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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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I’m not sure why everyone is getting so hung up on numbers?

It’s here & we could argue it’s never gone away.

The important thing is the vaccination rollout & getting all +50’s & vulnerable done so we can move on.

The mortality figures from this outbreak will be telling in regards under 70’s.

Many people have argued consistently that there had to be a way to shield & protect the elderly & high risks groups whilst the majority of the population cracked on.

We’ll see & history will judge.

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1 hour ago, CowMan said:

FFS if you can’t even listen to a 2 minute sound clip of the actual conversation that’s your problem not mine. I’ve posted the clip up three times now but it seems that the agenda on this forum doesn’t really like inconvenient facts in amongst the made up bullshit.

I get it. Everyone was looking for a big number to match the doom agenda. They’d have got the 110 (verified full day) actual number at 8:00pm anyway but Ashford was clear the 56 was the only verified number they had as at 3:45pm but that number would go up by close of business. He also admitted they were changing the reporting system so that it could be more up to date in future.

Jesus Fucking Christ, I always said I wouldn’t get drawn in to ‘debating’ with dunces on here and yet here I am.

You have got laser precision focus on one tiny element of this and have lost sight (or never had sight) of the bigger picture.

I couldn’t give a fuck if the daily new cases figure (note, this is generally singular and not plural) is 1000 or is even lower than your IQ. There’s nothing really we can do at this stage other than stay at home, follow the instructions, and take care. It is almost entirely out of our control.

The issues that other, smarter, people have are as follows:-

There should only really be one set of figures each day, it’s sort of traditional at this point.

If you are providing interim figures to the public press briefing, explain that they are interim as they have never been interim before and no one would expect them to be interim now.

If you have other figures that you have already provided elsewhere that are almost double the other figures then perhaps mention that fact and that there will be an ‘adjustment’ upwards later.

As we have already said, at length, one of the reasons for this problem is the random way they appear to be closing out the days figures. With a fixed end time each day this would not occur.

As Roger has explained, they clearly knew what the figures were, bar a cheeky little ‘adjustment’.

Now, I don’t think there is a grand conspiracy here, let’s be honest they can’t even stick some some new slides in the swimming pool, but it’s a mixture of general incompetence and some obfuscation to suit their current needs.

And that is why I, and clearly others, have no confidence whatsoever in the validity of these figures anymore.

Edited by reptar
Spelling ;-)
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17 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

I’m not sure why everyone is getting so hung up on numbers?

It’s here & we could argue it’s never gone away.

The important thing is the vaccination rollout & getting all +50’s & vulnerable done so we can move on.

The mortality figures from this outbreak will be telling in regards under 70’s.

Many people have argued consistently that there had to be a way to shield & protect the elderly & high risks groups whilst the majority of the population cracked on.

We’ll see & history will judge.

Yeah, it’s an absolute mystery why, all of a sudden, ‘everyone is getting so hung up on numbers’.

Or, maybe, it’s the only solid indicator of the current situation and has been for the past year. All we have is the number, all of the rest is the spin, bullshit, and mumbling and bumbling from the podium.

It’s also what the government use to help decide if we need to tighten or relax restrictions. So yeah, people do reckon it’s actually quite important and worth getting right.

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Well, I've just been tested and can't compliment the process enough. 

I was called on Sunday night about 9pm and told I had been in close contact with someone in an enclosed room for more than 15 mins on Monday 1st March who has since tested positive.  They don't tell you exactly who or where, I'm assuming to avoid any witch hunts.

Yesterday lunchtime I had the test.  10 minute queue.  The 'swabbers' were remarkably cheery and friendly.  The swabbing was unpleasant but not as horrendous as many would have you believe. 

At midnight I received the test result.  Negative luckily. 

Just over a 24hr turnaround and all in all a fairly easy process is pretty good in my books. 

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In the end what this boils down to is the confidence we have in our leadership to manage what is a national crisis. The last few years have seen nothing but mismanegment in almost every sphere, which we are sincerely hoping has not, and will not, spill over into a scenario which potentially affects every one of us. We need leadership,cogent thinking and speedy action. None of what I have seen so far fills me with confidence that the people delivering this actually have any of that.


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2 minutes ago, reptar said:

Jesus Fucking Christ, I always said I wouldn’t get drawn in to ‘debating’ with dunces on here and yet here I am.

You seem to have woken up quite angry. Are you ok?

