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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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6 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

This is the worrying thing about the whole lot.

There's little pro action. It's all about fire fighting after fire has broken out. There are numerous incidences of bad practice that's only come to light once the practice has come out into the public's awareness and been seen to be bad.

Government is and always has been notorious for this but FFS - 1. this is a global pandemic and 2. They had months last year to make sure their strategies were 100% watertight.

You're right.  It is a global pandemic. And there's not a single country in the world that hasn't made a mistake or wished they had done something slightly different.

You seem to forget, it's people like you and me etc that are handling this.  We don't have 500 people that have been on a "how to handle a global pandemic " course.

It's difficult.  With lots of people trying their best.  Working long hours. Under duress.  

Whilst people like you constantly berate, moan, criticise and think YOU know better.  It's tiresome.

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10 minutes ago, CowMan said:

FFS you’re a cheerful lot on here. Yes let’s hope and pray that it’s infinitely worse than Lockdown 1 and then you can claim some Brownie points for your advanced industrial scale doom and gloom spreading. 

How cheerful do you expect me to be when we’ve just been locked down yet again? I’ve not financially got over lockdown 2 yet and I don’t fit any of the criteria for assistance. I’ve now been in two of the low risk locations at the times posted, which never happened in lockdown 1 or 2, that was the basis for my statement above.

Edited to add : I also feel this lockdown could have been avoided, Dr Glover has made it perfectly clear that genomics could be used to aid track and trace efforts.

Edited by Annoymouse
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No-shows are in the main shits.

No-shows cost the UK NHS many £100millions per year. The dentist sort it out ok over here, mine charge £20 if you don't turn up without good reason. Same needs to be done for doctors and this vaccine. The problem is usually because people feel ok when they know they should be at appointment and can't be arsed. Many genuine reasons too of course and many of those can be sorted by a courtesy phone call.

No-shows are in the main shits.

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3 minutes ago, TerryFuchwit said:

You're right.  It is a global pandemic. And there's not a single country in the world that hasn't made a mistake or wished they had done something slightly different.

You seem to forget, it's people like you and me etc that are handling this.  We don't have 500 people that have been on a "how to handle a global pandemic " course.

It's difficult.  With lots of people trying their best.  Working long hours. Under duress.  

Whilst people like you constantly berate, moan, criticise and think YOU know better.  It's tiresome.

It's not even the mistakes that people get upset about. It's the refusal to acknowledge that there might have been one. Deflection, bluster and blame in a time when we need clear, measured approaches.

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44 minutes ago, Mistercee said:

I strongly suspect that links will eventually become evident that the Steam Packet "cluster" is at the root of the current lockdown. There seems to be a lot of unease with Kim Jung Quayle's stance about the Steam Packet's non-compliance with a legal document and his assertion that it was a "misunderstanding". I would have expected a Directions Notice to be clear and unequivocal and, especially in the case of the Steam Packet, subject to regular review and audit. If we are being asked to accept / understand the "misunderstanding" excuse the I would suggest that Cabinet Office publishes the Directions Notice that was issued together with a concise explanation as to which elements of the notice were unclear or ambiguous and details of reviews / inspections/ audits / checks that were undertaken to ensure compliance         


"Chief Minister Howard Quayle said it had been a "genuine misunderstanding" and no criminal action would follow and that the company had, "genuinely felt they were complying to what they thought were the rules" and there was no "criminal negligence".

In my view this is an extraordinary, arguably hypocritical, perspective by the CM. Last year some unfortunate people were jailed for making innocent mistakes and thereby accidently breaking lockdown rules. For example, when that woman having arrived off the boat, stopped for petrol on the way home, she probably thought, after she had been arrested and charged that all she had done was 'genuine misunderstanding' of the rules. If I was one of these jailed 'rule-breakers' I would be talking to my lawyers right now. The CM seems to be saying that the government and government entities such as the Steam Packet can be excused for making "genuine misunderstandings", but ordinary people can't. It's one rule for the government and their mates and a different, much harsher rule for the rest of us. Have I missed something, or are we now living in North Korea or similar where laws/rules apply depending on who you are? Is it acceptable that the 'elites' here can get off scot free with no accountability/ punishment for breaking the law, but others must pay dearly?

