, we haven’t jabbed all the vulnerable yet. So the prudent decision is to hang fire. We’re in the realm of weeks now until that is done and things like the odd sporadic case won’t be a major issue. 

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1 minute ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

The end is in sight. That end is when we’ve vaccinated the vulnerable and elderly. The vaccination program will continue beyond that, reducing risks even further. 

But, we haven’t jabbed all the vulnerable yet. So the prudent decision is to hang fire. We’re in the realm of weeks now until that is done and things like the odd sporadic case won’t be a major issue. 

Well then they can isolate until they get there Jab.  I have a job to do that I won’t get paid for if I isolate I have kids that go to school.    Me and my wife will be at the back of the queue for vaccinations because we are mid 30 we need to be able to get on...


politicians need to stop thinking about the old people that vote for them and actually start thinking about those that actually pay the taxes and do the work

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1 minute ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

The end is in sight. That end is when we’ve vaccinated the vulnerable and elderly. The vaccination program will continue beyond that, reducing risks even further. 

But, we haven’t jabbed all the vulnerable yet. So the prudent decision is to hang fire. We’re in the realm of weeks now until that is done and things like the odd sporadic case won’t be a major issue. 

Yes that's correct. I saw a programme yesterday where two young persons were interviewed in the UK. Their point was that they had been good for a year, but now Nan was fully jabbed and mum and dad were jabbed. So their view was that they had a life too and that from now on they should be allowed to live it.

We are not quite there yet, but with a little more patience and cooperation, some hope is in sight. 

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8 minutes ago, Nomadic Raptor said:

Well then they can isolate until they get there Jab.  I have a job to do that I won’t get paid for if I isolate I have kids that go to school.    Me and my wife will be at the back of the queue for vaccinations because we are mid 30 we need to be able to get on...


politicians need to stop thinking about the old people that vote for them and actually start thinking about those that actually pay the taxes and do the work

Plenty of people over 50 who need to work to eat too. What do they do if they’re vulnerable and self employed or can’t work from home? 

The whole idea of this “day of staying at home” is to NOT go straight into lockdown. 

Instead, we’re minimising the risk of exacerbating the situation, whilst they’re working out what is actually going on. 

The best case scenario today is that they’ve tested all the close contacts, no further cases and they’re all in isolation, so we continue as normal. 

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The sooner we are all vaxxed the better. Bleedin' obvious I know, but it seems we are a long way behind the UK in vax rollout. Whilst this continues we put ourselves at increased risk of the likes of last weeks infections

Even taking into account the priority of 2nd dose jabs given their time limit, we really need to get on with this.



Edited by ballaughbiker
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8 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Plenty of people over 50 who need to work to eat too. What do they do if they’re vulnerable and self employed or can’t work from home? 

The whole idea of this “day of staying at home” is to NOT go straight into lockdown. 

Instead, we’re minimising the risk of exacerbating the situation, whilst they’re working out what is actually going on. 

The best case scenario today is that they’ve tested all the close contacts, no further cases and they’re all in isolation, so we continue as normal. 

I understand and agree with your comment, but also feel Raptors pain and frustration. We have entered a delicate time as the vaccine continues to be rolled out and the weather improves, there will be increasing dissent and frustration from some, pitted against the more compliant and worried members of the community. This current outbreak will test the mettle of Comin. They genuinely do not want to lock down, but they are under a lot of pressure to do just that. In my view indoor masks and social distancing at public venues until they run down this outbreak is the best option. In the near future the border restrictions will ease and cases will start appearing. Psychologically it will help the community adapt to the future reintegration with the world and the inevitable cases that will arrive.

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1 hour ago, wrighty said:

No. The virus is just a bit of RNA surrounded by protein. The PCR test detects this RNA. It doesn’t lie dormant waiting to start up. There is a delay between getting infected and getting ill (because it takes time for the virus to multiply and for your immune system to mount a response which is why you feel ill). My point was that if you’re not shedding enough virus to be detected by PCR, then at that point in time you’re not going to be shedding enough virus to infect others. 

Thanks really appreciate the answer 

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1 hour ago, Banker said:

Plenty on Facebook saying we knew it was in community, should have locked down last week etc etc.

What a lot don’t appreciate is that a lot suffer with lockdown eg loads of hospital appointments cancelled making backlog worse, kids lose more education, mental health issues increase, financial issues for those in need worsen, demand for food banks rockets etc etc.

Howie & co need to hold nerve & not lockdown unless absolutely no choice, introduce face masks & SD & seated hospitality for a while if necessary but keep schools & business open 

The people begging for lockdown probably dont have to worry about the issues you've listed. Yet anyone raising those issues is called selfish. Go figure. 

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