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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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2 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

I have noticed a few restaurants opening up lots of people out in restaurants and pubs so hopefully the island might not be hit to hard. Maybe I'm being optimistic. but the rest of your post I think you're probably right.

I actually feel more positive about the IOMs ability to get through this than at any time in the last 20 years. If we all just stay here and jobs don’t bottom out significantly local trade will significantly increase as more people are normally off island spending their cash than on and now that’s been reversed. There may well be a few fortress-states which benefit from Covid in many ways moving forward but they will have to have effective entry testing to allow people to move between. Although that relies on a big dose of reality being accepted by government and the wider population in the IOM. But the UK is not going to be able to keep the lid on what easily could be upwards of 5,000,000 unemployed. That would be worse than the gloom and depression of Thatchers Britain. At least Brexit isn’t it’s biggest risk anymore. Brexit is now a minor destabiliser in this major crapfest! But fourth quarter is going to be absolutely hideous and I firmly believe now more than ever that more people will die and suffer long term as a result of the impact of lockdown than would ever have been impacted by COVID alone.

Edited by Mr Newbie
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2 hours ago, Banker said:

Jersey approach link below, as mentioned previously seems to be working at present;


‘To be clear, medical and scientific advice takes precedence in guiding Covid-19 policy decisions.’ 
Jersey Deputy Renouf & his counterparts are clearly not using the same experts employed by Howie & Ashy.

Perhaps there is no WiFi in the Wedding Cake situation room & the memo never got there.

Our re-opening strategy is led by the Facebook 'boarder' gang.

Incidentally, Jersey reported +5 active cases today, +1 on yesterdays numbers. However, they had tested nearly 900 people in the space of 24 hours. You have to start questioning why we don't seem to be testing anyone other than key workers. No wonder our Active Cases count is so good. The amount of UK plated Motorway Maintenance vehicles parked up on the prom & high viz guys loitering about in & out of the Queens makes you start to think. Can anyone in the know confirm if these chaps are tested on arrival and then followed up or just left to roam about Douglas at their leisure? 

Edited by Nom de plume
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I notice that the Irish paving company (Gibsons) are back on the Promenade, for the first time since March, laying the granite blocks. 

I have no problem with doctors, other health professionals, people who maintain the power station, vital hospital equipment etc. etc. being treated as Key Workers, but this is just taking the piss. 

Why have the DoI been given permission to bring these people in. Their skills can't be that specialised. There must be loads of local firms, or individuals, who can lay a few block, to the required standard.



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Those skills aren't that specialised and there are plenty of people over here capable of doing the work. There are also plenty of people over here capable of doing the work who simply won't. I know people who've been offered work on the prom as subcontractors who were tempted by the money, its good, but turned it down because of the bullshit.

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2 hours ago, Nom de plume said:

‘To be clear, medical and scientific advice takes precedence in guiding Covid-19 policy decisions.’ 
Jersey Deputy Renouf & his counterparts are clearly not using the same experts employed by Howie & Ashy.

Perhaps there is no WiFi in the Wedding Cake situation room & the memo never got there.

They also criticised the composition of Jersey’s Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee for, they claimed, not consisting ‘purely of medical and health experts’. 


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59 minutes ago, pongo said:

You both seem a bit obsessed with Jersey @Nom de plume and @Banker.

We're not Jersey. We're not even especially like Jersey. They've got different priorities.


Have they?

Please enlighten me on those priorities but don’t mention tourism as we have suffered probably more than most with the TT & FOM being canned.


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1 hour ago, pongo said:

Good to hear because that would essentially be murder.

Or perhaps you mean voluntary euthanasia? That should obviously be a basic right.

Well, it would be state sponsored in this context. Some of the people I refer to are subject to the opposite. State sponsored prolongation of life by intervention when they would otherwise die naturally. I am pleased you agree that voluntary euthanasia should be a basic right. If we can get to that stage - big "if" - then can we still logically be keeping alive those who are in even worse condition, physically out of control and beyond cognitive reasoning to effect their own release from a living hell?

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