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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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6 hours ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

I remember distinctly, one argument put forth by our health minister time and time again was “why would anyone willingly subject themselves to a test, it isn’t very pleasant” when asked about why we weren’t having any form of surveillance testing on arrival or before release from isolation. 

The man is an idiot, everytime I see his doleful face on the screen I think of the Churchill dog.

?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.uULQBskHEe_IQalW07T0FAHaEo%26pid%3DApi&f=1Why repatriated residents must be quarantined | News

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Has there ever been a briefing question or suggestion from the press or public where the answer has been along the lines of "thats a valid point, we will consider it and should have been doing it sooner"

I can't think of a single time they have admitted maybe they could have done something better or different.

If they just admitted errors (we all make them) rather than blustering nonsense justifications for their cock ups then they  might earn a bit more respect.


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5 hours ago, 2112 said:

Because unlike some I have responsibilities and obligations here! In all fairness and a result of HRH The Chief Ministers complete intransigence, it could be said that the Ben either be totally freight, or perhaps the Arrow should just do the freight. We should swallow our pride and not admit incoming key workers. After all we have such all round expert know it all’s in Terry Fuckwit!

I know this much - you have literally nothing positive to say. At all.  I suspect if you really wanted to there isn't anything stopping you leaving.  Not really.  Not if it's as bad as you make out all the time. 

As for not admitting key workers - that's silly.   Just as it would be silly to tell people they can't go to the UK for medical reasons either.


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30 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

Has there ever been a briefing question or suggestion from the press or public where the answer has been along the lines of "thats a valid point, we will consider it and should have been doing it sooner"

I can't think of a single time they have admitted maybe they could have done something better or different.

If they just admitted errors (we all make them) rather than blustering nonsense justifications for their cock ups then they  might earn a bit more respect.


In fairness, in Thursday's briefing, DA thanked Tim Glover for providing information relating to vaccination letters. He said there had been an issue which he apologised for and said that the information provided had been very helpful in identifying the problem. I agree it doesn't happen often.

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On a positive note....

when kids start school in September there is normally a couple of weeks when all manner of coughs and colds are spread around which gets into adults.  This “normally” dies down after a couple of weeks once it’s worked its way through...what’s to say COVID won’t do the same now that it is in schools?

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6 hours ago, Utah 01 said:

.. and rather points to why the UK is bankrupt. 

In what way are you suggesting the UK is bankrupt, is there a suspicion that the UK government is unable to repay debt?  I find this highly unlikely, considering the UK government has never defaulted upon debt and is highly unlikely to, given that existing debt can be settled by issuing new bonds.  Of greater interest is the fact that the cost of those bonds is currently the lowest in history, so UK government borrowing is undoubtedly rising but the interest on those debts is actually falling.

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8 hours ago, Barlow said:

I was amazed UK furlough was 80%. They should have started at say 50% and reduced from there.

Universal Basic Income needs to be brought in. For everybody unable to work, including Government employees of course.

UBI is generally a really interesting concept and the trials so far have been quite successful. 

Turns out, people do better for it in the studies so far. Throughout the world, generally, people have kept working, but they’ve been in better physical and mental health, education improved in areas impacted and crime dropped. 

The world is rapidly changing and AI is already replacing jobs. Why pay someone to man security cameras when a little box of tricks can do it for you? That box of tricks doesn’t need breaks or a salary. Now multiply that across all kinds of areas. 

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6 hours ago, 2112 said:

. We should swallow our pride and not admit incoming key workers. After all we have such all round expert know it all’s in Terry Fuckwit!

You clearly have no idea how this island functions. You are basically saying we can manage without a hospital, gas, power, water, phones, internet etc. You are deluding yourself if you think we can afford to have all skills on island (meaning those you just need now and again).

Yes, we should limit them to the minimum and make sure that key=key. But not none.

For the record, Terry Fuckwitt is one of the few that talks sense on here.

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1 hour ago, Nomadic Raptor said:

On a positive note....

when kids start school in September there is normally a couple of weeks when all manner of coughs and colds are spread around which gets into adults.  This “normally” dies down after a couple of weeks once it’s worked its way through...what’s to say COVID won’t do the same now that it is in schools?

How did that work out for the UK?

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