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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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It's still getting passed around on the SP. A worked had a (now) routine test yesterday, got the positive result this morning. Not been anywhere for several weeks other than work and home and had a negative result at last routine test. Reliable source. 

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22 minutes ago, pongo said:

No you're wrong. Provided we keep the borders largely closed until everyone has been vaccinated. And lockdowns if it gets through.

People are much too impatient about opening up early. 

Obviously finished helping Mark Lewin with his exit strategy broadcast so thought you’d come on here with some government is great shit!!

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2 minutes ago, Banker said:

Obviously finished helping Mark Lewin with his exit strategy broadcast so thought you’d come on here with some government is great shit!!

No I've been deep in volatility all day. Aren't the markets brilliant?

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28 minutes ago, pongo said:

It was and remains a sensible policy. Despite the sweary Karens.

AFAIK that was the failed UK policy. The island consciously wasn't following that policy and quite right too. We were far more looking to what was working in Faroes, Iceland and New Zealand. I'm pleased that we were but disappointed that it has gone wrong. 

It was failed, but it was the policy and the island was following it.  However,  it transmuted into elimination.  It worked and we are all pleased it did, it gave us a breathing space of 6 months. 

But it also gave IOMG a breathing space to prepare for what everyone accepted would be the inevitable return.  During that time, rather then set up a robust response (dare I say using local specialist knowledge, good IT systems and checking the possible leaks) for when it did return, we managed to set up cumbersome processes, expensive hubs whilst ignoring the very chink in the armour that would bring it back in. 

I am not government bashing for the sake of it and I understand, as most do, that this was an entirely novel situation, there was no manual and mistakes could be expected.  But just like you, I am disappointed,  not scared, but so disillusioned that the 'golden' six months was wasted because of hubris and arrogance, all the time forgetting that this is a battle against a massive force that really doesn't care if you have an MBE, a sweet smile or a strongly worded post on a website. 

Humility may have won this battle, and if there was a little more perhaps we could yet win the war. 

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Just now, Banker said:

I actually think it will get very awkward now as lots of people are pissed off. They can’t do the whole beat the public into submission piece again now they’ve screwed up over the SPC. The Chief Constable clearly thinks he’s been fucked over too and seems to have no appetite to bring his officers out in force. The roads were really busy today. Literally nobody cares and is just cracking on. Even the Islands nosy bastards have largely given up wasting police time as they feel cheated. Nobody has any moral authority to demand anything from any of us anymore so I think the next few weeks will get interesting now. 

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36 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Doesn't work I'm afraid.  There were only about  35 active cases a fortnight ago., which doesn't make much dent in that 498.  And frankly I'm not sure they're organised enough at the moment to be offering 13 day tests to those recovering.

I see what you mean, but they always say that further testing will be offered when they announce the number of positive tests, and if that is the case, it is not just the people who tested positive 2 weeks ago that will be waiting for day 13 testing, it is all of the people who have tested positive since then. They will be due them at some point and will be on the list

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47 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:


Not so I'm afraid, it's a function of fewer tests being done:



108 (not 110, they lied)/760



it's fairly consistently 13-14% positive each day.

Correct, but the total number of daily tests also peaked. Today is a possible exception.

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Just now, Banker said:

Only people happy are ones like you on government payroll 

We've already established that I don't work for govt in any sense and am off to the right of Mrs Thatcher on economics (as we learned when you were daftly trying to defend trade unions and the old fashioned state run Post Office against modern working practices and the right of people to do what the heck they want). 

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