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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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4 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Good point. But there was huff and bluster about the rest of DA's answer that wasn't reported on social media.  When PM asked wouldn't it be a good idea to tighten up on communication and have someone from gov engaging on social media and broaden questions at the briefings as the questions from the press were questions from the public, he was dismissed by a very tetchy CM.

As I have said before, open, honest and friendly communication would go a long way.  Is there anyone in gov who has those qualities? 

D.A answers many peoples questions/concerns directly, he goes out of his way to get people answers, he isn’t dishonest he just filters answers carefully and that’s with good reason, there is often either legal implications or people picking comments apart trying to highlight something that isn’t there like the vaccine wastage which as it turns out is nothing more than a storm in a teacup.


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5 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Whatever you want to criticize the IOM Government for you can’t criticize it for open and honest, or lack of communication. Five briefings in five days, with media questions if I’m correct.
As regards friendly communication, when faced with the likes of an aggressive Moulton and to a lesser extent Glover, the CM does well to keep his temper in check. Not sure I could.

Openness, honesty, transparency are literally the things people are complaining most about with this whole mess. How embroiled and imbedded are you not to see that? 

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2 hours ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Yes. As with any accident it's likely avoidable with hindsight. Realistically it was only a matter of time.

But nobody set out to do this deliberately...and we should also remember to look after the mental health of all the people involved in this unfortunate chain of events, howsoever caused.


Said like the midwife of a 17 year old Pulrose girl. 

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12 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

when faced with the likes of an aggressive Moulton and to a lesser extent Glover, the CM does well to keep his temper in check. Not sure I could.

Like being savaged by a dead sheep. Please. 

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37 minutes ago, Kopek said:

Quite so. A  wastage of 0.15% doesn't sound too bad either. However, when that equates to 250 or so, doesn't sound too good?

Careful of %s and numbers?

Where do you get the figure of 250 from? 

They have given just under 23,500 jabs. 0.15% is about 35

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8 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Whatever you want to criticize the IOM Government for you can’t criticize it for open and honest, or lack of communication. Five briefings in five days, with media questions if I’m correct.
As regards friendly communication, when faced with the likes of an aggressive Moulton and to a lesser extent Glover, the CM does well to keep his temper in check. Not sure I could.

Good communication isn't about frequency, it is about ensuring your message gets across, and to do that you have to listen to the feedback and adjust your style and delivery.  The unclear communication, or lack of any meaningful communication, doesn't bode well for a the audience feeling they have the whole story. 

If you think PM is aggressive, just imagine how Jeremy Paxman on a mild day would be.  The point of the journos being there is to ask questions that many of "our people" are asking, not to say "cheers for that chaps, got it".  If the response is angry and ill-tempered, it is an angry and ill-tempered response to "our people". 

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11 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Good communication isn't about frequency, it is about ensuring your message gets across, and to do that you have to listen to the feedback and adjust your style and delivery. 

He does adjust it but only for the word "statistics".

Edited by Ham_N_Eggs
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41 minutes ago, Lewis said:

A one off waste of 15 is understandable. However 15 was the "most wastage occurring in week ending 15th February". So wastage has been ongoing for weeks and the total is more. Having said that the saddest thing is that, however small the numbers, many over 70s are still not jabbed and after the first time it happened it doesn't take a genius to generate a standby list of people who can come in at short notice to minimise wastage. But unfortunately, as usual,  it took this being made public to get it organised. The lack of pro-active thinking here is appalling. God knows what will emerge next.     

Actually if you look at the full answer to HooperUp until very recently this has not been an issue as the ability to bring forwards frontline health and social care workers to a hub has ensured that extremely low levels of ‘wastage’ have occurred, in the region of 1 or 2 doses per week. 

So the 15 was a one off, presumably for the week ending 19 February (Chester Street only seems to operate Monday to Friday).  Presumably Hooper got wind of it, put in his question (I think it's 7 days notice) and they hurriedly put something together to stop it happening again.  So, apart from being revealing of the way they are quick to benefit their own but no one else, it's a very minor matter and the fuss from the media (and indeed on here) is a classic example of Parkinson's Law of Triviality.

But you do raise something much more important, which is about those who have been not yet vaccinated and should have been.  Now some of these may be genuine refusniks or those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons, but others may have been unable to get through or been uncertain or worried about getting to the venue.  You would hope such people are being followed up and encouraged and supported, particularly as by definition they will be vulnerable.

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And another thing, while I think about it, the decisions being made are fundamental to our way of life, health, wealth and wellbeing in a way the majority of us have never encountered before.  That is a very high level of responsibility on IOMG, particularly Comin and the Gold Team (whoever they are). 

If that does not warrant close scrutiny and open information then what does?  If the chaps are feeling a bit bruised, that is a shame because they really are doing an unenviable job.  But the occasional reminder that they are being watched carefully isn't too much of a bad thing given that every decision they make affects most directly and extremely every single person on this island.  

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