Edited by code99
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40 minutes ago, Mistercee said:

I strongly suspect that links will eventually become evident that the Steam Packet "cluster" is at the root of the current lockdown. There seems to be a lot of unease with Kim Jung Quayle's stance about the Steam Packet's non-compliance with a legal document and his assertion that it was a "misunderstanding". I would have expected a Directions Notice to be clear and unequivocal and, especially in the case of the Steam Packet, subject to regular review and audit. If we are being asked to accept / understand the "misunderstanding" excuse the I would suggest that Cabinet Office publishes the Directions Notice that was issued together with a concise explanation as to which elements of the notice were unclear or ambiguous and details of reviews / inspections/ audits / checks that were undertaken to ensure compliance         

Dont worry there will be a full enquiry and if government and/or the SPCo will admit it was their mistake there will be lots of compensation for those who have become ill or lost money (or both) as a result.

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11 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

Edited to add : I also feel this lockdown could have been avoided, Dr Glover has made it perfectly clear that genomics could be used to aid track and trace efforts.

Oh right I get it now you’re another member of the Dr Glover cult. Enough said. Perhaps they should put up some Dr Glover posters around the island now she’s not here to watch over us for a week? You are literally willing this to be a worse Lockdown that previous ones just to suit the doomsday plan in your head. 

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9 minutes ago, TerryFuchwit said:

You seem to forget, it's people like you and me etc that are handling this.  We don't have 500 people that have been on a "how to handle a global pandemic " course.

Actually we've got 85,000 people who've been on a "How to handle a global pandemic course".  It's call Living Through the Last Year.  If some people haven't been paying attention, it's hardly the fault of the rest of us.

We live in a connected world, where information can be found in seconds.  We can research and compare government strategies; read scientific papers and examine the data they use;  look at the effectiveness of communications strategies by thousands of authorities local, regional and national.  That's how I can learn more about an outbreak literally on the other side of the world in Auckland than I can about one where I live.

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26 minutes ago, CowMan said:

Oh right I get it now you’re another member of the Dr Glover cult. Enough said. Perhaps they should put up some Dr Glover posters around the island now she’s not here to watch over us for a week? You are literally willing this to be a worse Lockdown that previous ones just to suit the doomsday plan in your head. 


I too am a member of that cult. If you aren't, I have a question for you. Why wouldn't you want to use Dr Glover to provide genomics in 24/36 hours that would potentially show where the paths are? Even if it just showed that everything that the track and trace team had worked out was correct, you aren't losing anything. If it was able to link an unexplained case, you gain something. Either way, you won't be worse off. So why not use her?

Edited by Manx Yeller
Addition of @
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52 minutes ago, Mistercee said:

 Kim Jung Quayle's 

Massively insulting and totally unnecessary attack











The people of Pyongyang will be livid

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4 minutes ago, CowMan said:

Oh right I get it now you’re another member of the Dr Glover cult. Enough said. Perhaps they should put up some Dr Glover posters around the island now she’s not here to watch over us for a week? You are literally willing this to be a worse Lockdown that previous ones just to suit the doomsday plan in your head. 

I don't think anyone wants a lockdown. You're suggesting that anyone who might be questioning why on-island expertise is being passed over, at the expense of reducing insight into transmission chains, clearly wants one. I think you've got that backwards.

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4 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Actually we've got 85,000 people who've been on a "How to handle a global pandemic course".  It's call Living Through the Last Year.  If some people haven't been paying attention, it's hardly the fault of the rest of us.

We live in a connected world, where information can be found in seconds.  We can research and compare government strategies; read scientific papers and examine the data they use;  look at the effectiveness of communications strategies by thousands of authorities local, regional and national.  That's how I can learn more about an outbreak literally on the other side of the world in Auckland than I can about one where I live.

There's a boat in the morning (usually) :thumbsup:

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9 minutes ago, CowMan said:

Oh right I get it now you’re another member of the Dr Glover cult. Enough said. Perhaps they should put up some Dr Glover posters around the island now she’s not here to watch over us for a week? You are literally willing this to be a worse Lockdown that previous ones just to suit the doomsday plan in your head. 

What would be the harm to let Dr Glover help?

Cutting you nose to spite your face is standard practice for Comin.


Edited by Holte End
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We don't expect our government and administration to be perfect.    But we do expect them to be open and accountable when things have gone wrong.      They'd be more worthy of respect if they came out and said ' really sorry folks, we've ballsed it up but we'll do our utmost to plan to make sure it really doesn't happen again'   Too much to expect in an election year?     

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