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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 hour ago, cheesypeas said:


Unfortunately I’ve been contacted by someone who attended the gig I put on at the hydro on the 26th feb, saying they have tested positive for Covid-19. So with that being the case I’m asking everyone who turned up that night to self isolate and to book a test. This for their own good and for the good of the community. Stay safe peeps !
EDIT: no need to book a test or to take any further steps if you do not have any symptoms

That is incorrect guidance surely?  This is why PH need to get the message out about risk venues pronto. 

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I strongly suspect that links will eventually become evident that the Steam Packet "cluster" is at the root of the current lockdown. There seems to be a lot of unease with Kim Jung Quayle's stance about the Steam Packet's non-compliance with a legal document and his assertion that it was a "misunderstanding". I would have expected a Directions Notice to be clear and unequivocal and, especially in the case of the Steam Packet, subject to regular review and audit. If we are being asked to accept / understand the "misunderstanding" excuse the I would suggest that Cabinet Office publishes the Directions Notice that was issued together with a concise explanation as to which elements of the notice were unclear or ambiguous and details of reviews / inspections/ audits / checks that were undertaken to ensure compliance         

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18 hours ago, Peter Layman said:

what, like calling somebody in?

In the good old days airlines used to have standby tickets, why not impliment something like that? Say you have 10-20 people, already with a date waiting on standby list within say 15-20 minute.

At end of the day when you have 15 left, send the first 15 on standby a text (they'll expect it at the end of the day) and bob is your auntie. They jump the queue (freeing up space for others) and no wasted vaccine or time.

Following day add another 15 to the remaining 5. Those existing 5 get priority on unused and so on. This is not rocket science it is administration.

And.... those that couldn't make it on the day for whatever reason can effectively swap places with those on standby who have now had it.

After all if a dentist can ping me a text reminder the day before my appointment the technology exists.

Sadly it all smacks of can't arsed. 


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12 minutes ago, Gladys said:

That is incorrect guidance surely?  This is why PH need to get the message out about risk venues pronto. 

Reading through the comments on that Facebook link, there are similar concerns, but you have to be careful prodding the beast that is the Facebook monster.

Edited by Barlow
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6 minutes ago, Billy kettlefish said:

Your quite right it's not rocket science it you have vaccines left because of no shows then ping out a text and get people in to take up the short fall. 

I thought they already did, It is something they haven't denied,

but avoid to answer any direct questions on the subject.


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17 minutes ago, CallMeCurious said:

In the good old days airlines used to have standby tickets, why not impliment something like that? Say you have 10-20 people, already with a date waiting on standby list within say 15-20 minute.

At end of the day when you have 15 left, send the first 15 on standby a text (they'll expect it at the end of the day) and bob is your auntie. They jump the queue (freeing up space for others) and no wasted vaccine or time.

Following day add another 15 to the remaining 5. Those existing 5 get priority on unused and so on. This is not rocket science it is administration.

And.... those that couldn't make it on the day for whatever reason can effectively swap places with those on standby who have now had it.

After all if a dentist can ping me a text reminder the day before my appointment the technology exists.

Sadly it all smacks of can't arsed. 


Administration is not their strongest suit.

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1 hour ago, Annoymouse said:

I think this may end up worse than lockdown 1 in all honesty, every day it’s new venues, different places on the island, showing it’s a widespread outbreak and in no way is if contained.

FFS you’re a cheerful lot on here. Yes let’s hope and pray that it’s infinitely worse than Lockdown 1 and then you can claim some Brownie points for your advanced industrial scale doom and gloom spreading. 

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