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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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7 hours ago, woolley said:

I see some are moaning now that only two hours notice has been given. Too slow before. Too quick now. Never happy.

Although the UK government has mishandled all this from day one, and is still pumping out contradictory and confusing messages, what’s at the heart of Covid in the UK now is the vast number of stupid/thoughtless/selfish twats disregarding necessary and reasonable controls.

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8 minutes ago, Uhtred said:

Although the UK government has mishandled all this from day one, and is still pumping out contradictory and confusing messages, what’s at the heart of Covid in the UK now is the vast number of stupid/thoughtless/selfish twats disregarding necessary and reasonable controls.

Couldn’t agree more.

I’m in a WhatsApp group with around 20 UK based persons from my University days (all professionals & who I considered intelligent beings).

I called out the UK public at large in the group for disregarding SD / lockdown measures some time ago (Black Lives Matter rallies, South Coast beach madness, Liverpool title celebrations, etc etc) and almost to a person the response was ... 
They (the UK Gov) were dreaming if they believed they could lock down our cities. 


Edited by Nom de plume
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6 minutes ago, Uhtred said:

Although the UK government has mishandled all this from day one, and is still pumping out contradictory and confusing messages, what’s at the heart of Covid in the UK now is the vast number of stupid/thoughtless/selfish twats disregarding necessary and reasonable controls.

The UK hotspots do seem limited to areas of High multiple occupancy areas and at least they are taking decisive action to stop spreading.

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18 minutes ago, Banker said:

The UK hotspots do seem limited to areas of High multiple occupancy areas and at least they are taking decisive action to stop spreading.

Right on the EiD celebrations too. They can’t say they are targeting these restrictions on certain groups but they clearly are. How many non Muslims will likely be having 20 people from other households over for a house party house the EID weekend? 

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25 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Some interesting results although small numbers completed at 857. Mostly 70+, female, poor health & low income wanted borders remained closed.

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3 minutes ago, Banker said:

Some interesting results although small numbers completed at 857. Mostly 70+, female, poor health & low income wanted borders remained closed.

What was interesting was that a majority of the young also wanted closed borders. Just not middle aged, Higher income, male, white privileged.

Now you see the results and analysis I hope people understand the detail of the survey design, especially that final section of alternative scenarios, and how it allowed extrapolation.

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44 minutes ago, Banker said:

Some interesting results although small numbers completed at 857. Mostly 70+, female, poor health & low income wanted borders remained closed.

It pretty much says all those who don’t need to rely on continuing employment support the border being closed.

70+ (on a pension) 

female (possibly not main earner or working part time)

Under 30 (renting or living at home) 

Poor health (might not be working anyway) 

Low income (getting paid by gov subsidized employer or on benefits) 

Plus most of that group admit they were the most scared and traumatized by lockdown anyway as more than half of all respondents had experienced anxiety mental health and relationship issues. 



Edited by thesultanofsheight
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9 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

Fun times


Edit - you back in lockdown @P.K.?


9 hours ago, woolley said:

I see some are moaning now that only two hours notice has been given. Too slow before. Too quick now. Never happy.

No lockdown as I think we are just outside the areas involved. But we have been receiving leaflets over the last few days about how strictly observing the rules is the only way to avoid another lockdown. So we'll have to check exactly where we are to make sure. However it seems to be mainly in areas of poor housing, the classic terraces of which there is a great deal in the old mill towns.

We found out about it via Newsnight last night, which was a bit of a surprise as I can't stand that Barnett woman. Anyway, like everyone else, they didn't have the faintest idea what it actually meant. This level of confusion comes about when useless governments like ours make up policy on the hoof.

Had a blast on the rifle range on Weds for the first time since February. Great fun but had to fix bayonets to ensure social distancing rules were obeyed. No doubt it is now closed again while they figure out what the rules mean.

Fortunately this years fishing trip with the chaps is in the smug and silver south.

As Owain says every evening - "Keep safe everyone...."

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4 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Anyone returning from holiday etc. that shares a household - All in such households should be required to isolate.

This is a dangerous weak link that will lead to a large second wave.

In your opinion as one of the keep borders closed brigade .fortunately opinion not shared by the medics & others making decisions .

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20 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

But anyone who knows the City will tell you that the streets have always been empty early in the morning, from about 7 pm onwards in the evenings and all day at weekends.  Like most business districts are, because hardly anyone lives there.  The fact they've needed to install effectively wider pavements for social distancing suggests at other times it's quite busy.  That someone is jogging suggests its early morning or evening and that the Telegraph just waited til an attractive young lady in tight clothing appeared, so as to keep its core audience of elderly perverts happy.


23 hours ago, Filippo said:

By the way, below is a place where life isn’t normal right now: that is the corner of Cheapside/Poultry St facing the Bank of England this morning; just saw the pic on the Telegraph and it made me gulp. Have been hanging about there thousands times; during my lunch breaks; as a young, hungry man; at that stage of my life. Normally one of the busiest thoroughfares, it is seems to be all wasteland right now. I could not help attaching it. I hate every bit of the lockdown. Pussy Britain.



That is not any place of the so called City. It is the corner with the Bank of England. Precisely, that shot is taken immediately at the main (there are four) exit of Bank tube station with your back to the BOE.

During normal times, that place would be so devoid of cars on a weekend or bank holiday when England is playing… and no other occasion you can rest assured. During normal weekdays, at any time of the day, 5 am to night, there would be plenty of traffic and plenty of pedestrians moving around, no stop.

It is possible for the Telegraph, or any other newspapers, to be biased or misrepresenting, sure. However, we know that central London, not just the City, looks like it went through an extinction level event right now. We know it from plenty of other sources.

I haven’t been there since the 10th of March, when I moved back to the island. Thus, I cannot confirm it personally. But you can read about it from plenty of other sources.

It is great to have a semblance of normal life on the island at this moment. But the border cannot stay closed indefinitely. There will have to be some kind of resolution.


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4 hours ago, Uhtred said:

Although the UK government has mishandled all this from day one, and is still pumping out contradictory and confusing messages, what’s at the heart of Covid in the UK now is the vast number of stupid/thoughtless/selfish twats disregarding necessary and reasonable controls.

Quite so.

If you fail to take into account the Great British Public Fuckwit Factor then your policies are doomed.

I see Bournemouth's Finest are putting a cordon around the beach. This is despite massive MSM condemnation of the previous fiasco where droves of idiots descended on the resort to top off their viral load.

Still, no doubt Bozo will carry on relying on "The good solid common sense of the British people"

What a twat.

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