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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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On 3/5/2021 at 4:20 PM, snowman said:




On 3/5/2021 at 6:02 PM, Albert Tatlock said:

Quite damning if that is from an ex-inspector of police.


On 3/5/2021 at 6:29 PM, Whatnonsence said:

He is also a retired Member of the Legislative Council

I know this topic moves so fast its hard to keep up with every post but is this not a very important revelation from a very reliable source?

 Something that should definitely be raised by a journalist on Monday and ensure its included in the upcoming "investigation"?

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2 minutes ago, Lewis said:



I know this topic moves so fast its hard to keep up with every post but is this not a very important revelation from a very reliable source?

 Something that should definitely be raised by a journalist on Monday and ensure its included in the upcoming "investigation"?

Yes it is, and yes it should. If accurate, and Dudley Butt is unlikely to peddle nonsense, this could escalate to resignation level. 

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5 hours ago, CowMan said:

Sorry I wasn’t being negative enough. There’s five in hospital still all likely to be elderly or with underlying conditions. 

Even ignoring the general heartlessness of this, it isn't true because we know from the figures @jaymann supplied yesterday[1], that there are only 3 active cases over 65 and none over 80.  3 was less than 5 last time I looked (even assuming all or any of the over-65s are involved).


1 hour ago, horatiotheturd said:

If this exact level of infection had occurred this time last year we would have reported about 10 percent of the "cases" we are reporting now due to the massive changes in testing. 

Not quite as true as you think it is.  Because the Island started off testing a lot (remember Howie bragging we were in the top ten) but hasn't been testing as much as it might since, the difference isn't as great as it would be in other countries. 

But even if what you said was correct we would see it in a much higher positive rate (indeed several times higher) in the Spring when less testing was being done.  The busiest day for test results last Spring (as discussed here yesterday) was 9 April with 32 positives from 210 tests (15%).  The numbers yesterday were 71 from 499 tests[2] which is 14%.  That's so close it suggests we are actually in a much worse situation now.


[1]  Oddly enough the detailed breakdown seems to have vanished from the Gef website.

[2] Which they pathetically tried to spin as 'over 500'.

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5 minutes ago, Uhtred said:

Yes it is, and yes it should. If accurate, and Dudley Butt is unlikely to peddle nonsense, this could escalate to resignation level. 

Well, if government were aware, so were the SPCo, I would assume that the issue was dealt with last year? It's how that protocol managed to be breached again!

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26 minutes ago, Holte End said:

I wonder how many low risk , carry on as normal unless you signs contributed to the now. 


It was fairly strange for them to say that considering people can spread it two days before displaying symptoms. As head of Public Health Ewart should have know that and the situation wasn't helped by her condescendingly giving advice that everything was fine when it was anything but.

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The Fire Service have confirmed cases which may take a whole watch off line for 2 weeks - alongside Gary Roberts admission that police are low on numbers and resources stretched it doesn’t appear that restrictions will be relaxed soon - personal opinion is increased travel restrictions and speed limit early in the week.

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12 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Even ignoring the general heartlessness of this, it isn't true because we know from the figures @jaymann supplied yesterday[1], that there are only 3 active cases over 65 and none over 80.  3 was less than 5 last time I looked (even assuming all or any of the over-65s are involved).


Not quite as true as you think it is.  Because the Island started off testing a lot (remember Howie bragging we were in the top ten) but hasn't been testing as much as it might since, the difference isn't as great as it would be in other countries. 

But even if what you said was correct we would see it in a much higher positive rate (indeed several times higher) in the Spring when less testing was being done.  The busiest day for test results last Spring (as discussed here yesterday) was 9 April with 32 positives from 210 tests (15%).  The numbers yesterday were 71 from 499 tests[2] which is 14%.  That's so close it suggests we are actually in a much worse situation now.


[1]  Oddly enough the detailed breakdown seems to have vanished from the Gef website.

[2] Which they pathetically tried to spin as 'over 500'.

