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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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4 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

Well it’s Bradda Head, so it’s almost certainly not essential and will likely be exercise related, I expect their hospital stay and home recovery will serve enough as ‘punishment’ enough don't you, particularly if their an active outdoor type. 

I am an active outdoor type, my son regularly does 40 plus miles in plantations on his bike on a Sunday.

They have asked us to stay home, so we have stayed home.

If the young fella came of his bike up in Cringleford somewhere that's coastguard, ambulance, nobles all being put out because he couldn't be arsed changing his plans for a few weeks.

When we did go for a walk today we deliberately avoided uneven, slippery places.

Its not hard

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29 minutes ago, Max Power said:

It's about time that the SPCo started training local people to crew their vessels

That might seem rather hypocritical given that a significant amount of IOM business exists around crewing IOM Registered vessels with officers and ratings from all over the world.

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34 minutes ago, wrighty said:

Unbelievable :(

The content of your post, I mean, not the situation you describe.  Are you really blaming the Poles et al for bringing covid here this time, and if only SPC employed good ole Manxies we’d be fine?


32 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

Good luck rolling that clock back 50 years, that ship has long since sailed. If he lives here then by definition he is a ‘local’ crew member? We also have Eastern European’s in all of our emergency services, in our prison, in our hospital(s) and in just about every other sector. If his written English was good enough to get the job then it was good enough to understand the isolation requirements.



9 minutes ago, Chris C said:

Come on Max, you are one of the best posters on here but that's rubbish mate! 

If this fella did wrong then he's an idiot,  but his nationality has nothing to do with it. 

It says his family lives here so that makes him an adopted Manxy in my book- with as much of an interest in keeping covid out as anyone. 

You misunderstand me, even outside of Covid, the number of staff movements to various places is enormous to enable them to go home. There have been clashes of the various groups leading to crew disharmony. With Covid we are in a position which has become difficult to manage, wouldn't it be better if we were providing jobs for local people on a Manx asset? 

Personally I quite like having people here from other cultures, I wasn't blaming anyone as nobody would deliberately infect another person, I think. It's just that in the case of Covid, having mixed crews is working against us!

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1 hour ago, Max Power said:

It would seem that in this current instance it was a Manx based Eastern European crew member who brought the virus in, his family live here. He has obviously been infected by a UK based crew member somehow, perhaps a countryman?

It's about time that the SPCo started training local people to crew their vessels. There needs to be harmony on these ships and the different cultures have caused trouble more than once apparently! 

whatever your views, it should be pointed out that all the IOMSPC crew on Manannan or the Ben are experienced, well trained and have the necessary qualifications, and certification, otherwise they wouldn’t be employed. There are some Manx crew, UK crew, Eastern European and others (Baltic) and Portuguese. Sadly I can’t see some Manx working as seafarers, as it involves unsocial hours (sorry to say some Manx are lazy and won’t get out of bed unless they are gifted money for nothing) and some would moan about the pay, and above all else they would baulk at the cost of taking a course required (survival at sea, firefighting etc). The Govt screwed up and sadly some are still demonising the crew. I know a few people working on both boats, and certainly not heard of the strife that you have just painted.

I wonder if the shipping/ferry operators in the Irish Sea, Stenas and P&O have a all English/Local crew ( if local perhaps its scousers)Some may portray them as lazy and workshy, I don’t.  Time to stop bashing them.

Edited by 2112
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6 hours ago, Roxanne said:

What children need when this is done or we have learned to live with it is a chance to go out and play again. Cooping them up in another building is, IMHO, child abuse. They need to recover. This has been traumatic for them and the last thing they need is more regimentation. They need to breathe, to have fun and to recharge  It s going to be hard enough for them  

So. I think the idea is bollocks.

If we lived in a world that cared more about public health than making money then what I’ve said above would be what would be done, but we’re not and it’s all about getting them back in their little boxes so their parents can go back to work and it’s all about pushing them as hard as they can so when their parents die, knackered, they’ve got a load of nice new recruits coming up.

Well said.

Needed emphasising.


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13 minutes ago, Max Power said:



You misunderstand me, even outside of Covid, the number of staff movements to various places is enormous to enable them to go home. There have been clashes of the various groups leading to crew disharmony. With Covid we are in a position which has become difficult to manage, wouldn't it be better if we were providing jobs for local people on a Manx asset? 

Personally I quite like having people here from other cultures, I wasn't blaming anyone as nobody would deliberately infect another person, I think. It's just that in the case of Covid, having mixed crews is working against us!

Far be it from me to defend the SP,  but I really don't think they're importing Eastern Europeans to crew their ships. 

It's more a case of the hours are long and unsociable and the pay is crap, it's probably the only people they can find. 

I know a couple of Manx fellas who have worked for them in the past,  none lasted more than a season,  on the other hand I know a couple of engineers who have been there for donkey's.

Now if you were to say the cabin crew jobs should be paid better I would agree with you. 

As far as we know this fiasco has been caused by a big cock up by the SP or Government,  probably both,  you can bet your life if had been single handedly caused by a Bulgarian on minimum wage he'd be living in Jurby by now, having been thrown under the bus by his employer's and government's attempt to save face. 

Edited by Chris C
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Coastguard teams from Port Erin and Douglas were called out to Bradda Head on Sunday.

At 3.12pm a 999 call was received by the emergency joint control room detailing that a young male had fallen over the edge of a cliff in the area of Fleshwick Bay and Bradda Head.

Coastguard and Ambulance Service teams arrived at the scene to find the casualty had fallen down a grass embankment.

At 4.09pm a request was sent for helicopter assistance from HM Coastguard Caernarfon, Wales due to the casualty’s injuries.

The helicopter arrived shortly afterwards and flew the casualty to Noble’s Hospital for treatment.

Duty officer of IoM Coastguard Michael MacDonald said: ’We received a call this afternoon that someone had been injured while out exercising. He had fallen down a grass embankment and had to be evacuated using helicopter.

’We would like to thank all of the emergency services who attended the scene and HM Coastguard Caernarfon for their assistance.’


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16 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Sadly I can’t see some Manx working as seafarers, as it involves unsocial hours (sorry to say some Manx are lazy and won’t get out of bed unless they are gifted money for nothing)


Do you work night shifts?

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