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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Best to assume everyone’s got it / had it/ or getting it. Not covid just pissed off with all the hype / opinions / and very poor questions being put by the Press. Time for public questions except if you ask a question that has been answered during the briefing, or has been asked already or I don’t like it .... you in big trouble .... no jab for you!

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1 hour ago, horatiotheturd said:

I just read the comments on fb for the 3fm live viewing of the briefing.

Wow.  No wonder this island is screwed, overwhelming majority of people on there congratulating the government on a job well done.

I am hoping if I look at some of thenother news sites there might be a different theme?

Maybe the overwhelming majority of people don’t have criticism of the government, whatever they do,as their default position?

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27 minutes ago, TerryFuchwit said:


You would have to have thick as fuck not to understand what Ashford said.


17 minutes ago, CowMan said:

39:50 onwards in the above clip. It’s clear. 

Sigh, All I'm simply asking for is an explanation of how they came up with the figure. That's all.

Was it based on the number of tests that had already been done with results that hadn't yet been entered into whatever system they use,

Was it based on the number of tests that hadn't had results back yet but ones they should get a result for by the end of the day? 

or was it based on something else?

Whilst I am obviously "thick as fuck" and unable to hear what's clear to others, I still don't hear him saying exactly how they came to the figure of 108. So if either of you can, i'd be grateful if you let me know.

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33 minutes ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

Ashford is annoyed you can see his eyes water more than usual. As for Ewart she needs to go. The answer in itself was poor but the attitude was disgraceful. Why is she there now at every briefing? What happened to all the others that came out during the first wave? I get the feeling more and more that we are in this mess because of Quayle's ego and Ewart's inability to think outside the box.

The real question is why she wasn't at every briefing at the start.  Most other countries during their outbreaks had daily briefings led by their Director of Public Health or equivalent from the off, who gave out the daily statistics and  set the context.  Politicians were only brought in to explain changes in policy or to deal with specific areas, as Allinson did today with Education.  From the start we had the Howie and Ashie Show and she was frozen out[1] (along with most other medical and scientific personnel) until well into the Autumn.

Even now she only seems to be there to validate whatever nonsense the other two come up with or to deal with a question they find too difficult.  How much she is trying to rationalise irrational decisions she doesn't really believe in, I don't know.


[1]   This may partly be because of the (scheduled) move of Public Health from DHSC to Cabinet Office last April, so they weren't seem as being 'one of us' by either Department.  Which tells you everything you need to know about the Manx Civil Service.

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3 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Maybe the overwhelming majority of people don’t have criticism of the government, whatever they do,as their default position?

And now we know its 110 cases "today" and people don't want to question it or the crappy vaccines?

Good for them.  I would rather have some faith that the civil servants  advising the farmer and former barman knew what they were doing and were bring honest with us.

Us being the people who pay their wages while they make decisions that stop us earning any.

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6 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

I genuinely have no recollection of anyone against pre emptive lockdowns and also wanting to relax borders.

I fear you might be getting confused again?

Those in favour of a sensible border policy were also advocates of short sharp lockdowns.

You're being deliberately obtuse.

With a tighter border policy we could have avoided the past two lockdowns. And yet many argued for a more relaxed border policy - mostly basing their arguments on bogus economics.

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28 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Well, let's say an educated estimate, which is fine, but instead of waffling, why not just say, this figure is at 3.45, there are still x amount of tests to confirm (whatever that really means) and on past experience, it is likely that y% of those will be positive, so we are estimating a daily total of z.

That does beg the question of which test belongs to which day, but it is really easy to be open and it does build confidence. 

As for Dr Ewart, having seen the video, there is the additional context of body language, but the point PM was making remains, if someone is unusually unwell  isn't it better to assume it may be covid and test rather than say, well that would just use up resource, and so really lock down the transmission?  


Allegedly Mr Moults friend deliberately misled the 111 operative to get a test. Even although it was positive they should be charged for the test.

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4 minutes ago, madmanxpilot said:

110 cases today.

Screen Shot 2021-03-08 at 20.27.35.png

Note that the number of tests and awaiting results is exactly the same, but the number of cases has almost doubled.  There's no way they can pretend this is anything except fiddling the figures - effectively negative results have turned into positive ones.

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25 minutes ago, Manx Yeller said:

Sigh, All I'm simply asking for is an explanation of how they came up with the figure. That's all.

Are you too lazy to listen to the clip that I’ve linked to twice then? If you listen the answer is totally clear and unambiguous and supplied by David Ashford himself. From 39:50 onwards in the above link. 

Edited by CowMan
Added David Assfood
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