Well we currently haven't had any cases reported since 10:30 yesterday .owning, and those were Fridays figures so there is a pretty major backlog sitting somewhere

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1 minute ago, Mr Helmut Fromage said:

The Fire Service have confirmed cases which may take a whole watch off line for 2 weeks - alongside Gary Roberts admission that police are low on numbers and resources stretched it doesn’t appear that restrictions will be relaxed soon - personal opinion is increased travel restrictions and speed limit early in the week.

If either of those things happen then this island is Monmore broken that I thought

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1 hour ago, Roxanne said:

Here’s the thing, and I’ve kept my mouth shut about this for a long time because this is something I’m passionate about and I don’t like giving my energy away to wankers. 

For those others who come here to connect, learn and have a laugh, I would say that children have an inbuilt IQ. That doesn’t change, pandemic or not. If you have a gifted child who has spent a year in lockdown playing violin, they’re going to go straight back to school and pick up where they left off. If you have a child with a low IQ, and they spend lockdown watching   square Bob short pants, then they will still have the same IQ, but so will most of their classmates and so they can all start at the same place as they all have forgotten what they have learned anyway - it happens at the end of every summer holiday. It’s not such a big deal.

For the ones in the middle I would say that if there’s one thing certain about the National Curriculum is that it teaches the same things year in year out. What you learned in year four, you’re going to learn again in year 10 only in a different format. 

I’ve worked with children who for one reason or another, didn’t go to school. Some of them hadn’t been into school for 2/3/4 years. All of the pupils and students who were reintegrated back into school, ‘caught up’ very quickly.  Compared to the rest of the issues the educational package was the least of their worries.

I’ve heard and seen on here the ongoing derision of teachers. It’s misplaced, it’s unfair, and it’s just one thing that the MSM has got people riled up about in its desire to create division. Peace has never made money.

 I’ve done lots of jobs but the hardest job I ever did was teach. 30 children in one class to care for, nurture, feed, water, exercise, see to their physical needs, emotional needs, their creative needs, set and mark homework, deal with their parents and carers, liaise with headteacher, liaise with outside agencies, attend after school meetings, after school clubs, lunch duty, break duty, bus duty, choir, nativities, practising for the Guild, parties, hockey club, weekend hockey matches, after school matches, 

and still find time to teach and tick boxes afterward  

The nights and weekends are spent planning and marking because there is no other time to do it!

At the end of term I was on my knees tired, crying tired. My colleagues were the same. I have never (and I went on to take more senior roles) been as absolutely knackered as I was as a teacher.

Yes, there are exceptions. There are arseholes everywhere, but they are the exception. I met one at a party last year who proudly told me she’d sunbathed the whole way through. It sickened me but my also know she is the exception. Her experience doesn’t define my whole opinion of teachers.

What children need when this is done or we have learned to live with it is a chance to go out and play again. Cooping them up in another building is, IMHO, child abuse. They need to recover. This has been traumatic for them and the last thing they need is more regimentation. They need to breathe, to have fun and to recharge  It s going to be hard enough for them  

So. I think the idea is bollocks.

If we lived in a world that cared more about public health than making money then what I’ve said above would be what would be done, but we’re not and it’s all about getting them back in their little boxes so their parents can go back to work and it’s all about pushing them as hard as they can so when their parents die, knackered, they’ve got a load of nice new recruits coming up.

That why the MSM are stirring us all up - turning us against each other rather than waking us to the truth of the matter. They need them all to ‘catch up’ too so they can get into school, get into work, make money and buy stuff they advertise  its all a fucking racket and we are all buying into it.

As the Americans say, there’s a lot to unpick there  Pick away, just know I won’t be wasting my time with assholes.  


Well said girl! Folk are also missing the research about the maximum concentration time for humans. The RAF research is interesting for folk who are bothered and no I don't have a link.

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4 minutes ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

He needs to to back away from the camera

At least he's looking at the lens and therefore us. Ewart always looks at herself on screen (not the camera lens) so always appears to be bored and looking elsewhere. 

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