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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 minute ago, horatiotheturd said:

It was a serious question.  Whats the justification now for not letting people visit, especially if they are vaccinated.

Peoples mental health is taking a hammering with another lockdown.  What is the harm in letting them see some family members they haven't seen for over a year 

Death? You realise that vaccinated people can still transmit the virus?

Edited by GD4ELI
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Just now, horatiotheturd said:

It was a serious question.  Whats the justification now for not letting people visit, especially if they are vaccinated.

Peoples mental health is taking a hammering with another lockdown.  What is the harm in letting them see some family members they haven't seen for over a year 

There isn't a justification is there. If family want to come here and observe our lockdown conditions they present no more risk than we currently face.

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Just now, horatiotheturd said:

It was a serious question.  Whats the justification now for not letting people visit, especially if they are vaccinated.

Peoples mental health is taking a hammering with another lockdown.  What is the harm in letting them see some family members they haven't seen for over a year 

Well, they wouldn't be allowed to see you anyway, no mixing of households at the moment.

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1 minute ago, horatiotheturd said:

It was a serious question.  Whats the justification now for not letting people visit, especially if they are vaccinated.

Peoples mental health is taking a hammering with another lockdown.  What is the harm in letting them see some family members they haven't seen for over a year 

It's a really dumb suggestion, even by your standards.

Why would you want to put further stress on already stretched resources? Some of you lot are like 5th Columnists.

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8 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

That'll be no, you don't have any proof then

I didn't back any horses, but if you are thick enough to think for 1 minute that on island genomics would have prevented this situation you are even dafter than I previously thought.

Well, genomics identifies transmission pathways contact tracing can't.

We are in a lockdown because unidentified pathways got out of control.

Realistically, surveillance testing and genomics, as called for by a prominent microbiologist on the island, could have averted, or at least somewhat mitigated the current situation.

We certainly wouldn't be any worse off.

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2 minutes ago, pongo said:

It's a really dumb suggestion, even by your standards.

Why would you want to put further stress on already stretched resources? Some of you lot are like 5th Columnists.

Have you looked at figures in the UK lately?  They are really low.  Nearly everywhere has lower rates than we will have in a couple of hours.

There is zero additional risk to the island in allowing relatives to visit in a controlled way.

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13 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

I would never believe a horse. I would never believe a 'source' either. Good job the pubs are shut. might reduce the nonsense and the bandwagons that people like you can't stop jumping on.

The ‘bandwagons’ (read: things that SHOULD have happened to prevent the calamitous state the island now finds itself in) that have been proved right. As opposed to your opinion which wasn’t. Yawn. Won’t reply again, as I’m sure people have better things to do than see us argue and you being wrong again. 
for info, my ‘sources’ are middle management DOI who I work directly with. Not from the pub or from your fantasy land from where your rationale and arguments come from. 

Edited by manxst
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Just now, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Well, genomics identifies transmission pathways contact tracing can't.

We are in a lockdown because unidentified pathways got out of control.

The virus doesn't care whether the pathways are known or unknown. 

We face the current situation because there was not a lockdown as soon as it was known that any infected person had been out spreading it.


1 minute ago, horatiotheturd said:

There is zero additional risk to the island in allowing relatives to visit in a controlled way.

Control requires resources. Resources are stretched.

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2 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Well, genomics identifies transmission pathways contact tracing can't.

We are in a lockdown because unidentified pathways got out of control.

Realistically, surveillance testing and genomics, as called for by a prominent microbiologist on the island, could have averted, or at least somewhat mitigated the current situation.

We certainly wouldn't be any worse off.

We wouldn't be worse off no. That's true. I have said it a million times that I do not underestimate the power of such science.

However the outbreak we have at the moment,  IMHO seems to be that someone has got off the boat. They are infected. They have gone shopping, for coffee, to the pub, to the hairdressers and been having a good old time for a couple of days until WHAM, they feel ill and go and get tested. Along the way they have infected other people who 4/5 days later have unwittingly done the same. Exponential spread. The trackers and tracers have valiantly tried to catch all the lines but in reality its all gone wrong right at the start and they never had a chance.

The significance of this is that they have been doing the damage before they even got ill and tested. The horse has well and truly bolted

It makes me realise how lucky we have been that this hasn't happened before. Something Dr H admitted herself.

The genomic sequencing has proved that they are all the same variant and that has been its use.

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1 minute ago, pongo said:

The virus doesn't care whether the pathways are known or unknown. 

We face the current situation because there was not a lockdown as soon as it was known that any infected person had been out spreading it.


Control requires resources. Resources are stretched.

You are wasting your breath. Like me. Your logical reasoning is spot on but some just don't have a brain power to even understand something so obvious as what you just said.

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Just now, Happier diner said:

The genomic sequencing has proved that they are all the same variant and that has been its use.

The genomics actually linked a number of the cases back to the original SPCo cases, and proved that they were from direct transmission from the rest of the cluster. It was discussed in one of the recent press conferences.

Of course, knowing that a week on is of absolute 0 use. As you yourself say, the horse has bolted by then.

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5 hours ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

I just get the “not available in your country” when I try to download the app from the Google play store, easy to get around but you would think the government would have sorted that out with Everbridge

I've never been able to download the app either, but you can sign up for texts and emails directly on Everbridge's website here: Isle of Man Government Notification System - Sign up (everbridge.net)

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