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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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2 hours ago, Holte End said:

Surely track and trace will be complete in two weeks and there will be no need to extend lockdown.

Most areas will be low risk by then and we will all be allowed to mix.

Unless they are saying their pervious measures were completely wrong.

That was the problem, the measures at the border were pervious 😏

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I know for a fact of two people who were close contacts (not same household) of positive cases recently who’ve tried 111 a few times to ask for a test as they were feeling symptoms & both have been told to self isolate - no test date ... well over a week now.

I’m not suggesting for a moment they are trying to manipulate case numbers but more effort needs to be made to get people tested no matter how labour intensive & arduous the process is.

I honestly don’t believe we are getting a true picture of the numbers infected on this Island.

PS - I’m also convinced the virus has been circulating for months but the lack of surveillance testing ensured it was damped down.


Edited by Nom de plume
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12 hours ago, Newbie said:

Is it really quicker and easier to administer? The Pfizer vaccine has to be stored at minus 70, but once a tray is defrosted, it can be stored in a normal vaccine fridge for 5 days. Both vaccines come in multidose vials. Once defrosted I can't see that there would be much difference.

I would imagine it's slightly easier and quicker.  With Pfizer you have to be very exact about the amount you inject if you want to get the maximum six doses out of a vial, which in turn means you have to be exact about dilution as well. 

And with Pfizer, recipients are supposed to be under supervision for 15 minutes after injection  before leaving.  For AZ the only limitation is not driving for 15 minutes afterwards (as for any vaccination) so people can leave straight away to be driven off or sit in their car.  This must free up space and staff from supervision.

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12 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

I would imagine it's slightly easier and quicker.  With Pfizer you have to be very exact about the amount you inject if you want to get the maximum six doses out of a vial, which in turn means you have to be exact about dilution as well. 

And with Pfizer, recipients are supposed to be under supervision for 15 minutes after injection  before leaving.  For AZ the only limitation is not driving for 15 minutes afterwards (as for any vaccination) so people can leave straight away to be driven off or sit in their car.  This must free up space and staff from supervision.

I am not convinced by the doses argument. The Pfizer vaccine multidose vial contains 2ml of liquid once diluted and the dose is 0.3ml (hence the ability to get 6 doses out of a vial originally intended to deliver 5 doses). The AZ vaccine is supplied in vials of either 4ml (8 doses) or 5ml (10 doses) and the dose is 0.5ml, so if anything, you would have to be more exact with the AZ vaccine to get the maximum amount of doses.

I take your point about the observation, but it doesn't stop the vaccinators moving on to the next patient. Observation, such as it is, doesn't have to be undertaken by the vaccinators.

It seems to me there are 2 issues.

The first is a desire to deliver as many first doses as possible as early as possible in line with the evidence. In order for this to work, they have to concentrate on the vaccine with the longer dosing interval i.e the AZ vaccine. There was a report on here that the Pfizer vaccine dosage interval had also been increased, but I haven't seen any official announcement, and the publicised cases of people being turned away from Chester Street for their second doses have had them re-booked for tomorrow (according to the news report) rather than delayed to 8 weeks or whatever. 

The second issue is that they don't deliver different brands of vaccine at the same hub on the same day. I daresay that does make the process more efficient as there is only one vaccine to deal with, as well as removing the possibility of human error and the wrong vaccine being given to someone as a second dose, so it is understandable.

I don't think it has anything to do with ease of delivery or hitting targets specifically.

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8 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Another day with no briefing following Mondays tempestuous affair. I had expected them to try something to take the heat off, maybe drag Alf Infront of the cameras, instead there is some fluffy escape plan 'debate' going out later. 

I suppose if there's little in the way of developments other than regurgitating numbers there's little point but you're right that after Monday's event you'd think they'd want to smooth past it

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16 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Another day with no briefing following Mondays tempestuous affair. I had expected them to try something to take the heat off, maybe drag Alf Infront of the cameras, instead there is some fluffy escape plan 'debate' going out later. 

I'd imagine Alf will be busy wrestling with the fiscal implications of this lockdown plus any potential extension; though he might just be keeping his powder dry too with an eye on the election and the CM-ship?

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2 hours ago, Chef Raekwon said:

See that's more like what a 'Karen' actually is. A very specific type of middle class woman who thrives on "speaking to the manager".

But on here people seem to use it as a term for describing the morons on facebook spreading false info and panicking about everything.  STOP GETTING KARENS WRONG FFS.

The confusion is because there are two different Karens.  American Karen is the Karen you describe, whereas British Karen is the loudmouth on Facebook.  This because of class differences.  In the US, Karen was seen as an upper middle-class / professional type name as it has Scandinavian associations there,  when it peaked in popularity in the 50s and early 60s (using the SSA website):


So in America the typical Karen will be a woman in her late 50s/ early 60s from an affluent background and with all the confidence and entitlement that brings.  Very much a "I demand to speak to your manager" type.

In Britain the name peaked slightly later in the mid to late 60s:


and it was clearly influenced by its popularity in the US.  As an American name it would be seen as slightly vulgar by the English professional classes[1], so it was mostly given to girls in working class and lower middle class families.  The stereotype that becomes associated with it is different and less well-educated.

Just a name, but it tells you a lot about class, generational differences, use of social media and of course sexism.  Where are the male equivalents?  Men aren't exactly shy about using social media or asking to speak to the manager.


[1]  Associations may be different again for Scotland where the name is popular.

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12 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Where are the male equivalents?  Men aren't exactly shy about using social media or asking to speak to the manager.

"Disgusted, of Tunbridge Wells" never really needed a name - or a sex, come to that. These days, you're probably committing some sort of mis-gendering crime just by using the words male and men.

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