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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 minute ago, Annoymouse said:

I’m wanting to see a big number only so we can see the when we’ve roughly hit the peak. The likes of 50 odd is a steady increase rather than a ‘peak’

Ever considered that you might be looking for evidence of something that isn’t there as the answer you’ve decided that you want to see doesn’t exist? 

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Anyone else notice the body swerve on number of tavellers of the near 2,800 self-isolating roughly 50% are known close contacts, so approx 1,400 are not known or travellers. That's quite a few. Even at 14% infection rate for those tested that is about 200 potential cases. 

It sounds like this is going to be the turning point where we'll have to accept a 'background' number of cases that track and trace can manage in a few weeks once this outbreak simmers down while returning to some sort of normality. Probably in the dozens per week I imagine. Based on current hospital numbers at 6 out 360 that would be 1 or 2 cases in hospital a week.

If we get surge of vaxing done at 1,000/week it'd then be a race to get effective heard immunity. I imagine at some point in the distant future there will be a little anecdote about the first covid free day/week/month sometime in 2022.




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3 minutes ago, CallMeCurious said:


If we get surge of vaxing done at 1,000/week it'd then be a race to get effective heard immunity. I imagine at some point in the distant future there will be a little anecdote about the first covid free day/week/month sometime in 2022.




Didnt they say last week they were hoping for a 1000 a day ?? Or did I pick it up wrong .

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1 minute ago, Manx Yeller said:

It'll blow DAs mind if he finds out tech solutions could reschedule appointments without 111 having to contact all of them...

Vaccine doesn't arrive as planned, you could just announce it and say those booked for next week will be rescheduled to the same time the follwoing week... not rocket science. Anybody who has a problem with that new date, contact us.

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9 minutes ago, Gladys said:

HQ said this current outbreak wasn't their fault. 

Everyone is doing their best and he's 'disappointed' at calls for political resignations. That's okay then. Fine. Just dandy. Nothing to see here. Phew.

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26 minutes ago, The Chief said:

No i want an accurate non-political figure to see where we are at, it could be 5 for all i care but because they keep moving the time periods around and it's never been established what the '24 hour period' is. 6pm till 6pm one day then 10 til 10 it can leave gaps in the data.

Low or high is not the issue for me it's giving the parameters for the'correct' count.

Not really. It depends what the testers are working.  If they are not testing the number is nil.  All that matters is that we are told how many tests were examined and the results of those tests.    

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