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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 hour ago, CowMan said:

I’m neither crowing or trolling but it seems that any comment on this forum that doesn’t transmit a persistent sense of doom and gloom is seen as such. Somebody may well die yet but it’s equally far too early to call the doom and gloom scenarios either. By far our main fatalities last time were care home related. Hardly anyone actually died in hospital. Still a few more in hospital and the death surfers are straight out with their end of the world predictions.  

Have you heard of LONG COVID? Are you aware of the vast numbers of people with long-term health impairments as a direct result of Covid19? You seem to be just another deluded denier of the truth about this Pandemic using only self-suiting highly selected facts like the very many idiots who also constantly claim it was not much worse than normal flu and that we should have much more open borders. Sod you.

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12 hours ago, horatiotheturd said:

So can a woman get an abortion on island now?

Legally, yes. I don’t know though whether the procedure is actually available on island. Maybe someone who knows more about the medical provision on island can tell us.

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4 hours ago, CowMan said:

Well firstly it was a private members bill that he managed to get through which has been rarely done and secondly given the number of religious rednecks who live here it managed to happen. 

You answered for me. Thanks. 

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2 hours ago, CowMan said:

The ability to doom surf here is quite spectacular. Amazing even. I didn't say say it was ok did I? I’m assuming your grasp of the English language is enough to realize that I didn’t say that. But it’s hardly a cause for mass panic is it? We got to 10 at one stage during the first lockdown and you have no idea at all whether any underlying conditions or age related factors are at play here. Most admissions last time didn’t result in deaths either. But no, let’s all just automatically pee our pants and spread panic as there’s been an increase in hospital admissions. 

The reactions are mostly down to people’s lives being turned upside in an instant, many people don’t panic about Covid19 itself, but they do fear the measures the government put in place to stop the spread, hence the number of new cases is the key figure. Hospital admissions tell us what likely decisions the government will make, we know if the health service is overwhelmed then we will have even more rights/freedom taken away.  So this circle of ‘doom” is people talking about new cases or hospital admissions is because thats ultimately what future decisions rely on.

There is no reason that the number of new cases couldn’t just be a rolling number updated every hour, like the vaccine roll out is, rather than have people waiting for news from an MHK or waiting for Howard O clock, I’m not sure if it’s done to deliberately create fear but we only had 71 cases yesterday, I think most people were hoping for it to be a big figure, the sooner it reaches the peak, the sooner we get back to normal.

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3 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

The reactions are mostly down to people’s lives being turned upside in an instant, many people don’t panic about Covid19 itself, but they do fear the measures the government put in place to stop the spread, hence the number of new cases is the key figure. Hospital admissions tell us what likely decisions the government will make, we know if the health service is overwhelmed then we will have even more rights/freedom taken away.  So this circle of ‘doom” is people talking about new cases or hospital admissions is because thats ultimately what future decisions rely on.

There is no reason that the number of new cases couldn’t just be a rolling number updated every hour, like the vaccine roll out is, rather than have people waiting for news from an MHK or waiting for Howard O clock, I’m not sure if it’s done to deliberately create fear but we only had 71 cases yesterday, I think most people were hoping for it to be a big figure, the sooner it reaches the peak, the sooner we get back to normal.

I think they do it to prevent fear but don't realise it actually adds to it.

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1 hour ago, quilp said:

If they'd all learned to live with the virus their behaviours wouldn't be so capricious, they'd do their level best to reduce any possibility of transmission by acting in the interests of the common good. Which many of them aren't, as we've seen with some ethnic minorities and covid-deniers reluctant to have the vaccines.

Completely agree with you about the people not taking vaccines. Obviously getting vaccinated is in the common good. Outside of that, a part of the problem is defining what the common good is. What is good for the NHS or for one sector of society may not be perceived as good for other sectors of society who may have been affected by the pandemic in a different way. To a certain extent it is a case of balancing the competing needs of different sections of society in the least painful way. If that balance is achieved, it means that all sectors of society inevitably feel that more could have been done to help their particular situation.

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39 minutes ago, Banker said:

Doubt this would go down well with teachers If Dr A introduced here but might help many who have fallen behind 


After how many hours at school per day do you anticipate that diminishing and then negative returns to scale begin to set in, that is after how many hours does the additional contact time add nothing and then begin to detract?  Would you support 5 year olds doing an 8 hour + day?  Or maybe going to school most of the summer instead of enjoying life?

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3 hours ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

Nobody has died yet. It takes 3 to 4 weeks from symptoms showing for people to pass away of covid. This is a bit like people last weekend saying "it's only a couple of cases in the community what's everyone so worried about" or the week before that with "it's only a little cluster involving a coffee shop what's the panic" or a week before that when it was "just one person caught it from someone on the boat - what's everyone worried about".

It may seem like a lifetime ago but this has taken less than 4 weeks (12th February first reported case of UK based SP worker positive, 18th February Manx SP worker tested positive) to spread rapidly through the community because we haven't been socially distancing etc. We haven't even hit peak cases yet so it's far too early to be crowing on / trolling about nobody dying yet.

If this exact level of infection had occurred this time last year we would have reported about 10 percent of the "cases" we are reporting now due to the massive changes in testing.  The others would never know that had it, like the hundreds of positive say at home or working in shops or delivering takeaways now who don't know they have it

I really think this point needs stressing to those who are panicking that its "worse than first tine" Howard did try but people don't listen or understand.

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2 hours ago, madmanxpilot said:

Agree - we only really important things we need to know are how many daily new cases and of them how many are of unexplained lineage. 

Still pointless

Daily cases where people are ill.

I bet of you tested everyone posting on this thread at least on is positive and doesn't know it and never will without a test.

Test more people, find more cases.  Look at the percentage of test taken that were positive rather than the positive number.  Paints a very different picture and just shows how pointless the "cases" firmware is and always has been

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2 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

Gotta love cowman. Deliberately states that there is only 2 in hospital, then when corrected in a reasonable way, completely loses his shit and accuses everyone of being hysterical. Not seen him this bad since he hid under the duvet like a dribbling wreck post brexit. Absolutely bonkers

He does seem a tad bovine spongiform encephalopathetic. 

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15 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

Still pointless

Daily cases where people are ill.

I bet of you tested everyone posting on this thread at least on is positive and doesn't know it and never will without a test.

Test more people, find more cases.  Look at the percentage of test taken that were positive rather than the positive number.  Paints a very different picture and just shows how pointless the "cases" firmware is and always has been

The prevalence of community cases will dictate the length of this lockdown. That's what a lot of people want to know about. As soon as we get near zero in that count, we'll know that the end is in sight. 

Edited by madmanxpilot
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