You also seem to be getting confused in all of this by just wanting to attack a poster as a primary objective. Making stuff up to fit an agenda when there is a clear sound clip online of what was actually said is what I disagree with. That’s all. I’ve already said Ashford is totally out of his depth. He’s also supported by two departments which are totally out of their depth (DHSC and Cabinet Office) but he said what he said. It was unambiguous. A lot of this is general bungling, crappy systems, and incompetence not some vast conspiracy to mislead the public. 

So much time is being spent forensically picking holes in tiny differences in reported numbers when so much other stuff is more important like:

When will the SPC investigation start?

Why aren’t the police involved with that investigation?

Did the schools have confirmed cases a week before an outbreak was confirmed.

Was the initial school outbreak covered up as it linked to the SPC?

Personally I don’t care about small differences in numbers at all because while people are forensically focusing upon the minutiae of all that they’re getting away with widespread ass covering on major failings which have cost this island and its residents millions in lost income and put several people in hospital.  


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5 minutes ago, The Phantom said:

Well, I've just been tested and can't compliment the process enough. 

I was called on Sunday night about 9pm and told I had been in close contact with someone in an enclosed room for more than 15 mins on Monday 1st March who has since tested positive.  They don't tell you exactly who or where, I'm assuming to avoid any witch hunts.

Yesterday lunchtime I had the test.  10 minute queue.  The 'swabbers' were remarkably cheery and friendly.  The swabbing was unpleasant but not as horrendous as many would have you believe. 

At midnight I received the test result.  Negative luckily. 

Just over a 24hr turnaround and all in all a fairly easy process is pretty good in my books. 

Do you still have to isolate or are you free now to go about your business?

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8 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

He (HQ) is giving his big roadmap speech tomorrow isn't he? 



"When will we be ready to pivot from an approach of local elimination to one of living with the virus?"

That's going to be more of a pirouette than a pivot, after months of grandstanding, claiming credit for Mannannin's Cloak (ok the sea) keeping the Island COVID free, absence of compassion and stirring up hatred towards perceived transgressors of the elimination at all costs policy.


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1 minute ago, Declan said:

"When will we be ready to pivot from an approach of local elimination to one of living with the virus?"

That's going to be more of a pirouette than a pivot, after months of grandstanding, claiming credit for Mannannin's Cloak (ok the sea) keeping the Island COVID free, absence of compassion and stirring up hatred towards perceived transgressors of the elimination at all costs policy.


Kate Lord-Brennan has Tweeted highlighting that this matter isn’t on the Tynwald Order paper and setting out the difference between behind closed doors briefings and public debate in the Tynwald chamber. She takes issue with MR parroting Quayle’s remarks which may not be the whole truth. She falls short of castigating our opaque and unreliable government but one senses that she’d like to.

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3 minutes ago, CowMan said:

You seem to have woken up quite angry. Are you ok?

You also seem to be getting confused in all of this by just wanting to attack a poster as a primary objective. Making stuff up to fit an agenda when there is a clear sound clip online of what was actually said is what I disagree with. That’s all. I’ve already said Ashford is totally out of his depth. He’s also supported by two departments which are totally out of their depth (DHSC and Cabinet Office) but he said what he said. It was unambiguous. A lot of this is general bungling, crappy systems, and incompetence not some vast conspiracy to mislead the public. 

So much time is being spent forensically picking holes in tiny differences in reported numbers when so much other stuff is more important like:

When will the SPC investigation start?

Why aren’t the police involved with that investigation?

Did the schools have confirmed cases a week before an outbreak was confirmed.

Was the initial school outbreak covered up as it linked to the SPC?

Personally I don’t care about small differences in numbers at all because while people are forensically focusing upon the minutiae of all that they’re getting away with widespread ass covering on major failings which have cost this island and its residents millions in lost income and put several people in hospital.  


I’m all good, thanks.

You keep banging on about the audio clip, we know about it and we’ve heard it. 

These are not tiny differences, the difference between the two figures is almost 100%.

The figures are important.

Everything else you say is bang on, although I would suggest that we are unlikely to see any progress on any of those other issues you rightly mention when they are basically making up the numbers.

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9 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

Do you still have to isolate or are you free now to go about your business?

I still have to isolate.  

Monday 1st would have been my exposure, 0 days. 

Yesterday would have been 7 days.

I have another test on sunday 14 days.  If that is negative, i'm free.

You have to isolate for 14 days from exposure, but if you don't know you've been exposed for 6 days, that still counts it seems.  So ultimately, luckily I only have to isolate for 8 days. 

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