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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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and some huge bank accounts, although many more well depleted and in debt.

Time for UBI for everyone, every lockdown, here and UK.


Edited by Barlow
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Looks like the lucks ran out sadly . As many said isolating year 8 didnt make sense as year 7 and 9 were seemingly immune . How , who knows but looks like they clearly weren't. Isolating teachers and staff from Ballasalla but telling the kids to go to another school is another crazy decision. Do they know what there doing !?? Some joined up thinking needed I feel . 

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2 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

See now this is a thing worth raising.

We get the occasional blast of brilliance from Alf.

Obviously the Minister for Home Afffairs, who you'd expect to have some reasonable amount of input on issues of home affairs is a blubbering idiot, so you can see why they'd keep him away from the lectern, but what exactly are the rest off them doing?

Skelly made I think two appearances to say, well I don't know, and Harmer did early when still DoI. 

CoMin met for hours yesterday but we don't know what was said.

These people have our lives in their hands.





Yes Rob Callister Mr Onchan, The People’s Prince has been quiet. 

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There's an update and 2 q&a sessions with Ashford on IoM TV


Weirdly, he's now saying (in the update) that the reason they didn't announce anything last night  other than the CM would make a statement at 1000, was because we weren't necessarily going into lockdown, it may have been some other restrictions if there was better news on the unexplained cases. I find it very strange that this wasn't made clear in the briefing or the questions after or even in the statement to the HoK...

In Q&A 2, there's also the usual stuff about genomics not being any use and only being able to look backwards. Especially as apparently you can't do genomics and track and trace at the same time, and that whilst he's no expert, genomics can't always show the link and in some cases, gets it wrong. Hmm... @rachomics

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5 minutes ago, Manx Yeller said:

Weirdly, he's now saying (in the update) that the reason they didn't announce anything last night  other than the CM would make a statement at 1000, was because we weren't necessarily going into lockdown, it may have been some other restrictions if there was better news on the unexplained cases. I find it very strange that this wasn't made clear in the briefing or the questions after or even in the statement to the HoK...


It's like a young child lying and then only compounding the lie to give reasoning. Glaringly obvious to the listener, but the liar totally belives their own lies.

Did I mention liar?

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I would love to know how much all the dick waving cost the island at the beginning of last month. The one where HRH Chief Village Idiot was lauded by the world as some sort of miracle man, and praised on island by all the Karen. Yes the island uses a top London PR agency, were they involved in getting our HRH Chief Village Idiot prime time slots on National TV, being interviewed by the likes of Piers Morgan, and Sky News. I certainly don’t think this was the work of the External Affairs Team in the Cabinet Office. One upmanship on Guernsey ........ pmsl!

Edited by 2112
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7 hours ago, Lewis said:

The key word in his comment  "the most wastage occurred in the week ending 15th February" is the word most. So this is not a one off occurrence and probably not the first.  How many in total I wonder? I recall the SPO needed 70.

Sad that the medics on the ground had neither the initiative, sense of urgency or most probably the permission not to waste these jabs. Much much worse is their superiors who after the first time this occurred had neither the sense of urgency, responsibility or initiative to decide this was utterly unacceptable and draft up a reserve list of candidates for such instances, such as Police Officers, or SPO staff? 

Can't even imagine an acceptable excuse for a leader in these circumstances.

"I wasn't made aware" - your team, your culture, your fault.  "We didn't have the time to organise it" - only acceptable for the first week

This is astonishing that vaccines have been wasted. It is not yet clear who exactly should have organised a contingency plan for this scenario (probably someone who has already left) but we need to be told how this came about.

People sitting at home isolated, people losing money from their businesses and people separated from family not to mention the general uncertainty and frustration around the place and this is what our leaders are up to ?

I wonder if Piers Morgan will pick this one up on the CM's next interview when he explains the return of lockdown.  

Putting people sat risk unnecessarily. Unacceptable. Blown a hole in HQs bid for a gong. 

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