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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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8 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

And what exactly, as an old, vulnerable (categorised) person would you like me to do to help you?

Just stay home permanently, living on income support of £98 a week and never push myself back out into the world of earning again? Not use my brain, my skills, my enthusiasm to live to my highest potential?

Or would you just like me to kill myself?  Would that help?

Because, make no mistake, this is the way this narrative is heading.

This is not about old people being concentrated on or young people, or key workers, or school children, or medical staff, or transport staff - this is about an inadequate government attempting to handle a global pandemic when they can't even handle their own integrity, but it's easier for them to set us all against one another rather than look at where the real issue lies. Don't fall for it.  Don't let it happen.

I'm sorry it's tough for you.  I really am.  I have a son the same age, and it's been hell for him too. I can feel your pain and your exasperation and I empathise, but truly, be careful of this growing route of anguish that old people are to blame for all of this.  They are not.

So I’m not allowed to have an opinion and speak my mind because I’m not in a group?  

society in general seems to bend over backwards to cater for every “group” but people who just get on with it get shafted.

it is tiring and I’m sick of it.

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1 hour ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

The end is in sight. That end is when we’ve vaccinated the vulnerable and elderly. The vaccination program will continue beyond that, reducing risks even further. 

But, we haven’t jabbed all the vulnerable yet. So the prudent decision is to hang fire. We’re in the realm of weeks now until that is done and things like the odd sporadic case won’t be a major issue. 

We are at that stage now.  

People have completely lost all perspective on Covid.  It's a respiratory disease that can kill people. (I know, it's killed someone close to me).  BUT, the reality is that it is deadly or life changing for a small percentage of the population.

We've done around 17% of the population with least a first jab.   I find it really difficult to believe we have not got through the truly vulnerable by this stage (bearing in mind not all people will have the vaccination).

As far as I can tell, nothing is really changing in the next month.  We are making out way through the vaccination list at this stage to non critical people in terms of their risk if they catch covid.

I feel a bit sorry for the people that have to make the decisions because they have to listen to hysterical people who've completely lost the plot.

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2 minutes ago, CowMan said:

To me fair by teatime he’s probably going to need an excessive amount of bog roll! 

When they say they have been doing everything they can they are not...


if I had a crisis at work I would be expected to be there sorting it out I would not be able to go to tesco shopping especially when an island is waiting on your decisions as to how they are going to live their lives

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8 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

You are not speaking the truth.  There are thousands of people in this category who have become ill and who have suffered and are continuing to suffer with long term effects. You only need to look across the water to see this playing out in real time. If you're going to argue a case then at least get your facts right.

Facts are right.  The majority won't be bothered by getting it.

The thousands of people you refer to are very factually and very clearly a minority, not a majority.

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41 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

You're exhibiting some very closed thinking there. I'm 'old' and I launched a new business this week. I'm also classed as 'vulnerable' and I haven't had my first vaccination dose yet. I'd rather like to stay working too if you don't mind. I've got money tied up in stock that was about to go to shops yesterday and I'd get paid for - it's all sitting here waiting to go, with no idea of when it will.

It's not always black and white and it's not just about you.


He hasn't said it is "all about him".

You can stay working.  It's your choice,so you could hide away and take a lockdown style mentality.  

Whilst Nomadic Raptor and the likes, don't. 

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It’s easy to say lock down lock down when you have a pension income etc.....and you can say Iv worked all my life for that pension it’s my right....


I just want to be able to work, pay into my pension and look after my family without needing to go to food banks etc into extreme and a lockdown doesn’t allow me to do thst

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15 minutes ago, snowman said:

The reason why the pop up took place wont answer your question 


The cost of Chester st us unrelated to anything else

That has been a big part of the delay in roll out I think. Rather than just get the medical staff trained and roll it out the typical IOM Government response seems to have been .. oh great we need to spend a big bundle of money building this big infrastructure first then we can start jabbing people.

I’m not surprised the hubs are now being rolled out either. The airport facility hardly seemed to make any sense unless you lived in the south as its two bus rides from almost everywhere else for the old or infirm and it will be required to be used as an airport again at some stage which means that it will all have to be ripped back out again. 

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23 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

And what exactly, as an old, vulnerable (categorised) person would you like me to do to help you?

Just stay home permanently, living on income support of £98 a week and never push myself back out into the world of earning again? Not use my brain, my skills, my enthusiasm to live to my highest potential?

Or would you just like me to kill myself?  Would that help?

Because, make no mistake, this is the way this narrative is heading.

This is not about old people being concentrated on or young people, or key workers, or school children, or medical staff, or transport staff - this is about an inadequate government attempting to handle a global pandemic when they can't even handle their own integrity, but it's easier for them to set us all against one another rather than look at where the real issue lies. Don't fall for it.  Don't let it happen.

I'm sorry it's tough for you.  I really am.  I have a son the same age, and it's been hell for him too. I can feel your pain and your exasperation and I empathise, but truly, be careful of this growing route of anguish that old people are to blame for all of this.  They are not.

You highlighted the word "categorised".  Why?

What makes you "vulnerable"? 

Is it simply because you are a certain age?

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