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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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3 hours ago, Roxanne said:

If you put a load of butter and cream and pepper in them, you can just about get away with eating it.  The question is, why would you?

Anyway, this is a thread about a GLOBAL PANDEMIC - Enough of your cooking talk!  :D


No way. More bees cooking tips. Its the most common sense in the whole thread!

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19 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

"The vaccination plan remains on track and from Monday, will see 1,000 doses delivered five days a week, maximising all deliveries being received"

Only a couple of months late and this would be a different risk scenario if they had first dosed people everytime a delivery came in

They really havent  , despite their claims , been anywhere close to being on top of this with last weekend being a classic example of incompetence . Now the decisions  are made for them really and now just damage limitation . So hope everyone recovers okay .   

Edited by Numbnuts
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Of course, I'm following the rules and doing what I'm told as that's the only socially responsible thing to do.

However, when they keep telling us all what we should and should not be doing I am thinking to myself that the fact that we are all in this situation this time is directly due to your total and utter incompetence you stupid fucking shitheads.

And they will never admit it and what went wrong needs to be a secret, it's not a witch hunt, let's look forwards and not backwards, lessons learnt etc.

We're well used to them fucking everything up, in fact most of expect it now. But this isn't some water slides or an expensive, useless train, this is serious. No one in the real world gets to behave like this when they make a mistake, especially one so costly which risks people lives and livelihoods, it properly grips my piss.

There are one or more individuals directly responsible for this and they need to be identified and removed from their positions. And if Quayle is not prepared to do that then he should immediately resign instead.

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1 hour ago, TheTeapot said:

Why has Juan put those case figures out from 10.30am, when every other day its at 4pm, and still due today? Purposeful water muddying?

A number of reasons

  1. Its an election year. He wants to show how important he is by getting the data out ahead of the scheduled update.
  2. The lockdown means that his main weekend hobby of bus-sicking is suspended. As is his back up hobby of dressing up like an army man. Without these, he's got nothing else to do after he's finished combing his official wig.
Edited by piebaps
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1 hour ago, TheTeapot said:

Why has Juan put those case figures out from 10.30am, when every other day its at 4pm, and still due today? Purposeful water muddying?

Well if nothing else so as to show us that rather than being the up to minute figures, they are actually almost a day behind.  I assumed they would be interim figures, but apart from two more people in hospital the 4pm ones are the same as the overnight ones and Gef is now describing those as the Friday ones.

It also suggests there are sets of figures that insiders (Watterson, Gef) get that are more detailed and informative and a lot earlier than those they give to the public.  They seem to spend most of the gap deciding on how to spin things rather than what action to take.

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43 minutes ago, Hmmmm said:

Full release


Cases of Covid-19 have continued to rise in the Isle of Man and five people are being treated in hospital.

A further 71 cases were confirmed on Friday meaning the total number of active cases now stands at 234. More than 1,000 people are currently in self-isolation – with 287 instructed to do so in the previous 24 hours.

Chief Minister Howard Quayle MHK said: ‘We know numbers will continue to rise for at least a few more days. We are not yet at the peak but may reach that point early next week.

‘We must all continue to act as though we ourselves have the virus. Stay at home as much as possible to protect our vaccination programme and front line services.’

The Council of Ministers met on Saturday and is continuing the review the evidence relating to schools and early year settings. For now parents are asked to keep their children at home and away from playgrounds.

Dr Alex Allinson MHK, Minister for Education, Sport and Culture, said: ‘For now home is the safest place for children and work is ongoing to provide options for critical workers so that we can support them to continue to work in front line services.’

On Friday, more than 500 people were swabbed on the Island with 70 (14%) testing positive. A further 928 people are booked in for tests this weekend.

The Contact Tracing team are continuing to work through the close contacts of those who test positive for the virus. Anyone with symptoms is asked to contact 111 immediately. Do not assume the symptoms are something else. People that call are asked to be patient as the service continues to receive a high volume of calls.

Dr Henrietta Ewart, Director of Public Health, said: ‘The biggest increase is in children between the ages of 10 and 14 with 20 new cases reported overnight.

‘We would expect the average incubation period to be around 5-6 days so we could estimate that the peak in cases due to community transmission will come at the start of this coming week.  We have to remember, though, that most positive cases will now be self-isolating in households with other family members.  This means that we will expect to see new cases in self-isolating households from secondary transmission which will continue to be reflected in the numbers after this.  People who are self-isolating in a household should try to spend as little time together as possible. 

‘We appreciate that this can be difficult for those living in small properties and for families with children.’ With so many people isolating the hospital is ready to act quickly and expand capacity if needed and all the Island’s other essential services are being closely monitored.

With so many people isolating the hospital is ready to act quickly and expand capacity if needed and all the Island’s other essential services are being closely monitored.

The vaccination programme is set to ramp up significantly in the coming days and by Wednesday all over 70s should have received a letter inviting them to register. This can be done by calling 111. Registrations will also move online early next week for those who chose to use this option and further information will follow on Monday. 

If anyone has not received their letter by Wednesday they are asked to contact fps@gov.im

The vaccination plan remains on track and from Monday, will see 1,000 doses delivered five days a week, maximising all deliveries being received.

Thanks, Howard. 

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234 active cases. 59.4% linked. So that's 139 known cases "in the cluster". I'd be interested to know if we hadn't had those unknown cases as to whether they'd still be telling us it's all under control and no reason to lockdown, as they are all in the same cluster. Just goes to show what ridiculous thinking that was.

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47 minutes ago, Hmmmm said:

The vaccination programme is set to ramp up significantly in the coming days and by Wednesday all over 70s should have received a letter inviting them to register. This can be done by calling 111. Registrations will also move online early next week for those who chose to use this option and further information will follow on Monday. 

If anyone has not received their letter by Wednesday they are asked to contact fps@gov.im

The vaccination plan remains on track and from Monday, will see 1,000 doses delivered five days a week, maximising all deliveries being received

So a bit of sense in that they are moving to an online registration option (long overdue) and a hint of desperation in the last sentence (keep the faith and finish on a positive note!)

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